Shot List Opening Sequence

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Shot List

1. - C/U, high angle, gradual zoom out, of toaster as toast is finished
2. C/U, Dad takes it out
3. - Mid Shot, puts toast on plate
4. - Over the shoulder Shot, high angle, makes way to table and sits down
5. - C/U Spreading butter on toast
6. high angle (camera underneath glass), pouring juice into a glass
7. C/U takes bite of toast
8. Over the shoulder Focus pull from Dad to newspaper on table
9. Mid Shot, Dad turns attention to newspaper
10. C/U, hands picking up newspaper
11.- Mid Shot, opens newspaper to browse contents
12.Mid/Side Shot, Abi putting bag upon shoulder
13. E/C/U, high angle, hand on door handle
14. Mid Shot, Dad looks up at the sound of Abi Im heading out now.
15. Over the shoulder Shot, Dad turns in chair, waves goodbye okay.
16.- Wide Shot, front door closing
17. C/U, door locking
18. Wide Shot, Dad turns back to newspaper
19.- C/U, hands stop flickering through the pages
20. C/U, Dads eyes slightly shocked in concern
21. Over the Shoulder, focus pull, Dad to newspaper
22. Wide Shot, reveals newspaper article
23. Gradual zoom into the newspaper image of the woods (match on 1)
24. Establishing shot, teen protagonists walk into shot, entering woods
(match on 2)
25. Wide Shot, teens stop at woods
26.- Side Shot, low angle, Abi and Ellie looking up at woods, Grace walks into
27. E/C/U, Graces hand letting go of bag (match on 1)
28.- C/U, bag falls to ground (match on 2)
29.- Mid Shot, Grace Well, here we are.
30. Side Shot, Abi looks up at woods (match on 1)
31.- Wide Shot, tilt up, woods, Ellie sighs
32.- Mid Shot, Ellie Its too early
33.- Head and shoulder shot, Grace with distasteful expression (turns to face
34. C/U, of feet, Abi walking ahead of the group
35.- Mid shot, Abi ahead of the others, Come on guys, this is supposed to be
fun , looks back to group, camera turns with action (match on 1)
36.- Wide Shot, Ellie and Grace still hesitant, (match on 2)
37.- Mid shot, Grace pulls bag back upon shoulder, walks out of shot,
following Abi
38. Side Shot, Ellie follows suit
39.- Wide Shot, slight high angle, Abi, Ellie Grace walking through the woods
40. Point of view Shot, handheld, from behind a tree

41.- Side shot, Ellie rummages through bag

42.- Mid Shot, Ellie gets out camera, starts taking pictures
43.- long Shot, slight high angle, Grace searching pockets
44. Reaction Shot Grace looks up, Crap! Guys, I forgot my phone.
45.- Mid shot, Ellie Youll live.
46.- Wide shot, Ellie and Grace, Grace Yeah but-, Abi interrupts Guys!
47.- Reaction Shot, Ellie and Grace both look towards Abi
48.- Mid Shot, Abi Were almost there. Abi points towards clearing (match
on 1)
49.- Wide/ Establishing Shot, small clearing within the woods (match on 2)
50.- Wide Shot, Ellie and Grace stand either side of Abi
51.- Head and shoulders, Ellie observes surroundings (match on 1)
52.- Wide/ Establishing Shot, panning, of new surroundings (match on 2)
53.- Wide Shot, Abi puts down bags
54. - Wide Shot, Ellie and Grace begin to work
55.- Mid Shot, high angle, Ellie with camera, taking pictures of trees
56.- Over the Shoulder Shot, Grace with sketchpad drawing plant life
57.- Head and Shoulder, Grace dissatisfied with surroundings, Argh, this is
58.- Long shot, Grace turns to Ellie Im gonna go see whats further in.
59.- Mid/Side shot, Ellie preoccupied taking photos, k, whatever.
60.- Mid Shot, Abi, unaware of Grace leaving
61.- Wide Shot, high angle, Grace wondering deeper into woods
62.- Head and Shoulders Shot, Grace hears phone vibrating
63.- Wide Shot, pan of surroundings, Grace searching for the source of sound
64.- C/U, phone beneath leaves
65.- Mid Shot, Grace falls to knees
66.- C/U, Grace pushes away leaves to reveal a phone
67.- Head and shoulder Shot, grace intrigued
68.- C/U, observes phone in hand, turn it over to reveal blood
69.- Reaction Shot, Grace screams
70.- Wide shot, low angle, Grace shuffles back in fear, What the-?
71.- Long shot, Grace attempts to wipe hands clean on clothes
72.- Mid Shot, Ellie hears Grace
73.- Head and shoulder Shot, Ellie rolls eyes and decides to ignore her
74.- Mid Shot, looks through photos
75. Over the shoulder Shot, Ellie flicking through photos
76. C/U of camera
77.- Mid shot, Ellie stops in her actions
78.- Reaction shot, eyes widen as she notices something odd
79.- Wide shot, Abi working, Ellie Hey Abi?
80.- Reaction Shot, Abi looks up
81.- Two Shot, Abi approaches Ellie, Look at this. Shows Abi the photo.
82.- Mid Shot, pans down from Ellies expectant expression to camera in
Abis hands
83.- C/U, photo
84.- C/U, Abi straining to see any relevance with the photo
85. Head and shoulder shot, Abi I dont see-
86. C/U, camera, Abi zooms in
87.- C/U, eyes widen intrigued/fearful
88.- Two Shot, Abi What is that?
89.- Two Shot, Ellie and Abi hear someone approaching, both turn to source
90.- Wide Shot, Grace runs into view, towards group (towards camera)
91.- Mid/Two Shot, Ellie and Abi confused and awaiting Graces next words

92.- Mid Shot, Grace II-there was a phone!

93.- Two Shot, Ellie Wow How thrilling for you!
94.- Head and Shoulder Shot, Abi gives Ellie a disapproving look, turns back
to Grace Where did you see it?
95.- Long Shot, hand held camera (connotes fear/trembling status), Grace
Nono, the ph-phone had blood on it, like blood on it. Proper bloody
96.- Reaction shot, Ellie rolls eyes, Argh Never mind that, check this out!
97.- Wide Shot, Abi looks from Grace to Ellie
98.- Mid Shot, Grace No, no listen to me please, there was-
99.- Wide Shot, Ellie Oh stop Grace, theres no phone out there-
Head and Shoulder Shot, Ellie irritated, -youre just attention
Wide Shot, group stands in silence
Two Shot, Abi looks from Ellie to Grace worried
Mid Shot, Grace Fine! Ill go down and get it then, runs back the
she came
- Mid/ Side Shot, Abi Grace! No wait!
- Two Shot, Abi You happy now?
- Mid Shot, Ellie Ah, shes just exaggerating for attention.
- Head and Shoulder/ Mid Shot, Abi looks towards Graces path
(match on 1)
- Wide Shot, gradual zoom into the woods (the path that Grace
- Wide Shot, low angle (point of view of phone), Grace enters
- Point of view/ Wide Shot, hand held camera behind tree, the killer
watching Grace
- Side/ Mid Shot, Grace hesitantly approaches phone
- Mid Shot, high angle, Grace looks at phone, reflection comes into
C/U, high angle, reflections of Grace and killer within the phone
Reaction Shot, Grace shocked
- Wide Shot, Abi and Ellie hear Grace scream
Two Shot, both share a glance
- Mid Shot, Abi concerned, Ellie slightly sceptical
- Side/Wide Shot, Abi begins to head towards Grace, stops when
looks over her shoulder
- Long Shot, Ellie avoiding gaze
- C/U, grip tightens on camera
Mid Shot, Ellie meets Abis gaze, Fine then.
Reaction shot, Abi smiles Thanks.
- Wide Shot, both run in Graces direction, disappears through the
- Two/Side Shot, both running through woods
- C/U something catches Ellies eye
- Wide Shot, the killer seen standing behind a tree as Abi and Ellie
run past
Reaction Shot, Ellie gasps
Mid Shot, Ellie looks back
- Mid Shot, the killer is gone
- Head and shoulder Shot, Ellie confused/concerned, Abi-


- Mid Shot, Abi concerned Come on! Weve got to go!

- Wide Shot, Abi and Ellie enter clearing
- Two/ reaction Shot, both come to a halt, shocked
- Reaction Shot, Ellie whispers Oh my God
- C/U, Ellie lets go of camera (match on 1)
- C/U, camera falls to ground (match on 2)
- Mid Shot, Abi falls to knees in shock
- Wide Shot, Grace dead on ground
- C/U, phone is Graces hand, bloodied and forgotten
- Reaction Shot, Abi Grace
- Wide Shot, high angle, screams Grace!
- Wide shot, focus pull to Ellie still in shock and Abi hopelessly
to revive Grace, Gradual zoom to camera on ground
C/U, camera on ground
C/U, photo of the killer revealed
Transition, cut to black

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