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Capitalism is an economic system and a mode of production in which trade, industries, and the
means of production are largely or entirely privately owned. Private firms and proprietorships
usually operate in order to generate profit, but may operate as private nonprofit organizations.
Central characteristics of capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labour
and, in some situations, fully competitive markets. In a capitalist economy, the parties to a
transaction typically determine the prices at which they exchange assets, goods, and services.
The degree of competition, the role of intervention and regulation, and the scope of state
ownership vary across different models of capitalism. Economists, political economists, and
historians have adopted different perspectives in their analyses of capitalism and have recognized
various forms of it in practice. These include laissez-faire or free market capitalism, welfare
capitalism, crony capitalism, corporatism, "third way" social democracy and state capitalism.
Each model has employed varying degrees of dependency on free markets, public ownership,
obstacles to free competition, and inclusion of state-sanctioned social policies

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