Reflection Assignment

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Reflection Assignment

Main Premise:
In your final piece of writing for this course, you will reflect on both your remediation project and your progress
throughout the semester. For the first part, you will describe your process and explain the decisions you made in
creating your remediation project. For the second part, consider what you have learned and improved on in your
thinking, reading, and writing throughout this course as a whole.
Getting Started on Part One: Remediation Reflection
In this first section, answer any or all of the following questions to clarify and defend the choices that you made
in creating the remediation project. Your project and this reflection should demonstrate very careful and
purposeful decision-making on your part.
Why did you choose the medium you did? What benefits do you see in pairing that particular medium
with the essay you chose?
How did you approach using the content of the essay? Did you focus on one main point or section? Did
you look at the overall idea? What did you change, ignore, or add to the content of the essay in making
your new product and why?
What difficulties did you come across in creating this project? How did you overcome those
What other choices did you make in creating the project that might be useful for understanding your
product and your process?
Getting Started on Part Two: Semester Reflection
Think about the following questions as you reflect on the semester overall. You are not required to answer all of
the questions, but you must at least address the underlined questions. Be honest and candid in your responses.
Your reflection should genuinely reflect on where you see yourself at this point as a scholar.
What have you learned about reading critically and/or writing academically this semester?
What has been most difficult; what have you struggled with?
What strengths have you discovered in your reading and/or writing skills?
In what areas have you improved as a reader, writer, and/or thinker? (describe specific skills/examples)
How do you think certain skills discussed in this class will help you as you continue your college career?
Task Requirements:
Your reflection should be 2-4 pages long (2 full pages minimumat least one page for each part)
Times New Roman, 12 pt. font
1-inch margins (no extra spacing)
2 sections: use a heading to identify each one
Deadlines and Dates:
Conferences: Mon. Nov. 30-Wed. Dec. 2
Workshop/Peer Review: Fri. Dec. 4
Final Draft Due: Wed. Dec. 9th before 9 AM on Blackboard

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