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Audience Categories


Group A

Group A consist of high-paid professionals, lawyers, high-end doctors and

scientists tend to be the sorts of people in this group.

The lifestyle these people lead would be very busy, not having a lot of time in
the day to relax and catch up on world events other than in the morning
before they leave for work. Or maybe in a short break in the middle of the day.
They would then end the day by going to the gym rather than the pub before
going home to quickly eat then get to sleep for the next day.

The sorts of media products this group would keep up with would most likely be
newspapers. This is because it is the traditional way to keep up to date and
the people in group A would enjoy the traditional way of doing things rather
than looking on the internet. Not only would they keep up with this platform
but also radio. For example on the way to work with the radio on in the
background. This is based on practicality. It is practical for the people in group
A to listen to the radio on the way to work.

Group A continued

In terms of TV interests, the people in group A would most likely watch the BBC,
for example BBC news. This is because the BBC have a trusted, slightly highend reputation which would fit the desires of this group. They wouldnt really
have time to watch shows in the day unlike in group E. Therefore the news in
the morning would be the best way to keep updated on the important news.
This group would have more of a niche interest in television rather than sitting
down to watch Friends.

In terms of radio preferences I doubt they would listen to a radio station such
as capital which just plays music with the odd bit of news. It would most likely
be again a BBC broadcast. BBC 1, 3 or 4. This is because these radio stations
do a lot of talking and discussions on what is going on at the moment which
would fit to group As interests a lot more than listening to chart hits.

Group A continued

The news is quite an important part when it comes to group A. This is

because it fits to their interests. The sorts of news they would consume
would be international news rather than celebrity news. This is because
group A are a lot older than group E for example so their interests differ.
Group A would enjoy the more sophisticated real world issues rather
than who wore a dress best at the VMAs.

They would most likely consume this news on the TV and in newspapers.
This is the more traditional way to view news rather than on the internet.

With this group not having a lot of time to spare during the day the
morning would be their peak time to catch up on media & news etc.
Perhaps on the way to work in the car or quickly over a cup of tea before
they go to work.

Group B

This group consists of people in middle management, teachers and relatively well-paid

The sort of lifestyle these people would lead would still be busy, but not as busy as group
A. These sorts of people would be leaving at a relatively reasonable time in the morning,
say 7:30 allowing them more time than the people in group A.

They would most likely consume their media through a wider range of platforms. They
would not only read the newspaper but would also watch it on the TV as well as
consume via the internet. This is because they still enjoy the traditional sit down and read
the paper however they have a little bit of time to explore further on the internet if they
wish to.

In terms of TV preferences they would probably be quite a mass audience enjoying

popular TV shows. Such as soaps. This is because they have the time to. By the time they
are home at about 6 that is there time to relax or continue a bit of work. With soaps
being aired at between 6-8 this is prime time for group B to relax and wind down.

Group B continued

The sorts of radio stations this group would listen to would most likely be a show like, Heart.
This is because this radio station has a good balance of music and discussion.

In terms of news the sorts of news group B would consume varies. They enjoy the
international serious news, however they also enjoy the less serious, celebrity sort of news.
They wouldnt necessarily keep up to date with this but they do enjoy hearing about it.
On the other hand they would keep up to date with the international news. The sorts of
news channels they would watch would most likely be the BBC news and channel 4
news. This is because the BBC news as I mentioned earlier holds that trust worthy high end
reputation making it seem more reliable. Channel 4 news still holds a similar reputation
however its slightly less formal giving it a chatty feel. Which group B can relate well to.

The sort of times they would consume media would be predominantly in the morning
before work and also in the evening after work. Not during the day really because there
isnt much time, however if a spare moment is found media might be consumed but its
not that likely.

Group C1

This group is mainly white collar professionals (office), junior management

and nurses. (office jobs)

Typically they would have a 9-5 job however nurses would more likely have
split shifts but still work 9-5. By working these hours it allows more free time in the
evenings and a more relaxed morning than someone in group A

At work they will enjoy celebrity news reading a gossip magazine in their
breaks rather than watching the news

In the morning they will enjoy either BBC news or something similar to Good
morning which has a slightly more colloquial tone to it

TV shows & radio stations: on the way to work they enjoy the music side of the
radio with not as much discussion as a local BBC station. E.g. BBC radio 1/
Capital FM. Tv shows such as The X Factor and soaps will be watched as they
are a fun, easy watch

Group C1 continued

Most likely consume news in the morning before work, watching the BBC
news or Good Morning. As well as the evening news on Channel 4 as they
have the time.

Where do they consume media?

TV, Apps, Internet

They have more short breaks throughout the day therefore have time to
explore gossip and news further on apps etc.

Group C2

Electricians, plumbers, carpenters, blue collar professions (practical,


Slightly more laid back lifestyle working flexible hours depending on client
times. Likely to go to the pub at the end of the day to wind down rather
than the try and fit in the gym like group A.

What media they consume:

TV, Apps, Radio

They tend to listen to the radio throughout the day when doing jobs as its
a laid back setting. Listening to more music based channels such as Heart
or Capital. As well as sport channels such as: talk sport

Consume news through newspapers and TV but not too interested in

keeping up to date with world affairs. Sport news and celebrity news are
what they like to keep up to date with

Group C2 continued

Niche market enjoying magazines such as Heating & Plumbing Monthly

TV shows: Jeremy Kyle Show, Im a celebrity

They have more time in the day to watch these sorts of reality shows

Will most likely consume news in the morning reading the paper rather
than watching the TV. They still enjoy the traditional way similar to Group

Group D

Manual work drivers, post sorters

Consume media through newspaper & radio

TV Shows: sport channels, reality shows

Radio Stations: Talk Sport, niche radio stations

Consume news through newspapers like The Sun usually in the morning or
early afternoon

Group E

Students, unemployed, pensioners

Quite a lot of free time throughout the day at scattered times. Tend to
watch daytime TV.

TV shows: students & unemployed would watch reality shows and

celebrity based shows. Also perhaps soaps as they have the time. The
Jeremy Kyle Show, Loose Women, Hollyoaks, The X Factor.

Pensioners also would watch daytime TV such as The Jeremy Kyle Show
but wouldnt keep up with celebrity affairs.

Radio stations: for students & the unemployed music based stations with
little discussion. Magic, Capital, Kiss

Group E continued

Consume media through: TV, internet, apps

Pensioners wouldnt use apps and the internet as a platform

Would consume news through TV and newspapers. The unemployed will

have a lot of free time so will have the time to sit and read a newspaper.
Usually consumed in the morning & evening but can be consumed in the
afternoon as well.

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