Pontifica Universidad Católica Del Ecuador Facultad de Idiomas Ingles 5

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Pontifica Universidad Catlica del Ecuador

Facultad de idiomas
Ingles 5
Pablo Dvila S.
Pay it forward
11.-How did people reacts to the news of his death?
People react to the news of his death in a way really sad because Trevor raised
awareness in peoples mind from his city Las Vegas to Los Angeles. He
changed the life a lot of people in his city for example the homeless man helps
a woman who wants to commit suicide in a bridge and Trevor helped that
Homeless man for that and other favors he was grateful by people in front of his
house with candles and roses

Do you think pay it forward it is a good idea? Why? Or Why not?

I think It is a good idea because Trevor created something to make the world a
better place and in a world with so much evil and selfishness to do a favor for
another person should not be utopian and rather make people think that
problems can be solved in that sense I think the idea of pay it forward should
definitely be applied to our everyday life. Because together we can change the
world one favor at a time and make the world a better place to live.

Who would you help and What would you do If you had to complete this
task? Why?

I would help homeless men. They all have a roof and a decent meal a day, i
would find a job for them because many people kill they don't have a job, I
would like to provide objectives and goals that can perform in your life so that
people are getting better and they also contribute something to make this world
a better place.

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