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To Whom It May Concern, I Smitty worberman-jensen wholeheartedly

disagree with the building of hydroelectric transmission lines through my
local national park area. Because of how it would negatively impact our local
ecosystems, for example. In our local lakes, the damming of rivers that run in
and out, would cause the water to become stagnant. And thus bring about
larger and larger numbers of algae in the water. Which take away the oxygen
which fish need to breathe, As well, when said water is released downstream,
it is far colder than before, which causes negative connotations to plants and
animals below.
Also, when bringing about hydroelectric power, it kicks up harmful minerals
from the bottom of streambeds which, can result in a mass cull of local
species. For example, in most river and stream beds. Their lays PCB and
various types of metal. That lay stagnant until acted upon.
However, animals may not be the only ones impacted by the introducement
of hydroelectric dams and transmission lines in the area. As locals to the
area, may be pushed from their homes and jobs because of this, and have to
relocate. Because of a new pressure of jobs as well as land in the area.
So in conclusion, I am fully opposed to the new hydroelectric dams and
transmission lines in my local national park. Because of how it will negatively
impact the environment and local economy. Thank you, Smitty worbermanjensen.

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