November 13 2015 Newsletter

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13th Edition

November 13, 2015

Our Lady of Unity Catholic

2015-2016 School Year

Dear Parents & Friends,

Next Wednesday we will

have the Interruption Day for
the 2nd quarter. When we have
these days, students are not
allowed to return to school until
the parents have paid whatever
is delinquent with the school.
This can be tuition, book fees,
registration fees, subsidy
reimbursement, or lunch
Most of our families are
doing an excellent job getting
their tuition payments made on
time but there are several who
owe money in one or more of
those other areas. If you owe,
a note is going home today in
your blue folder and unless you
have made other arrangements
with me, this amount will need
to be paid in full by Wednesday
before school.
I know that this can be a
financially strapped few months
for our families. Please know
that we would not continue to
request these payments from
you if we didnt have creditors
pressing us as well.
God Bless!
Nancy Butters

Congratulations to our
Virtuous Behavior winners for
the month of October. Sarahi
Pantoja was the winner in the
K-4 grades and Liliana Castillo
was the winner for grades 5-8.
Congratulations girls and keep
up the good work!


I have 4 brand new boys

coats that were donated to us
for our families who have a
need. They are all size large
14-16. Please call Carmen if
you need of a winter coat for
your child. We will hand them
out first come, first serve until
they are gone.

Last week we sent three
students from each middle
school grade to Bishop Ward
to participate in the Academic
Pentathlon. They did a great
job representing OLU. Three
students came back with
ribbons from the event.
David Rosas, 8th grade, got
3 place in Science. Isaac
Puebla, 7th grade, got 3rd in
Religion and 2nd in Science.
Max Luna, 8th grade, got 2nd
in Religion and 1st with the
most overall points for OLU.


I will be placing another
order with Dennis Uniform
before Thanksgiving for any
items that have a logo on
them. This might include
polo uniform shirts, cardigan
sweaters, sweatshirt or
fleece zip up jackets, jackets
with a full zip, or sweaters.
All orders need to be paid for
in advance. Please call the
office if you would like to
order or check prices.

We are going to do the
meal a little differently this
year. Linda has said that she
is able to get the majority of
the food through the lunch
program at cheaper prices so
we will let her do that instead
of having each grade bring in
items. To offset the cost, we
are asking each student in
grades K, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 to
bring in $2 by next Friday,
Nov. 20. Students in grades
1 & 2 should bring in one pie
each. If you are already
donating or cooking a turkey
you do not need to send in
money or pies. The turkey is
your donation! Thanks to all
of those families who donated
turkeys. We could use one
more if there is anyone willing
to donate a turkey. They
need to be large, at least 20
pounds. Thank you for
making this a special day for
our students and staff.


Nov. 18Attendance
Interruption Day
Nov. 19Grades 3-5
Fundamental Physics Field
Nov. 202nd Quarter
Progress Reports Go
Nov. 21Juvenile Ministry
of Reach KCK Parent
Workshop 9-12
Nov. 24Thanksgiving

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