Schools Long Ago and Today 1

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Schools Long Ago and Today

That was then...

Springville Road long ago

Photo from the book
Bethany's: A Community in Transition by Don Nelson

A book of essays based on

interviews conducted by
the students in
Mrs. Manning's 2nd grade
at Springville K-8,
Portland, OR
November, 2015

This is now

The Production of the Final Product

You are about to read the results of a unit of study that started in September. Through the Expedition process, the kids learned about Schools
Long Ago. They listened to and read books, wrote opinions, close-read articles, learned vocabulary, compared and contrasted, made personal
connections, and wondered and imagined.
There were 3 investigations in the Expedition: Schools Long Ago, Interviews, and Life Then and Now.
There are 3 paragraphs:
* Introduction: TOPIC: Introducing the person they interviewed for the essay
This was a guided paragraph. Students investigated texts and articles to learn about paragraphs and introductions. In this paragraph,
students were given a template to guide their writing. The purpose of this 1st paragraph was to introduce who they interviewed and explain
why they chose this person. The students used an editing checklist to evaluate their work with their think partner in class.
* The Body: TOPIC: The interview
This paragraph was completed with more independence. The students learned how to identify key words to turn questions into sentences.
Then, they put the ideas they wanted to use into order. They wrote the body of the paragraph rst with the information that they wanted to
share from what they learned in the interview process. Finally, they learned about introductions and conclusions through more exploration of
articles and they added these to their writing organizer. Their big buddies helped them edit the paragraph.
* Conclusion: TOPIC: Comparing school experiences
This last paragraph was completed independently by the students. The students used a checklist and a writing organizer to help them with the
process. They used an editing checklist to review their own work. Any changes between the handwritten version and the ebony are the result of
one last editing opportunity with me. Some kids listened to their sentences that may not have made sense or that they wanted more detail and
I xed it in the nal publication.
For each paragraph, the students wrote a nal copy in their best handwriting. Once the nal copy was written, the students all typed their
own papers using the classroom computers.
The students created multiple drafts of the portrait of their subject using a checklist. In art class, Ms. Marshall taught them how to draw
proportions and facial features. (These are lessons in progress and will continue after this publication.) Students learned about warm and cool
feedback. They gave each other feedback, and then created a plan to improve the quality of their portrait, again using the quality checklist.
Some students created several drafts before they were satised with their nal product.
The app BookCreator was used to create the nal ebook. I printed out the 1st typed draft the students had typed. Together, 1:1, I read each
students essay out loud to them. They listened to determine if it made sense, and if it said what they wanted it to say. I did help correct
spelling and punctuation (with them). I did not change their voice or the ideas behind their story. (Please forgive any errors that may still be
in the work.) Using the ipad, they took a picture of the portrait they created. They helped format the page to make it look the way that they
wanted it to look.
The students were all involved in every step of the publication.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed helping the kids create it. Happy Reading!! Laura

Are schools today different than schools in the

past? I have learned new information about how
schools can be different? I interviewed my mom. She
lived in California. I chose this person because my dad
went to work and my grandma and grandpa speak a
different language. My mom was at home. That is why I
picked my mom. I felt happy. I thought it was going to
be fun.
Did you know that my mom had paper? My moms
classroom only had 4 classrooms in the school. It didn't
matter if the teacher was married? My moms 1st grade
teacher was an old grandma with very cold hands and
when they did anything wrong she grabbed the back of
their. necks and it was FREEZING! My moms favorite
teacher was Mr. Meter. He was nice. He always gave
them stickers too! She was in second grade in 1985.
She had substitutes. There were random teachers who
were called in to help.
My moms school was a little different than mine
because my mom is a lot older then me. Something that
is the same is that we both have long benches.
Something that is different is that I have 20 min for
lunch and my mom had 30 min for lunch. One way that
my school is the same is that my mom had subs and we
have subs too. She had recess but it was a little
different because we played different games. She likes
to play with friends and I like to play wall ball. It could
be fun if I went to my moms school because there were
only four rooms.
by Alex

Are schools
today different
than schools in the
past? My school is
different than
schools long ago. I
live in Oregon and I
am in 2nd grade. I
go to school at
Springville School.
I go to school at
Springville School. I
have lunch inside in
the cafeteria. We
have two
playgrounds. We
have dry erase
boards. The best
part is learning.

I can compare
my school
experience to
schools in the past.
We have clipboards.
We have dry erase
boards. We have
markers and we
have book boxes.
How are they the
same? We both do
math. We both have
recess outside. We
both have baseball.
Old schools did not
have clipboards.
They did not have
dry erase boards,
markers or colored
pencils. I would
rather go to school
now because it is
more fun.
by Alexis

Are schools today different

than schools in the past? I have
information schools can be
different. I interviewed my dad
Sachin Gandhi. He lives in
Bethany. He works in his office. At
night he comes and studies with
me. We study math and English.
My dad can work and I can play.
After school my dad puts his
backpack away. My dad was five
years old when he started. He
went to school for 5 hours of the
day. He had summer vacation of 2
months. He studied English, math,
Hindi, science, geography and
history. Science was his favorite
because he loved to study
animals . He played football. His
teacher was Mrs Kirti Sharma. She
taught on a blackboard. He did
not have table teams but he did
have desks. He used to sit in the
front. My dad had to walk 5 miles
to get to school. His school was
far from my his house

My dads school is
similar and different
to mine. My dad was a
kid when he started
school like me. My dad
used to sit in the
front. I do too. He used
to eat hot lunch. He
had to have money to
buy hot lunch . My dad
walks to school and I
sometimes walk . He
was in 3rd grade when
he started school. He
had a teacher and her
name was Mrs. Kirty
Sharma. She used to
teach my dad science
and she was very
good . I would not
want to go to my dads
school because my dad
had a different school.
by Aryan

Are schools today different than schools in the past?

I learned new information about how schools can be
different. I interviewed my grandma Gigi. She lives in
Oregon. I chose this person because in 2nd grade she
was in a magazine. I felt that it was a little hard when I did
the interview.
Do you think my grandmas school was different from
my school? The name of my grandmas teacher was Mr.
Alexander. My grandma went to school at Commode
Stockton. There were no rainy days when she went to
school because it was always really hot. She played
outside every day. Her favorite thing to do was the
monkey bars or she liked to read books. Her friends were
Annabelle and Wanda. They liked to play hopscotch or
jump rope. Her school was very big. It was three
buildings long. There were forty teachers in it and the
grades were k-4. She went to school in 1955. She moved
up grades by learning new words and by reading. My
grandmas school was similar to my school.
Did you know that schools long ago had no
technology classes? One way our classes were different
is she had no projects but I do. One way schools were the
same is we both read, write, and play. One way schools
are different is my grandma had no rainy days. One way
my school is different is I have technology. Another way
it is the same is we both have a very big school. Also we
both liked to do monkey bars at recess. I think it would be
amazing to go to school when my grandma went to
by Bethany

Are schools
today different than
schools in the past? I
have learned new
information about
how schools can be
different. I
interviewed my
Grandma. She lives
in Boise. I chose this
person because I
just wanted to. I felt
excited to do the

Did you know

that my Grandma
had slates? She
went to Libby
Elementary School.
Her 2nd grade
teacher was Mrs.
Damon. She was 6
years old when she
was in 2nd grade. I
wish I could go to
school with my
Grandma. She liked
reading, math, and
recess. She did not
have computers.
by Brenden

Are schools today

different than schools
in the past? I
interviewed Chelsea,
my mom. She lives in
Oregon. I chose my
mom to interview
because it was almost
time to bring it in and I
wanted to get it done.
I felt good and excited
because it was my first
time doing an
Did you know that
my mom had only two
classes in her school?
My school has way
more rooms. My mom
likes to read and play
tetherball. She had
spelling tests. My mom
was usually good. She
liked school.

Did you know

that a long time ago
schools were
different from now?
Some ways me and
my moms school
are the same is that
we both have art,
music, and the some
of the same things
at recess. We both
have tetherball.
There are still
differences. My
school has tech. We
have schools built of
metal and theirs was
made out of wood.
Would you rather go
to schools now or
then? I would rather
go to school now
because we have
more materials.
by Caden

I have learned that schools

are different. They help you
learn and they help you be
smart. I interviewed my Mom
Ruby. We live in Rock Creek.
Me and my live in Oregon. I
chose this person because
she helps me and she is sweet
and kind. I felt happy when I
did the interview.
Me and my mom had
different schools. Me and my
mom work in small groups.
My mom's school was big. My
school in Texas was a little bit
big. Springville School is a big
school. Me and my mom learn
in school. Her friend's names
was Ana. After school she did
music choir. After school I go
to the bus and I go home and
play fun games wi my cousin.
We play a mini-bowling game
with bottles and a toy ball.
We watch T.V. together.

Schools are
different and
the same. We
both play at
recess. But my
plays handball
with her
friends. I play
racing at recess
with my friends
Aryan and
Emery. They
like that game. I
would rather go
to this school
because it is
much bigger.
By Caleb

Are schools today different

than in the past? I have
learned a lot about how
schools can be different. I
interviewed my grandma. Her
name is Nancy Judson. She
lives in Utah. I chose this
person because she is my
oldest grandma. I could not
just see her right so I used a
computer to skype her. I felt
nervous when I did the
Did you know that my
grandma played the same
game that I play at recess? My
grandma was in second grade
in 1944/1945. Her teachers
name was Mrs. Pendrey. My
grandma was 5 years old
when she started school. My
grandmas school and my
school had things alike and
things that were different.

I think it
would be cool if I
went to my
grandmas school.
We both have
paper and pencils.
For specials I have
P.E., Library,
music, technology,
and art. Did you
know my grandma
started 2nd grade
when she was five
years old? She did
not go to
preschool. My
school and my
grandmas school
are different and
also the same. I
think it would be
nice to write like
they did back
back then with
feathers and ink.
by Candace

Are schools today

different than schools
in the past? I have
learned a lot about
how schools can be
different. I
interviewed my
Grandpa. He lives in
Brazil. I chose this
person because he is
old so I want to know
how it was in 19
something (1942). I
felt nervous when I did
the interview.
Did you know my
grampa went to school
in Brazil? My grampa
had a book for each
subject. He wrote with
feather pens. He was
in second grade in
1942. He had
blackboards. He had
just one teacher.

Schools were
different long ago so
Im comparing schools
long ago to schools
today. One way our
schools are the same is
that we both have alot
of books. Another way
is that we both learn
math. One way it is
different is that my
grandpa wrote with
feather pens. Another
way is that he had just
one teacher. Now I
compared my school to
my grandpas school. So
I would like to be in
schools today because
it would be more fun
because I dont have to
write with feather
pens. That seems like it
would be messy.
by Daniel

Are schools today different

than schools in the past? I have
learned new information about
how schools can be different. I
interviewed my dad. I chose
this person because he was in
school a long time ago before
my mom was in school. I felt
My dads school is different
than mine. His schools name
was Terra Linda. I go to
Springville.He played football.
His favorite subject was math. I
do math too.
We both have different
lunch schedules. We are the
same. He played recess and I
played recess. I would want to
go to his school because there
are all different foods to eat
by Emery

Are schools today different than

schools in the past? I have learned a
lot about different schools in the
past. I have learned a lot about how
schools can be different. I
interviewed my Grandma. She lives
in Cornelius. She lives cloes to me.
Did you know my Grandma had
to go on a bridge and crossed the
street when she was going to school?
She says it was fun to go to school.
She went on a field trip to learn
about stars. Her favorite food was
cheese zombies.
We are the same in that we both
like art. We both live in Portland. Her
first house was by QFC. Me and my
grandma's schools are different. We
don't have cheese zombies here. I
like cheese pizza. I would want to go
to my grandmas school because
there is different food to eat.
By Erris

Are schools today different than schools in the past? I

have learned a lot about how schools can be different. I
interviewed my Dad. He lived in (VR.Kota-village). I chose
this because his school is very different from my school? I
felt that it was a little hard when I wrote what he said.
Did you know my dads school was very different from
mine and did nothing I do at school. My dad was 4 years
old when he first started school. My dads teachers name
was Miss Seetama. The name of my dads school is Oper
Primary School. My dad went to school in his native place
(VR. Kota-village). My dad had to go to school for 10
months and 2 months summer break. My dads school is
very different from my school.
How are me and my dads schools different and the
same? There are some ways that they are different. One
way me and my dads schools are different is my dad went
to school for ten months and two months summer break. I
go to school for 9 months. Another way we are different is
that my dad went to school in Opper Primary school. I go
to school in Springville. One way our schools are the same
is that we both started school when we were four. Anothor
way we are the same is we both learn. This is how schools
can be different and the same.
by Gauri

Is school today
different than chools in
the past? I learned about
schools long ago and how
schools can be different. I
interviewed Fred. His
school was in California. I
chose this person because
he is old. I felt confident
when I interviewed Fred.
When Fred went to
school he rode a horse.
His mom walked Fred to
school. Fred had
substitute teachers and
Fred had recess breaks.
Freds teachers names
were Mrs. Welsl and Mrs.
Aldnge. Fred was 5 or 6
years old when he started
school. He sat In desk
squads which are like
table teams. They did
have assigned seating
that changed every

Schools long
ago were
different from
today. They did
not have music,
but we both have
Sometimes Fred
rode his bike but
I do not. He
rode a horse to
school and I
dont. We both
have PE.. He did
not have ASG
when he went to
school. I wish I
can go to schools
long ago because
I want to
school like they
by Heather

Are schools today

different than schools in
the past? I have learned
new information about
how schools can be
different. I intervieved
my grandpa. My grandpa
lives in Hydrabad. That is
in India. I chose this
person because my
grandpa knows lot about
history. I felt excited
when I did the interview.
Did you know I had the
same subjects as my
grandpa? My grandpas
favorite subjects were
math, science and
English. The year my
grandpa was in 2nd
grade was 1956-1957.
My grandpa was 5 years
old when he started
school. My grandpas
school was a lot different
than my school.

Did you know my

grandpa had to work so
hard to finish his work
in school? One way our
schools are the same is
we both had the same
subjects. Another way
our schools were the
same was that we both
played the same game
at recess. I had
technology class, music
class, PE class and art
class but my grandpa
did not have any of
those. That is one way
we were different.
Another way we were
different is that my
grandpa had many
teachers. I think it
would be great to go to
my grandpas school
because then I can learn
as much as my grandpa.
by Ishaan

Are schools today different than

schools in the past? I have learned
lots about how schools can be
different. I interviewed my grandpa.
He lives far away. I chose this person
because I wanted. to know about him.
I felt good when I did the interview.
Did you know when my grandpa
was in school he ate his lunch in the
classroom? I eat my lunch in the
cafeteria. He was in Marshall school
for 1st through 4th grade. For lunch,
he got his tray and went to the
classroom to eat with the teacher. He
was in second grade in 1960. My
grandpas school is different than
mine because he had only four
classes in the whole school.
Me and my grandpas schools are
different. Did you know my grandpa
did not have choice time? I have
more classes. We are the same
because we both have recess. I would
want to be at his school to see what
its like.
by Jacob

Are schools today different than school

in the past? I have learned new information
about how schools can be different. I
interviewed my grandma. She lives in
Oregon. I chose this person because they
are older than my mom. I felt nervous when
I did the interview.
Did you know my grandma has more than
one room in her school? My grandma Hima
did not have slates when she was in school.
Hima, my grandma, did have k~8 in her
school. My grandma Hima did not eat
outside school.
Did you know me and my grandmas
school are a little the same? One way me
and my grandma are the same in school is
we do not have slates. A way we are the
different is she has no tech class. Another
way we are the same is we have k~8 in our
school. We dont have one room
schoolhouses. Another way we are
different is she had no P.E. class. I want to
be in my grandma school. It sounded fun.
by Jude

Are schools today different than schools in the

past? I have learned a lot about how schools can be
different. I interviewed my dad. His name is Dale. My
dad lives in Oregon. I chose this person because I love
him the most. I felt excited when I did the interview.
Did you know that when my dad was little he had
a chalk board and if his classmates were bad then
they had to clean the erasers? My dad went to school
in Boise, Idaho. My dad started 2nd grade when he
was six years old. My dads second grade teachers
name was Mrs Derrick. My dads favorite subjects are
math, science, and social studies. Those were his
favorite because they were fun and interesting to him.
My dads favorite recess game was soccer. He also
liked to run and play with his friends. When my dad
was little in 2nd grade he had no computers and no
white boards but he did have chalk boards. When my
dad was in second grade he had lots of books. When
my dad was little he learned the same things at the
same time all together. Do you think that if you went
to school in the past that it would be awesome? I like
my school the way it is.
Do you think schools in the past sound super
awesome? To be in school back then it would be so
epic. I like school the way it is.
By Kayla

Are schools today different than schools in the

past? I have learned new information about how
schools can be different. I interviewed my mom. She
lives in Oregon with my Grandma. I chose this
person because she is funny. I felt excited.
Did you know that my mom had more rooms In
her school than a one room school house from long
ago? My moms favorite subjects in school was
History. The name of my mom's school was Ventura
Park. My moms favorite thing to play at recess was
monkey bars. My moms friends namers were Janet,
Michelle, Marie, and Heidi. My moms teachers
name was Mrs. Colmer. My mom had substitute
teachers. My mom did homework after school . To
move up grades my mom had to get good grades and
follow what her teacher said.
It would be fun to go to school when my mom
went to school. Our schools are the same because we
both had technology classes. My mom used different
tools in school. We both used crayons and colored
pencils. My moms teachers name is different than
my teachers name. My moms school name was
different than my schools name. I think it would be
interesting to go to school when my mom went to
by Keeley

Are schools today dierent than schools in the

past? I have learned so much about how schools are
dierent. I interviewed my grandpa. He lives at
Medford. I chose this person because he is funny. I
felt good when I did the interview.
When my grandpa went to school he walked
with his friend. He was in 2nd grade in 1947. He
loved to do math and recess. His class had a text
book. He had a friend named Robert. He lived across
the street. He had his own desk and he wrote with a
ink pen. He cannot remember his rst day of school.
He played a violin until he was in 5th grade. He
moved to the next grade and next. My grandpa
taught me a lot about his school.
Did you know it was hard to go to school my
grandpas way? The rst way school was dierent is I
have tech, PE, music, and art and he didnt. A way
that is same is that we have the same things that we
like at school. We both like math and recess. Another
way that is dierent is my grandpa did not have day
care. I do have day care. We both work in small
groups in our class. The last way we are dierent is
that I did not play a violin until fth grade. I think it
would be hard to go to school my grandpas way
because I dont know how to play a violin.
by Lilia

Are schools today different than schools in the

past? I have learned so much about how schools
can be different. I interviewed my GG. Thats
short for great grama. I chose this person because
she had a one room school house. I felt good when
I did the interview because my GG was paying
Did you know my GG had to walk 2 miles and
cross three creeks to catch the bus? She started
second grade in 1946. She had one teacher for all
year long. She had blackboards and paper to write
on. She went to another town for school and she
had to walk 2 miles to catch the bus. Also she had
to cross three creeks. When my GG went to
school it was not similar to school days now.
Did you know that when my GG went to school
she had no computers, just blackboards? Our
schools were different because I have
whiteboards and I have computers in my room.
When my GG was in second grade it was 1946 and
that was a long time ago. I wasnt even born at that
time. I think it would be cool to go to school at
that time but I like big schools better.
by Lilly

Are schools today different than

schools in the past? I have learned
new information about how schools
can be different. I interviewed my
Mom. She lived in England when she
went to school. I chose this person
because she was the one who was
open at that time. I felt happy when I
did the interview because I love her.
When my mom went to school she
walked to school eveyday. My mom
lives in England. Her school was called
Silverhill. It was a primary school, not
an elementary. She walked to school
everyday. My mom was in school in
1984. It was called middle infants, not
second grade. My mom had one
teacher. Her teachers name was Mrs.
Pinkston. They had two assistants in
the classroom. My mom had no
computers in 1984. Whiteboards
didnt exist. They had chalk and black
boards. They didnt buy the supplies.
The school gave my mom supplies.
They had one exercise book for all
subjects. They shared pencils in the
classroom. My mom had maths (in
England it has an s at the end.) They
have reading and writing. They did not
have expedition style though. Reading
was my mom favourite subject. She
was always reading books. My mom
had 4 specials. She had PE, music, art,
and Library. She also had church
because it was a Catholic school.

At recess, my mom was

skipping with friends which is
the same as jump roping. She
also traded collections like
erasers. She played tag or hide
and seek. She played hopscotch
or climbing frames. My mom
stayed inside when it was
raining. She stayed in the
classroom or went to the
assembly hall. She colours
inside when its raining outside.
She goes to the library to get
books. I really learned many
interesting facts about my
moms school long go.
This is the stuff me and my
mom have that was different in
school. We have technology
class, ASG, ASC,and white
boards. This is the same thing I
have in school as my mom: Art,
P.E, Music, Library, Math,
Reading, and Writing. My mom
had no computers in 1984.
White board didnt exist. School
gave my mom supplies. They
had climbing frames. I would
not want to go to my moms
school because they didnt have
By Livie

Are schools today different than schools in the

past? I have learned new information about how
schools can be different. I interviewed my
Grandma. She lives in Portland. I chose this person
because my Grandma is really old so I thought that
it would be good to get information. I did the
Did you know that when my Grandma went to
school the teacher wrote on a blackboard? My
Grandma went to school in South Dakota. They had
blackboarda. My Grandma did not have substitute
teachers. My Grandma had to write the same thing
over and over. My Grandma had one room, one
teacher, and it was 8th. When my Grandma
started school she was 6. My Grandmas school is
different than my school.
Did you know that some people were in
second grade in 1946? Our schools are the same
because we both have Art. We both are given tests.
We both have jumpropes. My school experience is
different because we have Technology class. We
have P.E. and they do not. We have music class and
they do not. My grandmas school experience is
different because she was in second grade in 1946.
She played Ring Around the Rosy and we do not.
School are different today than the past. I would
not want to go to school in the past because I
would not like to write with a quill and pen because
it would be hard.
by Makena

Are schools today different than schools in the past? I

have learned new information about how schools can be
different. I interviewed my grandpa. He lives in India. I
chose this person because he is oldest in my family with
more experience than anyone in my family. I felt excited
when I did the interview.
Did you know my grandpa went to school in the old days?
The name of my grandpas school was Goverment High
School. My grandpa went to school in a village near his
home [India] . The year my grandpa was in second grade is
1949. My grandpas favorite subject was English because it
was challenging. My grandpas favorite game at recess was
tag because he liked running. My grandpas favorite
teacher was Mr. Thakor his science teacher. My grandpas
school supplies were slates, blackboards, writing plank, and
feather pen. My grandpas favorite thing was cooperating
by cleaning the classroom together. My grandpa's school is
kind of like mine.
Our schools were mostly different but a little bit the
same. One way our schools are the same is we both go to
school. Another thing that is the same is we both learn.
Another thing that is the same is when we started second
grade. We were both seven. Something different is he had
different school supplies. Another thing different is we
went to school in different years. Something different is at
my school we use whiteboards, pencils, and clipboards.
Wouldnt it be awesome to learn back then?
by Megan

Are schools today different than schools in

the past? I have learned new information
about how schools can be different . I
interviewed Morfar. He lives in Sweden. I
chose him because hes my oldest Grandpa. I
felt okay about interviewing him.
Do you want to go to school 80 years ago?
Schools long ago were different back then.
They didnt have electronics. They are
different because he went to school every 2
days. He to school during World War II in
1943. He started 1st grade when he was 7.
He had to use ink with a feather instead of
pencils. One way they are the same is we
both have 20 minutes for lunch. Would you
want to go to school 80 years ago?
Morfar and my schools were a little the
same. They were also different. One way they
are the same is that we both had 20 minutes
for lunch. They were really different because
for lunch he would eat pancakes with
lingonsyet. He only had 30 or 40 kids in the
whole school. His school had 1st through 7th
grades. I would not want to go to his school.
by Nikki

Are schools today different than in

the past ? I have learned new
information about how schools can be
different. I interviewed my grandma
Amamma. My grandma Amamma lives in
Hydrabath. I chose Amamma because
she was the first person to come in mind.
I felt worried because she was moving
and I might not get to interview her.
Do you know what my grandmas
school was like for her? She did not have
a one room school. Amamma had one
room for each grade though. Amamma
had language, math, social studies, PE
and specials once a week, and art craft.
She had one recess only. She has two
sessions of school. The first session of
school is from ten to one. Our grandmas
recess is from one to two. Two to 4pm
was the second session. There was no
technology. There were books, slates,
and chalkboards in first to second grade.
In third grade my grandma wrote with a
pencil and a notebook. My grandma
liked writing with pencils and notebooks
better. My grandma liked Telagu
language. The subjects were math,
Telagu language, social studies,
geography, science, civics, and history.
My grandmas school was just like mine
and also different.

My school is the same and

also different. Have you
ever wondered how we are
the same? If no, lets see
how. Me and my grandma
both had art. We both made
crafts. One way we are also
the same is we both do or
did science as well as
history, math, and
geography. We both have
recess. My moms mom has
a recess that is an hour long.
I have a recess that is 20
minutes long. Another one
of my recesses is 15 minutes
long. We both have specials.
Neither of us have a one
room school. We also differ
in ways. I have technology.
My grandma does not have
technology. We do not have
slates. My grandma wrote
with slates. My grandma
needs 35 percent to pass
her grade. I think it would be
nice going to her school
because of what they learn
like civics.
by Rahul

Are schools today different than schools in

the past? I have learned a lot about how
schools can be different. I interviewed my dad
Jason. He lives in Oregon. I chose this person
because when I got home he was home sick. I
felt good when I did the interview.
Did you know that my dads school had no
stove for heat? The name of my dads school
was Sargent Elementary. My dad had two
recess breaks but no free choice time. My
dads classroom had less than 20 kids and his
class was small. My dad had substitutes but not
very often. My dad has a boy named Kelly and a
boy named Boyd as friends. When my dad went
to school the classroom was cold.
Did you know my dads teacher taught on a
black board? I think that would be different. I
have different classes than my dads school, like
technoligy and art class. My school starts at
8:25 and his started at 8:00 and they are both
different times. Me and my dad both have the
same recess times. Me and my dads school
both have the same lunch times. Did you know
my dad had to walk 2 blocks to get to the
bathroom? I would want to go to my dads
school because they have lift up desks.
by Sawyer

Are schools today different than schools in the past?

I have learned a lot about how schools can be different. I
interviewed my gramma named Janine. She lives in
Tigard, Oregon. I chose this person because she was in a
one room schoolhouse. I felt good because I got more
information from her when I did the interview.
Did you know my gramma had to walk farther than
me? My gramma went to Multnomah Grade School. My
grammas school was in southwest Portland. My gramma
was in second grade in 1947-1948. My grammas second
grade teacher was Miss Colbent. My grammas favorite
thing to play at recess was playing jacks with friends
because it was fun and she liked to talk with them. She
walked home by herself to read. After school, she
played games with friends like jump rope, playing with
dolls and sometimes riding a bike. She sometimes
walked home by herself or with friends. It was 15 blocks
and it was far. She sometimes worked in one big group
and the other times in smaller groups and worked on
different projects.
My grammas school was very different than mine.
Were there teacher conferences in pioneer time? In
school we use pencils and crayons. In our school we have
two floors. They dont. We both walk to school. We
both have recess at school. We both learn at school. My
gramma was in second grade in 1947-1948. I was not.
She went to a different school than me. We both have
some similarities and differences.
by Slater

Are schools today different than schools in the

past? I have learned new information about how
schools can be different. I interviewed my Dad. My
Dad lived in Hyderabad, India when he was going to
school. I chose my Dad because my Mom said she
doesnt want to do the interview. I felt wonderful
when I did the interview.
When my dad went to school, his school was
very different than schools now. My dads school
was Andha Yuvathi Mandali. My dad had to walk a
kilometer to his bus stop. He had to catch a city bus
and then walk two blocks to school. My dad had
table teams of three students. My dads table
always had two girls and my dad. They got along
very well. My dad had forty-five minutes for lunch.
He always brought lunch from home. He did not
have a cafeteria at school. It was okay to eat in the
classroom. My dad liked his math teacher and her
name was Ms. Vijaya Lakshmi. She was kind,
helpful, and fun loving. My dad brought all the
supplies at the start of the school year. He carried
them in his bag back and forth from home to school.
His bag was very heavy everyday because he also
had to carry all of the books for all of his subjects.
My dads school day was fun. Everyone had to do a
different and specific task. After school, my dad did
homework, house chores and then played outside
with his friends. There was no TV at that time. My
dads school day was seven hours. He had
substitute teachers. They were teachers in training.
That is why my dads school is very different than
schools now.

My school and my dads school have a lot of similarities and

differences. Three ways me and my dads school experiences
are similar because we both bought lunch from home
everyday, after school we both do homework, house chores
and play outside, and we both have substitute teachers. My
schools name is Springville and my dads schools name was
Andha Yuvathi Mandali. I have eight people at my table team
and my dad had 3 people at his table team. I have 20 minutes
for lunch and my dad had 45 minutes for lunch. There are two
other ways my school is different from my dads school. My
dad had to carry supplies in his bag back and forth from home
to school and he had to walk a kilometer to his bus stop, catch
a city bus and then walk 2 blocks to school. I dont have to
carry supplies. I just walk up the sidewalk to get to school. I
learned a lot about my dad.
by Tanya

Are schools today different than schools in the

past? I have learned new information about how
school can be different. I interviewed my dad. He
lives in Oregon. I chose this person because he is
the only person I can choose. My mom was busy.
I felt good when I did the interview.
Do you know my dads school name is
Nakhorn Sawan and his school is at his home
town? My dad had many teachers in his
classroom. My dad had to take a test before he
move up a grade and my dad always got recess
break. My dad loves to hang out with his friends.
I love to hang out too.
Our schools are both different and the same.
One way my school is different is my dads
school name is Nakhorn Sawan but my school
name is Springville. We both have many
teachers. My dad didnt have substitute
teachers. My dad has to take a test before he
can move up grades. I want to take a test before I
move up to the next grade. One way we are the
same is we both have friends. Did you know my
dad loves to hangout with his friends at school
and so do I? I would want to go to my dads
school because I like taking tests.
by Thai

About the Authors of this book:

Thank you to these people for

helping us with the creation of the
* Mrs. MacDonald for helping some
of us fix and fancy our work
*Ms. Marshall, the art teacher, for
helping us learn how to draw facial
*Mrs. Manning for helping us to
make the book
*the people we interviewed because
if we didnt have a person to
interview, we wouldnt have
been able to make this book
* Miss Nergaard and her class for
helping us with feedback on the
* to our amazing volunteer crew,
especially Gigi, Joy, and Tricia for
always making sure we have the
copies and supplies we need to do
our work
* Ms. Patrick and our big buddies
for helping us to edit our paragraph
* Mrs. Travis for helping us in the
* and our parents for helping us do
the interview
We hope that you enjoyed reading
our stories!

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