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Lesson Title: The Arts in Culture

Day Number: 7
Author: Sarah Staudenmeier
Grade Level: 3rd
Background Information
The Arts (Music & Dance) in Indian culture

Integration of Learning Outcomes

SWBAT: perform part of a traditional Indian dance

SWBAT: compare/contrast music from their culture and Indian culture

Identify the human characteristics of places and regions using the following criteria:
Economic activities
Political activities

Anticipatory Set

Good morning students! Today were going to be using our bodies to learn about Indian
Does anyone know what Bollywood is?
Bollywood is the Inidian equivalent of Hollywood. So Bollywood is all of the popular music,
dance, and movies in Indian culture.
Can you name some popular singers, movie stars, and TV stars in America?
What about Popular movies, songs, or dances?
Im going to show you two short clips, one of a popular American dance move, and
another of a popular Indian song.
Use traditional Bollywood dance and whip/nae nae
Do a quick-write noting similarities and differences between the two videos you just saw.

Today we are going to learn the traditional Bollywood dance Jai Ho
Lets spread ourselves out around the carpet. Make sure there is enough room for you to
move without getting putting your classmates in your space.

*Use tutorial video, break down step by step.

Often times, music and dance reflect the culture of a group of people.
I want each of you to look up different styles of dance tonight. They can be based on the
culture of your family, your American culture, or even just a culture you have an interest
in. Tomorrow, come prepared with a paragraph about the style of dance you chose,
telling about characteristics, the type of movements used, and the type of music that you
think could go with it. What kind of meaning does this type of dance convey to you?


Modifications will be made for students who are physically incapable of performing the
-E.G- Students in a wheelchair will be able to use their arms and whatever range of
motion they have
-Students with low muscle tone will be able to perform dances with less steps in order
to maximize their capabilities.

Today we looked at how dance and music are expressions of culture. Why do you think
dance and music change over time? What do you think that says about culture?
*Take a few answers
Keep those questions in mind as you create your paragraph for homework. Great work
today, I cant wait to see you tomorrow!

Formative / Summative Assessment

Students will be actively learning the Jai-Ho dance in steps, and ultimately piece the
whole dance together.
Students will also be participating in questions that come up throughout the lesson.
Students will perform the full Jai-Ho dance.
Students will complete closing assignment of connecting music and dance to their own

Materials / Equipment
Harcourt Social Studies Chapter 10, part 1
Traditional Bollywood style dance:

Watch me (whip and nae nae)
Jai Ho tutorial

Projector, interactive white board

Reflection on Planning
I really enjoyed creating this lesson, largely due to the nature of the topic. I think music, dance,
and art are SUCH important topics to cover in the classroom, and culture is a great way to explore
that. As a group we had come up with a great variety of ways to explore this topic, but I
personally wanted to come up with a way that a teacher could utilize this expression in the
classroom without relying on a field trip, or bringing costumes in, I wanted to make the
differences in culture through the arts apparent, but simple. My idea was to convey that you can
explore culture beyond just a textbook, but still in the classroom and really make it hands on. In
hindsight, I think something that I could include would be potentially bringing in a dance teacher
versed in tradition Indian dancing or even finding a studio to Skype with for a live lesson type of

Content Outline

The Arts
Art and Music
Artists draw, paint, and sculpt artworks
Mural is a large painting on a wall
o Have class collaboratively design and create a
mural (on kraft paper) about their school and
various activities. Then have it displayed in the
hallway outside the classroom
Musicians use sound to create music
Folk songs- express the culture of a group of
o Have student learn a folk song and sing to
another class
o Great way to integrate song into the
classroom- introduce and teach popular folk
songs with instruments
Another way for people to express their culture
Dancers express culture through traditional clothes,
music, and movement
Different cultures have different dances
Have students learn a dance from a different culture
o Have them dress in traditional clothes

Invite a parent/relative into the classroom to teach the

students a traditional dance from their culture
Talk about cultures in our area-- field trip
o Native American culture would be good to look
at here

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