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20 Ouiver Dirson & Co.’s Cornet, Sax-Horn, Bugle, &. ARBUCKLE’S CORNET INSTRUCTOR. Compited partly from Jones, Koenig, Levy, and others, containing Complete aad Progressive Instructions, fol- lowed by a Series of Usereises, Lessons, Studies, and Arrangements from the best ModernOperas. By Marner Ausucate. HOWE’S NEW CORNET INSTRUCTOR... WINNER’s NEW SCHOOL FOR THE CORNET. BURDITT’S PRECEPTOR FOR [HH RUGLE.... BURDITT’S PRECEPTOR FOR THE CORNOPEAN. BURDITT’S PRECEPTOR FOR THE POST-HORN. BURDITT’S PRECEPTOR FOR THE SAX-HORN.... DISTIN’S TUTOR FOR THE SAX-HORN, Sax-Tubs, and Cometa- Piston seers ‘Tho preceding books contain, in addition to instructions, a collection of popular Music. EATONSNEW CORNET SCHOOL, Boards.,...... FRENCH HORN INSTRUCTOR........-..5 MOUTH HARMONICA INSTRUCTOR... TROMBONE INSTRUCTOR.- SCHATZMAN’S SAX-HORN INSTRUCTOR. With Elementary Ine structions and arrangements for Sax-Tiorn Bands, of eight instruments. ...-+« THE BUGLER'S CALL BOOK, Containing all the Infantry General Calle, ‘aud Calls for Skirmishers, used in the United States Army, Band and Orchestral Music. BOND'S NATIONAL AIRS. Fora Brass Band, arranged in an easy man- ner for fourteen instruments. By A. Box. Marscilles Hymn. Le Chant de Depart. “Partant pour la Syrie.” “Home, Sweet Homo, God save our Native Land. Washingtows March. Mary of Argyle. “Rulo rritannia, : DITSON’S SELECT BRASS BAND MUSIC. For 14 Instruments (but ean be used for a less number if desirable), namely: 28 flat Comets; 8 B flat Cor- nets; 2E flat Altos; 2 B flat Baritones; 1B flat Bass Tuba, or Opheclelde; 2K flat or F Basa Tuba; Cymbals and Side Drum, ‘Arrariged by B.A. Borprrr, as fol- fows: On cards, cach No. --s-: ae 1. Prima Donna Waltz, b; ? nd fily Daie. "3. Twould that my Love, by Mendelsohn, 4. Do they miss mo at Home ?” and Thou art gone from my Gaze. 5. Wher the Swallows homeward fly. 6, Gentle Nettie Moore, and Ohver, Boys, Cheer! 7. 8. Anvil Chorus. 9. Serenade, by Schubert.’ 10. Coquette Polka. psy. Polica, "12. National Schottische,” 18 Bontag Polka. 14. Fest M: . Wait for the Wagon, and Jordan Quickstep. 16. Wedding March, by Mendelssohn, 17, Elfin Waltz, by Labitzky. 18. Evening Btar Waltz, by Lanner. 19, Shells of Occan, and Silver Lake Waliz. 29, ’Tis the Last Rose ‘of Summer, and Home, Sweet Home. 21. Roy’s Wife, My Lodging is on, and Annie Laurie. shington’s March, ‘and Our Flag is there. 23, Hail Columbia, and Star-Spangled Banner. 2. God’ save the King, and Yankee Doo- die, 25.'Silyery Shower, 25, Prison Song, from JL Trovatore, 21. Love Not Quickstep. 28. "Ever of Thee. 29. Medley’ Dearest Spot, and Darling Nelly Gray. 8), Departed Days: Serenade, 31, 0 Summer Night, from Don Pasquale, 32. Afarsvilles Hymn. 83. La Norma March. 84. Wreckers ‘Daughter Quickstep. Wood-ap_ Qhicks 5, Duke of Reichstad’s Waltz. 87. Serious Family Polka. 38, Sultan’s Polka. "9. Dead March in Saul, by Handel, 40. Belipse Polka. 41! On to the Field, from Belisario. 42. Dixie’s Land. 43. Glory Halle- injah, and wy. 44. Vival America Quickstep, 43. God gave the Presi- dent.” 45. Dresden or ourth Battalion March. 47. Faust’ March, (Soldier's Chorus.) 48, Russian National Hymn, and Red, White, and Blue. 49. Quintette from Fidelio, 60, ‘Tell Me Darling Quickstep. 61, American Hymn (Keller). 53. Champagne Charlie; Not for Joseph. 53. Capt. Jinks Quickstep. 54. Golden Robin Polka. 55. Over Sticks and Stones Galop. 46. Friedrich’s March. 87, Schutzen March. 68. Mabel Waltz, by Godfrey. 89. Mocking-Bird Quicksctep. "60. Tl Ba- ‘cio Waltz. 61. Blue Bird Polk» Redowa, 62 Flying Trapeze Waltz. 63. Grand Dochess Quicker'p, No. L. 3.00 75 50 50 50 50 75 1.50 1.00 50 1.00 vi} 25 3.00 1.00

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