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Hianinopin Gouniy wiedlca| suo cheago Avena 612-2156300,Phone Minneapols, MN S415 612-4669970 Fax vawwenaeplas Dent Profevuor Hosfts 5 aim In rooeipt of your e-mall of April 15, 2015, whol Is the fatost in a sotto of letters that ‘you have sent me regarding the death of your son, Ryan. In your exmall, you asked that 1 fespond to you ong more time, giving a writen explanation ofthe position of the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office on the manner of death of your son, in review ofthe revonsttuction tHat you obtained from Sgt, Don Schmaltzbauer ancl Dr, Janis Amatuzio, ‘To suinmariza briefly, in addition to conversations that you have hed with me and Dr, Gary Peterson, the previous Hennepin County Medioal Examiner (Who retired in 2004), you have unsuccessfully sued this office; have engaged others to write fo me on your ‘bchatf; and have now sent me multiple letters of ingulry on this subject. In response, Thave previously sent you the entire Medical Examiner's file on your son’s death, together with Telters of explanation fr the reasons that-this office has olassifed your son’s manner of death asa suicide, Ryan's entrance wound was « contact entrance wound on his right tomple, Otherthan an intentional act, no plausible reason in Ryan's case explains how his weapon eame fa be held infirm contact with his right emple at precisely the same time that ‘is finger pulled the trigger. At this point, there ie nothlog that T can add to my previous comimtinioations with you, As you know, Dt, Peterson and I have had this euse peer-reviewed by othor medical examinor offices, as well as the entire staff of the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office, All of those reviowors concured thatthe manner of your son's death wes suicide, This ease ‘has had more review than any other non-homicide death that I hayo seen in my career, Having had this case so thoroughly reviewed, 1am not in a position fo engage in another ‘examination of tt, Ieannot explain thls case wy more clewely ot thoroughly than I alrexdy have, and, given the results of the reviews that I have obtained, I have no reason to change ‘he stated mmnner of your son's death, ‘Please uecept my continued sympathy to you for the death of your son, Very teuly yours, cs Beker, MD, Honnspln County Medioal Examiner avkaustoaeubal sks \

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