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Section 4.2

Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree

Day 2

We want to examine the role of the exponent on each factor and its effect on the graph of the
polynomial. Using your calculator make a quick sketch of the graph of each of the following
functions. Use a meaningful window, and mark the x- and y- intercepts with their values. It is not
important to have the heights drawn to scale. Draw smooth flowing curves. Determine the degree of
each polynomial.
For example:

y x 4

x 1

x 1 x 3

Degree = 5

y x 2

Degree = __________________

y x 4

x 1 x 3

Degree = __________________

Under what circumstances did you find a pass-through point? When did you find a bounce point?

Multiplicity If

g ( x) x 1

x a

x 53

is a factor of a polynomial f then a is called a zero of multiplicity n of f.


zeros are:

x = 1 with multiplicity of 2
x= -3/5 with multiplicity of 7


Section 4.2

Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree

Day 2

Learning Goals:
I can graph polynomial functions using transformations
I can identify real zeros of a polynomial function and their multiplicities.
I can determine the end behavior of a polynomial function.
I can graph polynomial functions using x-intercepts, multiplicities of each zero,& end behavior.

f x 23 x 45
1. Determine the degree of the function


x 11 x 5

2. Find all the real zeros (and state their multiplicity) of the polynomial function.

f x 4 x 6 x 4

x 5

3. Find all the real zeros (and state their multiplicity) of the polynomial function.

y x x 6

f x x 1 x 3 x 4 , find the y - intercept.

4. For the polynomial function

5. Find a polynomial of minimum degree that has the given zeros: -3, 1, 2

6. Find a polynomial of minimum degree that has the given zeros: 0, 4, 10, -12

7. Find a polynomial of minimum degree that has the zeros -3 (with multiplicity 2)
and 5 (with multiplicity 2).

Homework: p. 354: #27-32 (all), 39-51, (x3)

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