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100 g of milk
2 kg of normal flour
12 eggs
210 g of sugar
1 glass of oil
1 glass of aniseed
1 glass of muscatel

First of all in a saucepan put 100 g of milk, the skin of a lemon and two
tablespoons of aniseed,
put it on the fire and stir until boil.
In a large bowl beat the eggs, once beaten, add the sugar and stir until
it is well integrated, do the same with extra virgin olive oil, pouring milk,
a glass of anise and muscatel.
When you have well mixed, there forge flour
and yeast slowly, pasta first with a spatula and
when cost stir and when we shuffle costs, with
your hands until we see that the pasta does
not want more flour.
Once the dough rather tempered let stand 1 to
3 hours. Once set will the balls with the dough,
the work a bit and leave on a floured cloth
separating them together.
Cover with a cloth and let stand in a warm
place, about 3 to 5 hours, it increases the

Past time put a flat on a fire with oil.

We stretch the rolls with a roller on a floured board because it doesn't
stick mass or table or reel. The best way to get cake round and thin is to
use the technique of the godmothers.
When we have very thin and hot oil we put dough stretched well in the
When cooked to turn aside the turn with two skimmers.

Once cooked on both sides the remove and let drain well put it in a bowl
and add sugar on top. Continue doing this until you have them all fired.


Fotografies: Wikipedia

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