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Mara Guadalupe Pea Gaspar

Phone: (614) 4330080 and (614) 4275014
End my career professional of the Communication, work in a major company that allows me to
develop the skills acquired as planning, organization and direction. Promoting values such as
teamwork, honesty, enthusiasm and leadership.
Areas of interest
Strategic Communications, photography, design, publicity and artistic production.
Degree in communication sciences. Present in 9 semester
Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Chihuahua, Chih., Mex.
COBACH no. 8 Nutrition Training and Communication package. May 2009.
Colegio de Bachilleres ChihuahuaChihuahua, Chih., Mex.
ESCUELA SECUNDARIA TCNICA #62, secretarial studio and typing, May 2006.
Professional Experience
Instituto Tecnolgico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey - Chihuahua, Chih., Mex.

Cooperator of news ITESM, Campus Chihuahua, 2013.

Cooperator and station operator radio ITESM, Campus Chihuahua, Jan. 2011- Aug. 2012.
Assessor in Strategic communication in the Zapatera Venezia Mirador,
Aug. Nov. 2012

Monitoring and evaluation of social networks and their operation.

Presentation of improvement projects.

Collecting, analyzing and synthesizing of information to improve decision making

Advisor to the Museo de Arte Sacro Aug. 2011 Nov. 2011

Service Evaluation: collection, analysis and synthesis of information.

Reporting and monitoring of communicative image (signs and significance) implemented in

the museum.

Presentation of improvement projects.

Development of advertising campaign for Grupo Unin (Elite,
refreshments). Aug.- Dec. 2015

Research potential market.

Detection of the problem.

Application of tools and campaign advertising.

Extracurricular activities
Advanced photography workshop by Engelbert Grijalba, 2013

Development of Photography establishing administrative violations in Chihuahua.

First Course certificate BootCamp on knowledge, innovation and evolution (KINNEVO). June 2013

Contributions in the area business innovation and its development.

Seminar constancy Sexismo y gnero en los medios de comunicacin

Including female and male chauvinism in demeaning warning

Other activities
Participation in the magazine Blanco y Negro (art, design and photography) of ITESM Campus
Chihuahua, 2013.

Section of design and photography.

Social service, EDYFICA, Aug. Dec. 2013

Master computer, in charge of 18 children of different ages.

Campaign to be a better citizen, Aug. Dec. 2013.

Promoting respect citizen, road and environmental awareness.

Making radio and podcast distribution on campus and areas of the city.
Collaborator in Civil Association for Life, Student Society Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios
Superiores de Monterrey Campus Chihuahua May. 2010-Aug. 2012.

Crusade for Peace.

Analysis of media content and promoting their improvement.

Importance of the culture of life through active participation.


Teamwork, work under pressure, dedication to each activity.

Knowledge: Photoshop, Bridge, InDesign, Illustrator, and video editor: Premiere and Final Cut
Pro, photography.

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