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Schlegel Villages: Work Project (Exercise Class)

Balloon Fun
Objective: to improve ROM, hand-eye coordination and upper extremity strength
using balloons (encourage fun exercise)
Who: Anyone can participate
Materials Needed: Balloons (1 per participant), Music (optional), Chairs from dining

Deep breathing with arms
Hip flexion
Leg extension
Foot plantar/dorsi-flexion
Arm circles (small and big; reverse direction)
Shoulder shrugs
Trunk twists

Balloon Exercises:

Arm raises to front x10 per arm

Punches x10 per arm
Shoulder flexion x10 per arm
Shoulder drill x10
o Arms down at side raise arms to sides, in line with shoulders move
arms to front lower arms to lap
o Raise arms to front move arms to side, in line with shoulders lower
arms to side
o Repeat
Hand to opposite leg/foot x10 per arm
o Hand holding balloon reaches to opposite leg
o Opposite leg lifts to touch hand holding balloon
Bounce balloon between hands
Go around to each resident and hit balloon back and forth (x5 each)

Cool-Down (10 seconds per stretch):

Leg extension
o Hold 10 seconds both legs
o Try to touch toes

Hip flexion
o Hug knee to chest if able
Foot plantarflexion
Foot dorsiflexion
Trunk twist
Arm across body stretch
o Hold elbow; hug yourself
Shoulder shrugs
Shoulder rolls
o 10 seconds both directions
Wrist pronation/supination
Turn head side to side; up and down
Deep breathing with arms x5

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