Powerpoint Presentation For Heart Disease

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Leading Cause of Death

Lack of Public Awareness
Signs and Symptoms
Preventative Measures

Purpose & Goals

Heart Disease, leading cause of death of in the
U. S.
The goal is to assist the general population in the
understanding of Heart Disease
Anatomy of Heart
Signs & Symptoms
Lack of evidence


Upon Completion of the Presentation the participant will be

able to:
Identify signs & symptoms of Heart Disease
Anatomy of the heart
Engage in a meaningful discussion on Heart Disease
Understand the Sub-category of Cardiomyopathies
Verbalize the importance of education for slowing Heart


Heart disease remains leading cause of death in America

More than 2,000 lives are claimed daily in the U. S.

75% of Americans between 60-79 have Coronary Artery Disease


1/3 of men & women between 40-59 are diagnosed with CAD

In 2008 400,000 men and 400,000 women died from complications

of CAD (AHA, 2010)

New information shows 800,000 Americans will have a new

coronary attack, and 400,000 a recurrent attack each year.

Obesity and diabetes; comorbidities are on the rise

Obesity and cholesterol levels are rising in children

Heart Disease & Women

MI (Heart Attack) is defined as irreversible death of Heart Muscle caused as

a result of loss of blood flow to the area

The heart is responsible for circulating oxygenated blood to all cells and
returning deoxygenated blood to the lungs

Atherosclerosis is the most common cause

After 20 minutes of occlusion irreversible damage occurs

Normal Heart

Heart Disease
Includes several abnormalities of the heart and vascular
Can happen suddenly or be a chronic illness occurring over a
prolonged period of time
Outcomes can be a chronic illness to death depending on the
area of the heart effected by the blockage
Results can cause permanent damage or need for medical or
surgical interventions

What is a Heart attack

The heart is responsible for circulating oxygenated blood to all cells and
returning deoxygenated blood to the lungs
MI (Heart Attack) is defined as irreversible death of heart muscle caused
as a result of a blocked coronary artery
Atherosclerosis (Plaque in arteries) is the most common cause but can
be a clot
After 20 minutes of occlusion irreversible damage occurs and the muscle
Types of heart attacks

Signs & Symptoms

Crushing, squeezing, or pressure in the area of sternum

Pain lasts longer than 30 minutes
Pain can radiate to neck, jaw, shoulder, arms, or back
Nausea & vomiting
Syncope or near syncope not attributable to other
Feeling of impending doom

Additional Signs & Symptoms

Particular to Women

Back Pain
Referred pain to the Abdomen
Jaw Pain
Tooth ache

Thorough physical exam
Chest x-ray
12-Lead Electrocardiogram
Lab work to diagnose heart attack

AHA Recommended Treatment

Depending on Severity may Need CPR done

Complete assessment, Consult Physician, ECG, and Aspirin
within 10 minutes of arrival or; if inpatient within 10
minutes of onset of symptoms
Initiate IV Access
Apply Oxygen (O2
Relief of Pain
Prepare for Cardiac Blood Vessel Occlusion Check (Heart

Leading Cause of Heart Attacks
Can be diagnosed at almost any age
1 in 500 people have it
Can cause sudden death
Often affect athletes

Normal Heart vs Hypertrophic


If any:
Chest Pain
Irregular Heart Beat
Shortness of Breath
Fatigue especially when physically active

Personal Story
Diagnosis is detrimental for proper treatment
Change in lifestyle can be traumatic
Personal testimony

Heart Disease #1 Killer of Women
Women often have different
Cardiomyopathies are a subcategory
Cardiomyopathies can cause sudden
Be aware and be safe



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