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Population Health Objectives

Examine health concerns in diverse populations.

I was able to look at health trends in the state of Florida, and identify the potential health
concerns that impact communities and populations such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Analyze trends in health care delivery that impact communities and populations.
I was able to identify the trends in health care delivery after reading the material.
Appraise the impact of cultural diversity on the outcomes of population health.
I was able to appraise the impact of culture diversity on the outcomes of population health after
reading the material and applying it in my learning.
Critique the disaster/emergency preparedness plan of a selected population.
I was able to identify the emergency preparedness plan in Tampa, Florida. I was able to identify
potential barriers for a vulnerable population, and the means to adequately address the barrier.
Evaluate the impact of external factors on population health.
External factors such as health care, globalization, and pollutions have been identified as
potential factors that can impact population health. Understanding these concepts has helped me
understand the bigger picture of population health.
Describe the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of prevention for a population health issue.
After reading the material in the book, I was able to identify the primary, secondary, and tertiary
levels with nursing interventions. Nursing interventions for primary include enforcing legal
codes to reduce environmental hazards. Secondary prevention included assessing for signs of
illness related to environmental hazards. Lastly, the tertiary levels included participating in
political activity that reduces environmental hazards.
Design a preventive health project based on the assessment of a selected population.
After performing a community assessment and collecting research on evidenced-based programs,
I was able to identify a program that would work for my selected population.
Compile a comprehensive portfolio based on the achievement of the baccalaureate program
I met the objective by completing a portfolio that showed my achievements during nursing

Personal Practice
The outcomes of this course will help me be more vigilant of health care and the diverse
population. Even though I will be remaining in the military I will still encounter diverse
populations and external factors will still affect health care. A goal would be to advocate and
teach patients about prevention and healthier lifestyles.

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