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In response to the multiple media requests regarding the Students Society of McGill University Listserv
Apology, the 2013-2014 Executive Committee has prepared the following statement.
18 February 2014
To Whom It May Concern,
The SSMU Listserv sent on 25 January 2014 titled Apology was the result of a decision made by the
SSMU Legislative Council. Following the processes outlined in the SSMU Equity Policy1, a
recommendation was made to the Council which was adopted on December 5, 2013. At a subsequent
meeting of the Legislative Council on February 6, 2014, the decision to reverse the original vote and
send the entirety of the recommendation back to the SSMU Equity Commissioner for revision failed.
Immediately after the Listserv was sent, there was an influx of responses from students and other
members of the McGill community, the majority of which expressed confusion, concern, and
disagreement with the necessity of an apology. Although a few thanked VP Farnan for his letter, most
expressed that the apology reflected badly upon the SSMU.
As an Executive, we are charged with upholding SSMUs values, and to maintain our commitment to
Service, Representation, and Leadership2. In this case, that meant following through on a decision made
by the Legislative Council.
Comments from students regarding the apology have been noted by the SSMU. Since September 2013,
the SSMU Equity Policy has been under review and will continue with more avenues for students to
contribute their input following the response to the Listserv.

Please contact Katie Larson, SSMU President with any additional requests.
Katie Larson, President
Brian Farnan, Vice President (Internal Affairs)
Joey Shea, Vice President (University Affairs)
Tyler Hofmeister Vice President (Finance and Operations)
Stefan Fong Vice President (Clubs and Services)
Samuel Harris Vice President (External Affairs)

SSMU Policy Manual, pp. 64

Preamble, SSMU Constitution

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