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Leslie Onyeji
Banner ID: 820743595
Computer Utilization 2800
Section 9
Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology can be defined as, any item, piece of equipment, or product system,
whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase,
maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability. (Assistive
Technology in Education). Without assistive technology, disabled students would not be able to
reap the same benefits as the gifted; therefore, assistive technology allows an even playing
field for all students. Because these technologies must be altered in order to support the needs
of all students, people who create assistive technology must be specialists in not only the
technology but also the disability. It allows the student to focus on his or her goals because the
obstacle has been controlled.
One of the most common assistive technologies would be speech recognition/ speech-totext programs. These programs recognize the voice of the user and are able to input the data that
has been spoken. Speech recognition, as an assistive technology, can be used when an educator
encounters students with disabilities such as dyslexia, and students who struggle with motor
skills. (Speech Recognition). Most people would not think of speech recognition as being an
assistive technology, being that it is such a popular program. Using speech recognition/speechto-text programs can also support students without disabilities. This will decrease the amount
of time spent trying to perform tasks. Speech recognition programs can be utilized by every
teacher. It is a very simple-to-use program, and is installed in almost every device. It is the users

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responsibility to activate it. Consequently, since it is installed in almost every device, it is

inexpensive. Speech recognition is free on all technologies that have been created recently such
as Macs. Being that it is so cost effective, it is probably one of the most used assistive
technologies. Although I do not depend on speech recognition, I do use it. When I do not have
my computer with me, or when I am tired of typing, speech recognition is very convenient. I
anticipate using it more often, being that the program generates my words faster than I can type
Assistive technologies are very important in the classroom. These technologies enhance the
learning experience for all students. It also generates more user independence because they will
not need the aid of another. For students with motor problems, speech recognition would be very
useful. With this, they will be able to complete assignments and write effective notes. As a result,
speech-to-text programs, as assistive technologies, are convenient to all people no matter what
obstacles they face.

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Works Cited
Assistive Technology in Education. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2015, from
Speech Recognition. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2015, from

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