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Skyla Sale

UTeach 640
Septermber 15, 2015



Observation #1
Student Composition: The Basics
Note* this is based on my Friday Class:
How many females and males are in the class?
-7 Females
-7 Males
(loved that you listed women first in this question)
What is the age range of your students?
-All students were 15years old
What are their names?
-Elijah, Litzy, Gia, Treyvon, Iris, Al, Andres, Karson, Trey, Dohne,
Emma, Michael C, Michael M, Isaiah
Attached: visuals
The Physical Environment
How is the room organized? Draw a map of the rooms contents.
-The room was in a U shaped, see visual.
How does the room reflect the grade and/or English course level?
What, if anything, can be found on the walls, bulletin boards, white
boards, etc.?
-There were 6 Word Memoirs all over the roomit was really cool.
Also there are two chalkboards, a pull down screen, and a
promethean. There was also student contracts up on the board,
signed by both the students and the teacher.
How does the room reveal or reflect the behavior management
techniques employed or the expectations for students behavior while
in this classroom?
-With the contract on the board, you can tell that there is respect
all around from students and the teacherI really loved the
student thought-up contracts/rules
The Learning Environment
What is the feel of the classroom? Relaxed? Tense? Conducive to
-The class felt relaxed, but still conducive to learning. For
example: the students were expected to type up a short story on
the computer, but they were able to listen to their personal
choice of music while doing so.
What appears to be the relationship between the teacher and the
students, especially in relation to the physical environment? Among
the students with one another?
-The students all seemed to get along, I mean, it was a totally
awesome class and working environment. The U shape gave

everyone enough space while also allowing students to

communicate effectively with the teacher, as well as the other
students across the room.
What expressions of positive reinforcement do you notice on the part
of the teacher?
-The teacher knew her students and how to treat everyone
individually. She seemed to be supportive and on their team, so
to speak.
4 What levels of talking and movement seem to be accepted in the
class? Do they vary at different times? If so, why/how?
-One of the most annoying things in high school was asking to go
to the restroom. Everyone would know where you were going and for
how long you were gone. In this class, students were able to go to the
restroom freely as long as they had a hall pass. The system seemed to
work smoothly. I saw three students go to the restroom and all came
back fairly quickly.

Visual on next page.

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