Canada Timeline

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Canadas History


1608 Samuel De Champlain

- Samuel de Champlain establishes a French

colony. He returned to the valley of St
Lawrence and later discovered the land and
decided to call it, Quebec City. Samuel
decided he was going to live there and create
his habitat in which he will his residence. He
was known for trading with others and
making deals with different kinds of traders.
Citation: The Explorers. (n.d.). Retrieved
September 23, 2015, from

Hudson Bay was formed in 1670

The Hudson Bay is an inland sea of

North America and central Canada.
The bay was named after a guy who
was named Henry Bay. Later, the
Hudson Bay became an important
joint stock merchandising, its the
oldest joint stock merchandising
English speaking company. Citation
Ray, A. (2009, March 2). Hudson's
Bay Company. Retrieved September
23, 2015, from

The Deportation of the Acadians,


The Deportation of the Acadians, 1755-1762- The

total population of Acadians was approximately
12,000 settlers and about 10,000 settler had to be
expelled, leaving about 2,000 settler behind.
Acadians as well as French settlers were exposed
from their land. Britain gave 3,000 Acadians
permission to return back to their land. They were
forced mainly into unsettled areas. Other Acadians
settled in Cape Brenton and Prince Edward Island.
Citation: The Deportation of the Acadians, 17551762. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2015, from

The war in 1812-1814

The war was between the United States and

Great Britain, Canada, as a colony of Great
Britain it was swept in the war of 1812. It was
fought in the upper and lower part of Canada.
Americans leaders planned the attack they
focused mainly on the upper side of Canada
thinking they were the most vulnerable to
attack. The Upper Canada was later defeated by
British regulars. The result was a defeat on
Canada. Citation: War of 1812. (n.d.). Retrieved
September 23, 2015, from http: //www.t

2015 Womens World Cup

The USA womens soccer team made an

appearance in the World cup this
summer in Canada. Canada had an
immense honor to receive the womens
soccer in their country. Canada is a
country that is known for playing soccer
as one of their popular sports in the
region. This event is going to lead to
Canadas womens soccer team a fifth
straight appearance in the world cup
after failing to qualify in the 1991
tournament. Citation TSN. (2015).
Retrieved September 23, 2015, from

t 12

King Williams War 1689-1697

This was the first war against French and

Indian settlers. Louis de Buade, arrived in
1689 to begin his second term as a
governor. He calm the French settlers by
sending out three war parties in 1690.
Although the French won this wat, the
Treaty of Ryswick, which settled the
conflict, did not result in significant
transfers of North American land between
European powers. The conflict remained
unresolved, the North American frontier
would again erupt in violence five years
later, in Queen Anne's War. http://

Constitutional Act 1791

The act of the British Parliament that

repealed certain portions of the Quebec
act of 1774. the act aimed to reproduce
the general principles of the British
constitution. The authority of the
governor was to make laws, for the
peace, welfare and good government.
Two special provisions showed fear of
principles, they are appropriation of
crown lands and the other sought to
establish a landed aristocracy.


Canada competes in the Olympics

for the 1st time 1904

1904 was the first time Canada competed

in the Olympics in St. Louis. About 43
Canadian athletes brought home about 6
gold medals. Gold, silver, and bronze
medals were awarded to first, second and
third place winners. The picture to the
right, Etienne was one of just two nonAmericans to win gold in a track and field
event. Canadian lacrosse teams claimed
two medals. The only athletes that
competed in the Olympic games were men.
Women had no interest in competing in the
games until later time https://

The 1942 Dieppe Raid

The Raid on Dieppe, was a pivotal

moment in the second world war.
There were about 6,100 troops,
Canadians made up nearly 5,000 of
the troops. About 900 of the
Canadian troops lost their lives. The
German troops were well prepared.
There was two Canadians who were
awarded the Victoria Cross, for their
actions during the Raid on Dieppe.

Canadas New Flag

In 1964 Canada embarked on

seemingly harmless attempt to create
its own flag. The picture on the right
shows the before and after of what the
flag used to be. This in an important
even in Canada because the flag
symbolizes their country. Canada did
not have a flag to call it its own. Prime
Minister Lester Pearson gave the idea
for a new flag. People in Canada felt a
strong attachment to the mother
country and its union Jack.


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