Physics Signature

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Jason Martinez

Physics Signature Assignment


Acrux- Star located on southern tip of Crux constellation (cross). Also

referred as Alpha Crucis, it is 321 lightyears away from earth with its
current light emittance dating back to 1694. Approximately 4 times the
radius of the sun and a luminosity 25,000 times that of the sun.
Mimosa- Also known as Beta Crucis, this star resides on the left point of
the cross. At 353 light years away the light from this star currently
dates back to 1662. With a radius 8.4 times larger than the sun it emits
a luminosity reading 34,000 times greater than the suns.
Gacrux- Referred as Gamma Crucis, it resides at the very top of the
cross like constellation. The closest star to earth roughly 88.6 light
years away we are seeing the light it emitted back in 1926. The
biggest star in the constellation with a radius 84 TIMES that of the sun.
(Holy Cow!!!). The luminosity of this star is 1,500 times that of the
suns luminosity.
Delta Crucis- The right point of the constellation is about 345 lightyears
away from earth meaning we are seeing the light it emitted back in
1670. At a size 8 times the radius of the sun it has a luminosity 10,000
times greater than our sun as well.

Equation 1: E=mc^2
1. E=Energy(variable), M=mass(variable) and C^2= speed of light
2. C^2= 8.98755179 1016 m2 / s2
3. Mass and Energy are related. Being interchangeable the effect of one
has an effect on the other in such that more mass= more energy, more
energy thus = more mass.
4. It is true a little bit of mass can create a lot of energy. Such that a
match, with very little mass when it strikes a flame it creates light and
heat energy.
Equation 2: D=GT^2/2
5. B. objects fall at the same speed and weight does not matter. In the
equation the only changing variable would be T which is the time an
object falls. G or the acceleration of gravity remains the same.
Equation 3 V=GT
6. B. objects fall at the same speed in the same sense of equation 2.
Gravity is constant so the velocity measured is given in regards to the
time the object falls.
7. It took a while because until tested in a vacuum or at least on the
moon where the effect of air resistance is ruled out, heavier objects
would fall faster than light objects due to the air resistance working
against the falling objects.
8. Density is the physical property of mass that compensates for the
difference in applied forces in reference to the fact that objects fall to
earth with the same speed regardless of size.
Equation 4: e= 1-T(cold)/T(hot)
9. Is it possible to achieve 100% efficiency , in theory, by lowering
the temperature of the environment surrounding the heat
engine (Tcold)? Why or why not?
In theory it is possible to achieve 100 percent efficiency simply by
inserting 0 for Tcold. This means e=1 or 100 %
Is it possible, in practice, to achieve 100% efficiency by
lowering the temperature of the environment surrounding the
heat engine (Tcold)? Why or why not?

No we cannot achieve this because we cannot achieve a temperature

of absolute zero.
Is it possible to achieve 100% efficiency, in theory, by
raising the internal operating temperature of the heat engine
(Thot)? Why or why not?
In theory we could achieve 100% efficiency but we would have to have
an unlimited hot temperature.
Is it possible to achieve 100%efficiency, in practice, by
raising the internal operating temperature of the heat engine
(Thot)? Why or why not?
No we cannot stabilize or handle an infinite amount of heat.
If your car is not electric, it is a heat engine and is
subject to the efficiency equation. Is it possible to build a car,
using any kind of burning fuel, that is 100% efficient? Explain.
No that would be impossible to burn fuel and be totally efficient. The
act of burning fuel is wasted energy based off the equation E=mc^2

Part 3: Learning about a Law of Physics

The Law of Physics I chose to write about is the Law of Conservation of
Energy. The true definition of this law as the book states is Energy
cannot be created or destroyed. It may however be transformed from
one form into another, but the total amount of energy never changes.
A rollercoaster at its peak before it drops has potential energy. As it
makes its way downhill the potential energy is then transformed into
kinetic energy.
Power stations send energy through power lines into your home
creating electrical energy to power lights, heat, appliances etc.
When someone is driving a car and hits a car at rest the energy from
the car that caused the collision is then transferred to the car it struck
causing the stationary car to move.

Part 4: Impact Crater Identification

Amelia Creek Crater Northern Territory, Australia 600-1600 Million
Years Old

Haughton Nunavut, Canada 39 Million years old

Manson Iowa, United States 74 Million Years Old (hidden under city)

Araguainha Crater Central Brazil, Brazil 244.4 Million Years Old

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