Guided Reading Lesson Plan

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A. Teacher Candidates First & Last Name:

Dave Tyme
B. Subject/Content Area:

English Language Arts

C. Grade Level:

D. Unit Topic:

Guided Reading
E. Lesson Topic:

F. Duration of Lesson:

20 to 30 minutes
G. Materials:

Guided Reading Books, small white board tablets, dry erase makers.


A. Standards:
New York Speaking and Listening Standards K 5, Grade 1 - Comprehension and
1. Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts
with peers and adults in small and larger groups. a. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions
(e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under
discussion). b. Build on others talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others
through multiple exchanges.

A. Standards:
Ontario Oral Communication Grade 1 Listening to Understand Comprehension Strategies
1.3 Identify a few listening comprehension strategies and use them before, during, and after
listening in order to under- stand and clarify the meaning of oral texts, initially with support and
direction (e.g., use background knowledge, familiar word order, and context to make predictions
about content or vocabulary before listening to an oral text; think about what known words
might be related to the topic; ask questions to check under- standing during and after listening;
create mental pictures while listening to a read- aloud and draw or talk about what they
visualized; retell the important information presented in a class discussion or a think-pair-share

B. Central Focus:

Through the English Language Arts curriculum my central focus is to enhance my students
abilities of decoding strategies (phonemic awareness, phonics), reading fluency, and reading

C. Objectives:
To provide a guided reading session with three to four students and have those students retell the
story, and make connections though oral and written communication activities.
D. Assessment Plan:
Students will be observed and assessed in three phases. Before reading, make predictions using
the cover and title of the book. During Reading, use-decoding strategies for unfamiliar words,
sound out words, read at a sufficient rate, understand the story and answer comprehension
questions. After Reading, retell main events with supporting details, make some sort of a
connection with minimal assistance or independently, identify the main lesson of the story. The
recording of the assessment will be the use of an I can rubric. The rubric encompasses all the
phases the need to be observed. The rubric is worded in a manner that the students and parents
can understand where the student is successful and where they need to improve. The rubrics
statement simply begins with; I can

E. Opening/Anticipatory Set:
The class will be set up for independent group working stations throughout the classroom and a
select group will have their work station with the teacher via guided reading literacy circle.

F. Main Body/Procedure:

1. Students will be sitting on the carpet area with the teacher. Each student will be given a white
board, dry erase marker, and leveled sight word readers. The teacher will review the sight words
and request the students to write then down on their white boards. The teacher will proceed to
ask each student what they think the story is about based on the cover and the title of the book.
2. The teacher will read the story to the students then have the students re-read the story.
3. While the students read, the teacher will look out for strategies used by the students to decode
words they are not familiar with, note the fluency of reader and then ask questions to ascertain
comprehension. After the students have read the book they will be asked to retell the story, they
will be asked to make a connection and state the main idea or lesson of the story.
4. This guided reading / literacy circle is for everybody.
5. The book is a leveled reader that is tailored to the students/ groups level and is aimed for
achieving success.

G. Closure/Ending:
The guided reading / literacy circle is structured part of the classrooms activity groups. Upon the
completion of this guided reading activity the four students should be able to retell the story and
provide a connection with the story through oral or written communication. The activity will end
with the teacher praising the students for spending time with the teacher and their efforts for
participating in the activity. The teacher will also be able to review what areas the students need
to improve upon and where their strengths are from the use of the I can rubric.


1. Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT): Guided reading circle is for everybody, regardless of
race, gender, age etc. Guided reading helps assist with the learning process. This lesson is the
stepping-stone to the much larger picture that encompasses the empowerment of students and
their abilities to learn.
2. Accommodations: This lesson is set up in a fashion that everybody may benefit from its
instruction and practice. The material used is leveled for success. The students that do
experience difficulties may have the activity modified through the means of lowering the
difficulty level; give oral cues or prompts, and the use of manipulatives.
3. In order to be successful in this lesson a student needs to possess any or some of the
following, be open minded, willing to take risks, enthusiastic, humble, patient and willing to
4. The literacy circle is set up to eliminate anxiety and promote an intimate atmosphere.
However, for some students reading aloud may weigh heavily upon them. I would provide them
with a story of courage such as The Little Engine that Could and follow with a state of all I
require is participation, Im not looking for the best students just their best efforts.
5. The academic language central to this lesson is the sight words used in the story and the
addition of primary language words accompanied with pictures. The sight words are as follows;
in, is, my, and the. The primary language words accompanied with pictures are dog,
bed, tub, mud, and sandbox.

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