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MSP Installation

MSP Server ip :

AS/400 ip
Recommended Hardware Config
MS Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (64 bit)
Xeon 3.30 GHz
Redundant power supply
500GB Harddisk
1. MSP server and AS/400 server must be able to ping each other
a. Ping from MSP server
b. Ping from Amabpol server
c. Ensure relevant ports are open (446, 449, 8470, 8471, 8472, 8473, 8474,
8475, 8476, 8080, 80, 445, 3389)
2. Ensure T1904/T1905 have been setup
3. Copy MSPWS to C:\
4. Copy MSPBuild to C:\
5. Copy jdk-6u31-windows-x64.exe to C:\
6. Copy jre-6u33-windows-x64.exe to C:\
7. Install jdk-6u31-windows-x64.exe
8. Install jre-6u33-windows-x64.exe
a. These would have created folder Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_31 and jre6
9. Set environment path:a. Control Panel System & Security Security System Advanced
System Settings Advanced Environment Variables
Add in path C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.6.0_31\bin
10. Reboot server to have the path take effect
11. Type in path at command prompt. It should have the new path just added.
12. Edit c:\MSPWS\TomcatA\bin\service.bat
a. Set JAVA_HOME= C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.6.0_31
b. Set JRE_HOME= C:\Program Files\java\jre6
13. Goto Command prompt
a. CD c:\mspws\tomcata\bin
b. Service install Tomcata
c. Net start tomcata
starts server
d. Net stop tomcata
stops server
14. To test server installation
a. Open IE
b. Open http://localhost:8080/axis
15. Create start and stop shortcuts in desktop
a. Create start.bat and stop.bat in C:\MSPWS\TomcatA\bin
b. Start.bat should contain net start tomcata
c. Stop.bat should contain net stop tomcata

16. Edit c:\MSPBUILD\v0904buildservice.bat

a. Ensure the port and paths are all correct
b. Ensure the user id, password, map drive, etc are all correct
17. Edit c:\MSPWS\TomcatA\webapps\axis\web-inf\classes\msp-configuration.xml
a. Change host_ip_address
b. Change level, and VM
c. Change userid and password
d. Change all relevant settings
Required Ports To Be Opened
For MSP Server to communicate with AS400
446, 449, 8470, 8471, 8472, 8473, 8474, 8475, 8476
For http requests to web server
For Netbios File Sharing on the web server
For Remote Desktop on web server
1. How to check if port is open
a. telnet 8080
i. If it is immediately disconnected then the port is on a live host and
is closed (or a firewall sent you a TCP reset).
ii. If a window opens the port is open.
iii. If it times out then you didn't reach the host/port (or a firewall
dropped the packet)

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