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Timeline of

Key Events

Fifth century BC - Indo-Aryan

migrants from northern India
settle on the island; the
Sinhalese emerge as the most
powerful of the various clans.

6th Century BC:

occupied by
hunters and

1505 - Portuguese arrive in

Colombo, marking beginning of
European interest. They made a
treaty with King Kandy for
share in trade of the cinnamon
crop. The Portuguese
eventually established a
settlement on the land.

1658: Dutch first join

the Portuguese on this
newly discovered (by the
outside world) and very
fruitful island, and soon
force out Portuguese

1796 - Britain begins to take over island.

The whole island is under British control in the
beginning of this time period. Ceylon gains
independence during this time. The British grant
the right to vote to Sinhalese cabinet.

Beginning of

1948: Indian Tamil plantation workers

disenfranchised and many deprived of

1958 : Anti-Tamil riots leave more than 200

people dead. Thousands of Tamils displaced.

Ethnic Tenions


Through this time period, Ceylon changes its name

to Sri Lanka, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
(LTTE) formed as tensions increase in Tamildominated areas of north and east, Separatist Tamil
United Liberation Front (TULF) party wins all seats
in Tamil areas. Anti-Tamil riots leave more than 100
Tamils dead, and 13 soldiers killed in LTTE ambush,
sparking anti-Tamil riots leading to the deaths of
several hundred Tamils. Start of what Tigers call
"First Eelam War".

1985: Civil War intensifies. This is the first

time since 1973 that the LTTE and the Sri
Lankan government attempt to
communicate peacefully, and the effort fails.

1990: Indian troops leave after getting

bogged down in fighting in north. Violence
between Sri Lankan army and separatists
escalates. "Second Eelam War" begins.
Thousands of Muslims are expelled from
northern areas by the LTTE.

APA Citations:
Sri Lanka profile - Timeline - BBC News.
(n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2015.

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