KG 2 Outcome Tracking Sheet 2015 1

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KG 2 Outcome Tracking Sheet 2015-2016

Term 1

Concepts of Print& Environmental Print

KLCP1Read environment print correctly
KLCP2 Understands that print differs from pictures by using one to one correspondence when reading.
KLCP3 use directionality left to right, top to bottom when engaged in reading and writing or play
Phonological awareness:
KLPA3 listen to and identify phonemes in words.
Language for Thinking and communication:
KLTC1 - Follow two or more step directions
KLTC4 - Engage actively in classroom routines
KLTC8-Recite chant, short poems, rhymes and performs plays in groups in English.
Text types:
KWTT1 Recount a personal experience with a sense of personal voice through shared and guided writing.
Writing process:
KWWP1 - Generate & expand ideas through shared and guided prewriting.
KWWP2 - Share their writing with teacher and peers.
KWC1 Use letters or approximated letters in clusters to form words to convey meanings.

KWC2 Write recognizable simple sentences with ending punctuation.

KWC3 Hold pencil or marker efficiently to begin approximated writing.
KWC4 Forms most letters correctly using sand, play dough or foam.
KWC5 Use some prepositional phrases correctly when suggesting ideas for writing.
KWC6-Use capital letters for names.
KWC7- Use a period (fullstop) and know its purpose in writing and reading.

Number Sense

K2NS1 State the forwards number sequence from 1-20 in Arabic and English.
K2NS2 State the backwards number sequence from 1-20 in Arabic and English.
K2NS3 Represent quantities from 1- 20 using concrete materials and pictures.
K2NS4 Count groups of up to 20 objects using one to one correspondence
K2NS5 identify familiar and patterned arrangements for 1-5 and recognize these as arrangements by sight for 1- 3
K2NS6 recognize that the number said when counting identifies how many without recounting
K2NS7 Recognize and write numbers from 1-20 in Arabic and English
K2NS8 Recognize more, less, or the same equal to
Measurement and data( length, area, volume, capacity and mass)
K2MDM1 Compare and describe the length of two objects

K2MDD1 - Sort objects according to common properties are sorted and compare the groups.

K2MDD2 - place a symbol or object to answer questions about themselves or Familiar objects/contexts
Position and direction
K2SGP1 Describe and show movement of people or objects to a new location


Earth and Space

KES1-Identify characteristics of seasons in the local area.
KES2- Describe characteristics of weather.
KES3- Identify features of the natural environment.
KES4- Describe characteristics of day and night.

Investigating Scientifically
KIS1- Respond to, ask questions and make predictions about familiar objects and events.
KIS2 follow the steps in a simple procedure.
KIS3- Make observations using senses and appropriate equipment.

KIS4- Record observations with support.

KIS5- State what has changed when observing objects, living things or events.

Term 2

Phonological awareness:
KLPA1 listen to and generate rhyming words.
KLPA2 listen to, say and blend syllables in words.
KLPA5 Listen to and identify the ending phoneme in words.
Letter knowledge:
KLLK1 Use ones name to learn about and make connections to words.
KLLK2 Recognize the sequence of letters in words.
KLLK3 Use efficient and consistent motion to for letters.
KLP1 Generate beginning consonant sounds in words and match sounds to letters when reading writing
KLP2 Say the first sound of a word when reading
Spelling patterns:
KLSP1 - Recognize and use simple -at and an with VC Pattern phonograms.
KLSP2 - Recognize and use simple -ay VC pattern phonograms.

Language for Thinking and communication:

KLTC6-Share personal information and recount simple personal experiences through creative play.
KLTC7-Give a simple message to another student, a known or unknown adult using polite terms.
KLTC9-Ask Questions related to a topic.
Reading Text:
KRRT1 Read known words in texts.
KRRT2 Read recurring language patterns in text
Reading for Meaning:
KRRM3 Retells a sequence of events in a story with the beginning, middle and end

KRV1 Identify an use high frequency words with five more letters or
Writing process:
KWWP1 - Generate & expand ideas through shared and guided prewriting.
KWWP2 - Share their writing with teacher and peers.
KWC1 Use letters or approximated letters in clusters to form words to convey meanings.

KWC2 Write recognizable simple sentences with ending punctuation.

KWC3 Hold pencil or marker efficiently to begin approximated writing.
KWC4 Forms most letters correctly using sand, play dough or foam.
KWC5 Use some prepositional phrases correctly when suggesting ideas for writing.
KWC6-Use capital letters for names.
KWC7- Use a period (fullstop) and know its purpose in writing and reading.

Number Sense

K2NS9 Use the ordinal number words first to tenth and last to describe the order of objects, people or events.
Number Operation
K2NO2 Identify the number one more or one less than a given number up to 20

Patterns and Algebra

K2PA2-Copy simple repeating patterns.(1 attribute)
Measurement and data( length, area, volume, capacity and mass)
K2MDM2 Compare and describe the mass of two objects

Space and Geometry

K2SGD1 - Manipulate, identify and sort familiar 2D and 3D objects in exploration and play and recognize them in everyday contexts. (use
correct language)


Living World
KLW1- Compare and group living and non-living things.
KLW2- Identify and compare external feature of living things that make them different.
KLW3-Decsribe the five senses and their body parts.
Investigating Scientifically
KIS1- Respond to, ask questions and make predictions about familiar objects and events.
KIS2 follow the steps in a simple procedure.
KIS3- Make observations using senses and appropriate equipment.

KIS4- Record observations with support.

KIS5- State what has changed when observing objects, living things or events.

Term 3

Phonological awareness:
KLPA6- Listen to and say similar middle phonemes in words.

KLPA7- Listen to and blend three or four phonemes in words.

Letter knowledge:
KLLK4 Match an uppercase with the corresponding lower case letter.
KLP3 Recognize and use beginning and ending consonant sounds in words and match them to a letter
Spelling patterns:
KLSP3 Recognize and use words with the and sound.
KLSP4 Recognize and use words with the ake sound
KLSP5- Recognize and use words with the ike sound
Language for Thinking and communication:
KLTC2 - Listen and respond to various text that are read aloud
KLTC3 - Listen activity and participate in whole class conversations with a partner or with a small group
Reading Text:
KRRT3 - Read aloud with increasing intonation
Reading for Meaning:
KRRM1 - Responds to text by making connections between the text and personal experiences using different media
KRRM2 Give simple interpretation of pictures an illustrations from fiction and nonfiction texts
KRV2 Read high frequency words in a continuous text.
Writing process:
KWWP1 - Generate & expand ideas through shared and guided prewriting.
KWWP2 - Share their writing with teacher and peers.
KWC1 Use letters or approximated letters in clusters to form words to convey meanings.

KWC2 Write recognizable simple sentences with ending punctuation.

KWC3 Hold pencil or marker efficiently to begin approximated writing.
KWC4 Forms most letters correctly using sand, play dough or foam.
KWC5 Use some prepositional phrases correctly when suggesting ideas for writing.
KWC6-Use capital letters for names.
KWC7- Use a period (fullstop) and know its purpose in writing and reading.

Number Sense

K2NS10- Manipulate UAE money, recognize that there are different coins and notes and simulate making purchases.
Number Operation
K2NO1 Represent and determine how many when objects are put together or taken away in practical, everyday situations
Patterns and Algebra
K2PA1 Recognize patterns in a range of familiar environments
Measurement and data( length, area, volume, capacity and mass)
K2MDM3 Compare and describe the temperatures of two objects
K2MDM4 Compare and describe the volume and capacity of two objects

K2MDT1 Order a familiar sequence of daily events
K2MDT2 Draw and order pictures and describe a sequence of events in daily life

K2MDT3 Classify given terms as days, months or seasons.


Physical World
KPW1-Identify actions on objects as pushes or pulls.
KPW2-Identify everyday examples of light heat and sound.
KM1- Describe simple physical properties of a variety of materials.
KM2- Compare a variety of materials on the basis of their physical properties
KM3- List simple ways in which the shape of an object can be changed
Investigating Scientifically
KIS1- Respond to, ask questions and make predictions about familiar objects and events.
KIS2 follow the steps in a simple procedure.
KIS3- Make observations using senses and appropriate equipment.

KIS4- Record observations with support.

KIS5- State what has changed when observing objects, living things or events.

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