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A place is an area that is defined by everything in it. Place tells us what is it like.
There are two types of place physical and human characteristics. Place tells what
is it like. Place describes the human and physical characteristics of a location. For
example, Indonesia, tangerang has many trees, houses, and bodies of water animal
life, and religion, language, landforms and more. Physical characteristics include a
description such things as the mountains, rivers, beaches, topography, and animal
and plant life of a place. The physical characteristics of a place make up its natural
environment and are derived from geological, hydrological, atmospheric, and
biological processes. They include landforms, bodies of water, climate, soils,
natural vegetation, and animal life. Human characteristics include the humandesigned cultural features of a place, from land use and architecture to forms of
livelihood and religion to food and folkways to transportation and communication
networks. The human characteristics of a place come from human ideas and
actions. Such as Bridges houses, and parks. Human characteristics of place also

include land use, density of population, language patterns, religion, architecture,
and political systems. The theme of geography, place helps geographer understand
the world because place tells us what is it like .I discovered that there are two
types of place physical and human characteristics. The examples are the graph that
we made 1 bar graph of monthly temperature, 1 line graph of temperature and 1
pie chart of religion in Indonesia.



Max temperatures (bar graph)

Precipitation (line graph)

Concept Map


Place tells us what
place we are going,
what is the place.


Understanding of the world

We learned about
the longitude and
latitude of
Indonesia, Jakarta,
Canada, Singapore,
Malaysia, Australia
etc. and we also
learned about the
temperatures every
month of a specific

I learned that tangerang is

in Indonesia. I learned that
tangerang had rain mostly
in September and October.
Tangerang had dryness
mostly In January and
February. In Jakarta there
are 87.2 muslims,7%
Christian,2.9% roman
catholic,1.9% hindu,0.9%

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