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People that are being in control are having an unreal happiness because the
actions that come out are not from their own heart and their own wills. This mean in
normal; people dont like to be control by others such as parents that force their own
child for study everything. And this was the same as people in Brave New World society
that had been controlled by the worlds controllers.
Worlds controllers have their own thoughts that are different from other people.
They want to control people in the society because they thought that if Brave New World
society was freedom it can be led to a bigger problem in the future. For that reason,
before it will happen to the society; they will just solve the problems first. And it became
that they are totally control the population and one of the way to control is giving a soma
to population.This can be proved by a situation that happen with one of the ten
controllers; named Musthapha Mond. He has a chance to go to the island where the
place that has freedom and science that he love. However, in the end he was chosen to
be a controller for keeping a happiness&peaceful of the society rather than to having his
own happiness and these are some of his words Thats how I paid. By choosing to
serve happiness. Other peoples - not mine (Huxey,1932, p.201).
People in this society are being in controlled since before their were born into this
world. Worlds controllers give the missions to DHC for making a fertilization of the

population and also to classify the classes & genders. This means everyone in the
Brave New World society doesnt have family. According to Musthapha Mond's speech
said History is bunk (Huxey,1932, p.29). Therefore; this prove that in the history and
now are totally different. In the past, people had their own feeling like happiness and
sadness that come from their heart but now people take soma for being happy instead
of to be sad.
Most of the population in Brave New World society take soma because soma
make them feel happy instead of to feel sad. This can be proved by Assistant
Predestinators speech there is always soma, delicious soma, half a gramme for a halfholiday, a gramme for a week-end, two grammes for a trip to the gorgeous East, three
for a dark eternity on the moon (Huxey,1932, p.47). And these are some words from
President of Solidarity service soma was passed from hand to hand (Huxey,1932,
p.70). Therefore, this prove that people in Brave New World society can not live without
soma. They take soma every time when they have chances like when they are having
dinner or drinking water .This make soma became very important to their life.
In conclusion, in the past and now are totally different such as their thinking about
love and happiness. Now people are happy from take soma and this means they are
controlled by soma or another meaning is they are a slave of soma. It was different from
the past people who can be happy from many reasons such as have one love and

families. However, people should not depend on soma so much because it will have
another affect that will cause a bad disease to their health.

Huxey, A. (1932), Brave new world, London:Vintage

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