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WebLogic 10.3.6 Installation

The Weblogic installed in this demo is Oracle WebLogic Server + Coherence Package Installer 10.3.6 (32-bit
You can find Weblogic Installation here:
Please follow the next steps in order to install the WebLogic Server:
1. Run WL setup
Run the installation file (in the above download: wls1036_win32.exe)
On the first screen press Next:

2. Choose the home directory for MW installation and click Next:

(This will be the MW home directory for all products installation)

3. If you want to receive security updates for this product, enter your details and click Next.
If you dont want to receive security updates, uncheck the I wish. Checkbox (press YES on the alert
message) and click Next:

4. Choose the installation type (Custom in this scenario) and press Next:

5. Leave the checkbox marked and press Next:

6. Choose JDK (Both checked in this installation) and press Next:

7. Choose the products installation home directories and press Next:

8. If you want to install a node manager (will be used to monitor, start, and stop server instances in a WebLogic
domain) choose Yes(leave default port)
and press Next (you can choose No and install it later):

9. Choose the Start Menu folder and press Next:

10. Press Next:

11. Follow the installation process:

12. Verify that the installation completed successfully:

Running Quickstart will help you to learn and get know details about this software.

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