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Syllabus - Lesson 1

Theme - Introductions
The revised language items will include: The verb 'to be'
Revision of possessive adjectives: my, your, her, his
Basic greetings

The new language items introduced will include:

The use of names of countries
Expansion of lexical set: basic greetings
Expressions including: Countries and nationalities
Syllabus - Lesson 2
Theme - The World Around Me
The revised language items will include: spelling skills
Revision of letters of the alphabet
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of questions and negatives with the verb 'to be'
The use of determiners: this, that, those and these
The use of 'a' and 'an'
Expansion of lexical set 'everyday objects' - singular and plural
Expressions including: basic opposite adjectives
Syllabus - Lesson 3
Theme - My Friends and I
The revised language items will include: singular and plural nouns, numbers 1
- 100, phone numbers, the use of the verb 'to be' for giving personal information
The new language items introduced will include:
Giving personal information: name, marital status, phone number, address,
Asking for and telling the time, prepositions used for telling the time 'at', 'past',
Expansion of lexical set 'jobs'
Syllabus - Lesson 4

Theme - A Day in the Life of

The revised language items will include: Times of the day, the 12 hour clock a.m. and p.m.
Revision of basic verbs used to describe daily routines
The new language items introduced will include:
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The use of the present simple (1)
The use of the first, second and third person singular in the present simple
Expansion of lexical set 'daily routines'
Expressions including: verbs and nouns that go together, prepositions used for
times of the day - in the morning, afternoon, evening / at night
Syllabus - Lesson 5
Theme - The Workplace
The revised language items will include: continuation of the present simple (2)
Revision of basic verbs used to describe work tasks
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of negative and question forms in the present simple
The use of the first, second and third person plural in the present simple
The use of adverbs of frequency
Prepositions of place and movement: 'to', 'in', 'at'
Expansion of lexical set 'daily work routines'
Expressions including: Asking for help and asking someone to repeat
Syllabus - Lesson 6
Theme - Talking about Work
The revised language items will include: Greetings and informal discussion
about your work tasks
Revision of seasons, months and days of the week
The new language items introduced will include:

Expansion of lexical set 'means of communication'

Expressions including: terms used for talking about the relationships between
people in an office
Syllabus Lesson 7
Theme - The Ideal Office
The revised language items will include:
Revision of lexical set 'things in the office'
Revision of daily work tasks
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of 'there is' and 'there are' for descriptive purposes and in the
interrogative form
The use of 'some' and 'any' in the positive, negative and interrogative form
Expansion of lexical set 'furniture' to include items commonly found in an office
Expressions including: prepositions of place including: on, in, near, next to, in
front of, and between
Syllabus - Lesson 8
Theme - The Interview
The revised language items will include: verbs expressing skills and abilities
Revision of expressions used for asking and giving personal information
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of 'can' to express ability
The use of 'have got'
Expansion of lexical set 'skills and abilities'
Expressions including: verb - noun collocations (words that go together)
Syllabus - Lesson 9 - Check Module I
The revised language items will include: 'introductions' 'numbers and letters',
'skills and abilities', 'telling the time', 'describing your daily work routine',
'numbers and letters'
Grammar Revised: The use of the verb 'to be' in the present
simple, possessive adjectives, the use of the present simple, the use of basic
prepositions of movement and place, the use of 'some' and 'any', the use of
'there is' and 'there are', the use of 'can' to express abilities, the use of
Vocabulary Revised: countries and nationalities, telling the time, work routines,

objects in an office, months, seasons and days of the week, asking for help and
repeating, relationships at work
Elementary Level Syllabus for Beginner Level Courses
Part 1: From 'To Be' to 'Have Got'
Part 2: From Simple Past to Modals
Part 3: From Present Continuous to Basic Phrasal Verbs
More beginner's Topics
Syllabus - Lesson 10
Theme - Shopping
The revised language items will include: asking for help, currencies
Revision of places in a city
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of 'can' for asking permission
Asking for and giving directions
Expansion of lexical set 'shopping'
Expressions including: asking for help in a store, purchasing
Syllabus - Lesson 11
Theme - Now Then
The revised language items will include: regular verbs
Revision of prepositions of place and movement

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B1 Level Exam
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of the past of the verb 'to be'
The use of past simple (1)
The use of positive, negative and question forms in the past simple with
regular verbs
Expansion of lexical set 'stations in life'
Expressions including: Special occasions and holidays
Syllabus - Lesson 12
Theme - Telling a Story
The revised language items will include: dates, experiences in the past
Revision of past time expressions
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of past simple (2)
The use of irregular verbs in the past simple
The use of the past with past time signifiers 'ago', 'in', 'when I was' 'last'
Expansion of lexical set 'sequencing', 'telling a story'
Expressions including: ordinal numbers
Syllabus - Lesson 13
Theme - Reasons
The revised language items will include: making requests, asking for
information, 'wh-' questions
Revision of rules for 'some' and 'any'
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of descriptive language using relative pronouns
The use of linking words
The use of compounds with 'some-', 'any-'
Expansion of lexical set 'useful gadgets'
Expressions including: somebody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere,
something, and anything
Syllabus - Lesson 14
Theme - At Dinner

The revised language items will include: common food and drink vocabulary,
speaking in general
Revision of free-time activities, general interests
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of 'would like' to express a desire
The use of 'like -ing' to express a general opinion
Expansion of lexical set 'food and drink', 'at a restaurant'
Expressions including: expressing likes and dislikes, useful vocabulary and
phrases used when visiting a restaurant
Syllabus - Lesson 15
Theme - Quantities
The revised language items will include: singular and plural forms of common
object nouns, 'there is - there are'
Revision of descriptive adjectives used when talking about things in the home
or office
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of 'how much' and 'how many'
The use of quantifiers
Expansion of lexical set 'objects in the home and office'
Expressions including: a lot of, a few, a number of, a couple of, various colours
Syllabus - Lesson 16
Theme - The Difference between
The revised language items will include: descriptive adjectives for places
Revision of the use of 'have' and 'have got'
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of comparative adjectives
The use of superlative adjectives
Expansion of lexical set 'town and country words'
Expressions including: '-er, more ... than', 'as ... as'
Syllabus - Lesson 17
Theme - Responsibilities and Advice

The revised language items will include: 'can' for speaking about abilities,
modal structure
Revision of work responsibilities vocabulary
The use of 'have to' to describe present responsibilities at work and 'had to' to
describe past responsibilities
The use of 'should' to give advice
The use of 'can', 'could' and 'may' for asking for permission
Expansion of lexical set 'informal letters', 'email'
Expressions including: standard language formulas used in informal written
Syllabus - Lesson 18 - Check Module II
The revised language items will include: 'asking for help', 'making a request',
'asking for and giving directions', 'regular and irregular verbs', 'telling stories',
'speaking in general', 'quantities'
Grammar Revised: Past simple, use of compounds 'some-' and 'any-', singular
and plural quantities, like -ing, would like, have got, comparatives and
superlatives, use of modals: 'have to', 'can, could, may' and 'should'
Vocabulary Revised: descriptive adjectives, time expressions, shopping,
restaurants, urban and rural vocabulary, gadgets and inventions, occasions and
Syllabus - Lesson 19
Theme - Describing People and Their Actions
The revised language items will include: relative pronouns, action verbs
Revision of clothing vocabulary and colours, shapes and patterns
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of present continuous to describe what is happening at the moment
The use of -ed and -ing adjectives
Expansion of lexical set 'describing people'
Expressions including: He's the man who
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B1 Level Exam
Syllabus - Lesson 20
Theme - We are Currently Working on
The revised language items will include: asking for information, talking about
work and responsibilities
Revision of basic office and work related vocabulary
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of present continuous to describe what is happening around the
present moment in time
The use of pronouns
Expansion of lexical set 'colleagues, customers and partners'
Expressions including: phrasal verbs
Syllabus - Lesson 21
Theme - Planning the Future
The revised language items will include: the auxiliary verb 'to be', prepositions
of place and movement
Revision of special occasion and holiday vocabulary, vocabulary used when
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of the future with 'going to' for future plans and intentions
The use of 'shall we', 'let's' and 'why don't we' to make suggestions
Expansion of lexical set 'travelling and holidays'
Expressions including: common expressions used when travelling by air and
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Syllabus - Lesson 22
Theme - Thinking About and Predicting the Future
The revised language items will include: language of prediction - 'I think', 'I
hope', third person singular to make predictions about the weather
Revision of basic weather vocabulary
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of the future with 'will' for future predictions
The use of noun and adjective suffixes
Expansion of lexical set 'the weather'
Expressions including: What's the weather like?, phrases used when
expressing an opinion
Syllabus - Lesson 23
Theme - Getting Information
The revised language items will include: question forms in a variety of tenses,
the importance of the auxiliary verb, making requests
Revision of 'wh-' question words, difference between structure of affirmative,
negative and interrogative forms
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of subject and object questions
The use of adverbs
Expansion of lexical set 'adjectives and adverbs' - word forms
Expressions including: question forms - 'How long, tall, far etc.', 'What kind,
sort, type of',
Syllabus - Lesson 24
Theme - Written Communication
The revised language items will include: basic salutations difference between
formal and informal English
Revision of contracted and non-contracted forms, informal speech and formal
written expression

The new language items introduced will include:

The use of written English communication
The use of proper register
Expansion of lexical set 'formal letters'
Expressions including: standard language formulas used in formal written

Syllabus - Lesson 25
Theme - Experiences
The revised language items will include: simple past to express specified past
Revision of travel and job responsibilities vocabulary
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of present perfect to express life experiences
The use of ever and never
Expansion of lexical set 'regular and irregular verb particles'
Expressions including: difference between 'been' and 'gone', answering
standard questions on a form
Syllabus - Lesson 26
Theme - Wrapping It All Up
The revised language items will include: informal language used when
speaking between friends and colleagues
Revision of expressing likes and dislikes, use of like -ing, would like infinitive
The new language items introduced will include:
The use of various verb patterns
The use of say and tell in reported speech
Expansion of lexical set 'phrasal verbs'
Expressions including: phrases used for speaking on the telephone
Syllabus - Lesson 27 Check Module III
The revised language items will include: descriptive language for people and
places, relative pronouns, making and asking for suggestions, English for
travelling, formal and informal written English, making predictions, talking about

future plans, talking about current projects, asking for and giving information,
expressing likes and dislikes, use of register
Revision of grammar: present continuous, future with going to, future with will,
present perfect for unspecified past or life experiences, adverbs, modals 'can,
could, may, have to and should'
Revision of vocabulary: formal and informal language formulas for written
English, descriptive adjectives and adverbs, clothing, food and drink, phrasal
verbs, responsibilities, English for travel, weather

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