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Archaic Period 3150-2586 BC The Early Dynastic Period of Egypt immediately follows the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt c. 3100 BC. Itis generally ‘taken to include the First and Second Dynasties, lasting from the Protodynastic Period of Egypt until about 2686 BC, or the beginning of the Old Kingdom. Dynasty I “Te ist Dynasty of overs he re Eppa ings tole over auntie Egypt. mma lows the uifeation of Upper nd Lower Epp most ly b king Name and marks the besinnng of Eytan istoraltmes. The certs of ower was cored at the yet be iscoveod cy of Tis ‘ery few deals of ths dyastyhas survived The lage ombs of helings were bl aif wand wth oy some smalluse of stone forthe walle and loots though thet human sacifice wasp of he unrry ceremonies a8 many salt tombs were ound adacert to tombs ofthe igs. 3 Narmer Mores 3050-3089, 2 ane Horde ao3e-a010 Die Hordier ‘3010-2970, 4 opt We 200 Ue S ben Koay Deer sera ar) Mayti Avec Enact 7 semarinet Inisemeu Narmer ‘pay ‘ing Manes creed with uti the Two Lands and was ths the fst pharah ofthe Kingdom o Ey acon to New Kinga king is. They name ‘Meni theft ing ard drawing fom the same sources. Afcanus nd Eusebius name im Mn while Herodotus calf dn This conforms wel wih thename Manes. Tare sro contempay archaeslogcal evidence containing the eatauche name of Menes athe ue of eatouces dra beg wl thetime of te of Kingdom, Inthe inglsts ofthe New Kingdom the nebty names wee laced ito cancuches ashe srbes ween oecogie oleate the carespondng ames from te ancient sources. iting, Mei means: He who ances The contemporary Hons name ofthe fisting. Nara is wll atete. i frm estabched hat he inded wa the ister ofthe kingdom, The ey ings were ely now by ther Hors name, and thre iso evidence that Narmer used an the Pk 269) ee ot 2) ‘Snes rant pit penn 37 28h RE Narmer Tjaj ere rn it) onde 19 evs et nen 7 soon tere an) ‘ene 190 Monch dn nga 838 51 The Royal Titulary From enone erde MEE . nm des cen nase Arg ae 9 I een oT te) ‘tach om Mac pic gan 67 4 yo eit thera atengs nen erect mar 05 oan Zt pe Seu, Hea) Gra Toca 0 HEC IB CD Meni* enpre3st pp my ta pe aca 1 lp en don pnd i 168 ‘The Ancient sources aoe reek Tearstertion Transeioton ei cars. ang Mente ine coyeus sebios or ones Menes oye Herodotus wa iow Moa Didors ae es Mey Moran / Mena Menan/ Mera atostonee a ones Menes oye Bibliography nar ES. (1971). The ear mat peridot The Cand cet Histo Vo, pap. 11-14 Cie Unery Pes. tara (108). The te Maan Zatch fr agyptche Sache Atererakinde 2, 9p 6164 Aha ‘Kn Aas wel atestedin the archaeological records but on by his Hor ame As throne names Wer not etinvntd the consents that the names of the ay ings he Abydos ing it Te and the Tain papyrus ae stead nebty names. nthe Kiglts fthe New Kingdom the nb fares were placed ino crouches asthe sribes mere unable to ecogrieolocate the corresponding names fromthe ancient sources. XE ‘Aha a gaa ‘crema Fndher dpc npn 823.1 Tetit saya et, pe pn) ‘nde 19 rn At pict gen 398 281 The Royal Titulary Fethard pKORIS Cre eco 2 ‘The Ancient sources attesous pou0s eunciuss Powe atone pene “raseripton ion botis sryeus hobs Dryers bets soyeus Djer cecemeae a The Abydos King Lit ets the hr pharaoh yl the Trin papuslets a name begining wth. The Manco sto Aficanus gv Ahh wile Eusebius ge Cncens. The Royal Titulary roth md INGIE Dier eis ey os ‘Seat tne ripen npn 43H eta eat) ‘oh on Monch a tn panne 8 8 ett ‘The Ancient sources aoe ork Tensteraton Trarserion ion cans enme Kerkanos enka 31 yous vsti. ents concent ceneenes soyeus Eatosthones in votes otis s2yeors Djet yi ‘The Hows name of pharaoh Deis wa atte but ther second vesionthatin ation othe cobra sa has apapyus stm before which cule ‘eo Wo This second nares only been furd 38 gat ew Sloe ad according to Pete balongs Yo Dynasty The Abydos King ist iets thefouth pare sta. whl the Tein papyrus its name ening wth. The Manetho it of Acar ve Uaneaes. A Djet Pte one 125127 he pdt The Royal Titulary Fonte nensahe nore SA Wadi Patna ete Teron ert) PKUESDS Gra conn 8 ‘The Ancient sources aoe ork “Tascnetin Felon cas vet yenephis ayes sbi. veto enephes yeu Den ‘The Hous name Dems nal to bean accurate eatin The meaning ofthe nae ae abzeure a spose roncuncatn, He was the st hata ‘0 usethe ile swe ing of Uper and Lower art) The name ofthe ihrer on Abydos kgs Sepa consisting of two NA san, ich were aly mata in tr pad instead of NZS Lew the ramen the Tn paps, deny has the ign Aa) Which ea probly aconutin of i 124 opt) N25 (Ast both own om other names of Dan, The Royal Titulary Fonte nenshe nore ‘order fac apt Ringe 93,8 tke Ye sau estes 57 fn apace npn 20. RKO Src ence 6 ‘chan 1m enh aap gee 39852 aS —< ta aa p33 ‘eon i Menta a tn pana 38:0 ‘Sepatit ycvnngs Sree soet ere a tear ts ene mento a tn gan 830 The Ancient sources aoe rk Trasepon ren ican. ‘cv00yiag soho 2oyeats xsi s booger, Ueaphaes 20years Adjib ‘enema ag ca ‘The Hors nae Abs wel atestedin he archaoloia cords. The New Kingdom kn lat of Sagar and Abydos ve the nae Menioren whe the Tutinpapmus ive the name as Meygeraien where the U2 sini probably an er bythe see. According io Aficanus Manto clei Mleidos, ile Eusebius claimed he smrNiboes The Royal Titulary Bile 1K(SZ27 Penna eee Pte ot i pdr Cre co 7 ‘order 9 atch rape one 1.09 ‘Mery bia pen* ow tape comet) ‘orth 1 ach ach finger 1,02 The Ancient sources ator ork ‘Teateraton ‘Trnsepton ian ‘cane poe Micbious bios 2oyears uneius mapa Nita Mebsee oyeus Ertosthenes apg abies Maboes 19 yeu Semerkhet a Samriet ws th fist pharaoh sing the Ney ia int utimat form. The ne nthe New Kingfom king lati Sr or Seis hich anh eldest which night ein wit the 72 yeas maoned nthe Tt papyrus, but he ko led fora decade oa Azeri o Acaue and Eusbis he was named Semempses by Manet. NEE Semer khet rer Rt oe te ‘order auch pc pa 2,74 The Royal Titulary Fema teopetemre KBB Fre ae ont i) Teche tr 07 anh cd be ie HOBIE ‘order 19 nc apn pe 9.73 The Ancient sources ‘ator creek Tanseripton gn Abtearis ent semempsis years xsbius ent semempses ayeats Etosthnes agg Pamphus years ‘The Hows name Oe wel tested and according to Alcan, Manat naam Bleneches but according a Eusebius was Uirthes, The New nom knits name him 3s Gotoh Osbehu The Royal Titulary Fonte hendphe nore Per ae ob te Boh yt aan 0 84 WR, JS) ‘ator res The Ancient sources rk Trasteraton| Transsipton Bivens Benes Vinee ‘oupavens ble ern etn 2oyears ‘2oyeae Dynasty II Pharaoh Hotpsehemy united he Kingdom and founded the second nas The records fam thet are vr scarce, and mary toils about the ‘cual evonelogy have been pstultd by various Emplois. The Turinpepys contin the nes of ine kgs. the same ruber cans and Eusebius ge for Manetho's second dynasty The yd ig It only mention a hl the Sagara ist ges ight Ourng heater pans of thera of ntti to vie the Kingdom betwen two of hi sone. fre dest hare ware presumably some who dd not ke the new dion and iis not or fetched to imagine diferent factons stunaing fr power. ove seting up tar own ur. The krowledge about theater pats ofthe ‘jpat inmuchy at bet a elected the vais ist ¢ Phar one name Alo known as ean 1 Hetepocbemny 2 Nebe ‘an Kakau 3 Mater metic Boner 4 Wasjones 5 Sere © sehen 7 Peibeen Seth Penson Perabsen 8 sete Seanety, Nefrol Senefrka Hotepsekhemwy ‘The How name Hotpselemoye wal atest but he names ofthe Naw Kingdom king at fer, NEW Hotep sekhemwy na ‘ers Yon Mach iin nena 2441 Bau netjer* The Royal Titulary amt ud ‘esr Wn Arter pec Kangen 481 apg fem 7G Ean an te 7 ‘eoye 7 et ‘esc hand package 248.28 ROT The Ancient sources aoe ork Tranatereton ‘Traseioton ein tea Boner Boots Bots 8s tebius Bixee Bochus Bochis Nebra maya ‘The Horus name of Netra canals be read as Ranch The preferedreadngis Netra. a this imple that he king sore he sn a celsti body, ‘eadngt 5 Rane aesunes tat a was aeady weshpped a god which doesnot seem eve happened ul th hed dasty “The oii of he New Kinadom name of Kaku i uncertain, iid i (tame fc pp it) The Royal Titulary Fonte nenncnenr KS Raneb Mn tue rte si ser gt 88 ‘en Mich a apn gana A 24) ‘chee Meath apr anu 8 292 Kakaut pti ho WEP Sage tgiss KT ‘Nub nefer ne: Premed aco pe ‘ene 1 Month stn apna 2 bears aus vei as 00s sostonee Bono The Ancient sources Tranlterson Transcription eon comets conc s9years Soschus stoechus years Ninetjer aia a te ne aya The Hore name of Nneiris one ofthe best tested ofthe scond mast. Acorn to Aficanus Manto gre hi the name Binatris while Eusebius clam awas Baphis be surly comes from the dala name of te New Krom, Bane and Banter The begining of he name on the Tun pu istst butt ends with nee so hat to might have contained almost th same for of te name The Royal Titulary Frente de EE 361 Ninever Ninetjer 1s Pa nb ‘nth 1 nbc pc Apna sae ‘enn 198 Hench apts 2.0.22 Fl ner mre ase 60) ‘orto 19 onto per nme 218 ssa ‘ormaauah 1 Mantes gana 2.31 IKI netjerent ‘enone 5 heap ong 288.23 The Ancient sources tor ret ites Biase, eusetius Bion, Trasepton ign Brat sryeus Boshie Wadjenes may iis unclear aso which Hors name Weraycoresond.Eptlogists match the name te Nebraor Sekai bt tight lo bean ndependent lr. The New ingdom name Wadjenes and Wades. According to Alea, Maratha elled im eg whchin sl proablys based nthe ope etn of Weadiones as Ugo The Royal Titulary 1KYAS) ~ The Ancient Cares fess pas ae ae yeas Senedj aay “The Horus name of Send is unknown, Te eas sore ofthe name date om the tomb ofthe High rest Shr fom the Fourth nasty, wees writen a canouce, which was nat tinue dung the second dynasty. The New Kidomking lit all use the sare ram, bt wth ferent rope The Royal Titulary Fanta od _ Ke, ‘nth 1 Mob spn tpn

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