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Religion- 99.8% Muslim, 0.2 percent other

Ethnic Groups- 98.3% Somali, 1.2% Arab, Bantu 0.4%, Other 0.1%
Languages- Somali (Official), Arab, English, Italian
Cultural Traditions- Somalians samw, which is to fast for 30 days. They Travel to the holy city, which is
called Hajj. And they Zakah, which is giving money to the poor.

Somalia is a region that is mainly Somalian, with a little

Arab, and Bantu. Somali Speaks languages varying from
Somali, Arabic, English, and Italian. They practice mainly
the religion of Muslim, and do many things according to
their religion. For example they fast for 30 days during
Ramadan, and Pilgrimage over to the holy city.

Ethnic Groups: Kikuyu- 22%, Luhya- 14%, Luo-13%, Kalenjin- 12%, Kamba- 11%, Kisii- 6%, Meru- 6%, African- 15%, non
African 1%
Languages- English, Kiswahili
Religions: Christian- 82.5%, Muslim-11.1%, Traditionalists- 1.6%, other 1.7%
Cultural Traditions- Kenya has a lot of rich ethnic foods like Ugali, rice, beef, goat. The art in Kenya is tremendous. Varying
from beautiful wood sculptures to gold and silver jewelery. Also, all ethnic tribes in Kenya have there own version of music
and dance.

The country of Kenya is mainly Christian, with

some Muslims within their region. Kenya
speaks English and Kiswahili, and has a lot of
different ethnic groups. Kenya has a lot of
traditional foods such as Ugali, rice, and beef.
They also make beautiful wood sculptures and
gold and silver jewelry.

Ethnic Groups: 99% African, 1% other
Languages: Kiswahili, Swahili, English, Arabic
Religions: Christian- 30%, Muslim- 35%, indigenous beliefs- 35%
Cultural Traditions- Prepare enormous food platters for holidays, various dressing
styles, and a lot of dancing
Tanzania speaks Kiswahili, Swahili, English, and Arabic. This country is almost all
African (99%). There religious beliefs alternatively vary, from Christian (30%),
Muslim (35%), and their indigenous beliefs (35%). Tanzania prepares enourmous
food platters for holidays, has alot of different dressing styles, and a lot of

Ethnic Groups: 99% African
Languages- Makhuwa, Portugese, Xichangana, Cisena, Elomwe, other Mozambique languages
Religions- Roman Catholic: 28.4%, Muslim: 17.9%, Zionist Christian 15.5%, Protestant 12.2%,
Cultural Traditions- They have local dances, and practice their religions.

Mozanbique, alike tanzania, is almost all African. They range from Makhuwa,
Portugese, or Xichangana. Their Country is split upon which religion is majority.
They have Roman Catholic, Muslim, Zionist Christian, e.t.c. . They have a lot of
local dances, and practice their religion.

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