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PROCESS PLANT LAYOUT AND PIPING DESIGN PROCESS PLANT LAYOUT AND _ Ed Bausbacher Roger Hunt PTR Prentice Hall, Englewood Clifs, New Jersey 07632 barf Congress Canogng i tain Data Basch, Ed rece plant out an ping design Bd ausbacer,Roee Indus inde. ISaN O13 i385 1 Chemical pla—Desig an conarion 2 Pat ao 3. Chemie plans—Pping. Hunt Rope gee W) UL Tae, ‘oissses8 1998 torial producto bookucrls ‘spss ear ety Snr oper este: dion Crap, Buje Mary Beat ocr z (©1993 by PTR Penetal n EE Engewood Cus, New rey 782 “Te publaer ales dices on ht bak wen ordered in bulk ues or more inomaion ne ‘err ses Deprnent iment al 13 sian sense rgewood Cis 07652 hone 201592.2863 POC DORE _ igs reseed. No prof his ook ay be ‘prec in ny orm oxy ty me, ‘rote i te Une Sos of Ane wo9e76ssszt D-aa-na8n29-3 rence al ean (UH) nse, Lndn Fence alo Ausra Py Lied, Sey Prencelil Canads In, Toro Peme Hal Hipancamesiana $A Meco Frente al fda Pvt Listed Ae De Prentice al of pan, ne, Toe Stoo Scher Ai he, Singopre ors Preis Hl do Bra a, 9 De nee To he mess important people nm ifs, whom | ove tory muuch: my civ, Petr, avin, nd Ld EF, Buxmcen To the memory of my bro, Wilam RW. How Foreword Preface 1 the Basics of Plant Layout Design “The Pant Layout Desgner Projet Input Daa ase Layout Pilsery Abreviions, Sandals, an Terminology 2ao ee “The Components of Spefcton| 9 3. Pot Plans “The Mot lan in he Frocess Uni Definition ot Man Development ‘Types of Pec Hans apipment Location Pipe Racks oad, cess Ways, and Paving Bullings auipment Spacing Sample Plot Pan Arrangement 4 compressors ‘lay Equipment Gera Compress: Role Onenains ‘Types Comper Ores Lube ol Sem Seal OU Sem. Sutice Conese id Aun up CompresorMantrnce Compressor Arangenen and Lotion ‘ontons of Macon 7 z 2% 31 3 a “ “ “« 3 sugaeroag mes Aecel ® Nowig Pre Reena & (corel Congres aye s 5 Drums ‘yp of ans 7 meade 2 Nee locas % 2 s Saooee ie Per Coen be G wechangers tata Comucion = Balu Loe ad apa M one % tsar re 2 blade aa 3 7 Furnaces Dae Operon sd nay Ps oa Para Teena ‘ Trewole a Satine seca pees ‘e err kung of teres ‘9 ton gar br Rees 3 Mite Iepenerind Wena 2) 1 Sep rag Team? = at neque " 7 itt psa pe 1 Pp cae i 12 srvcswes fine Poe 1 Despre 2 Pine Poles Supers 1 Siveual tees Ff Soeur Deals = Sen Stare = One Mette Sosues Bs tae srocures = frocess Operation 23 So srucures 3. Dene contort ores me Sats oa Caton fess lee oa Sapper snd Bern mm Sic Laces a ons aor Maton Aregenes 2 — 13 underground Piping pin Arargrnens 2 ey onda sae Temi a Tpeet Sens ae 10 Cece ae xo Towers iy War nd Som Wa Ss » Seer Typ Chem nd ras (sa Sones Fd oes eset este er sa Tos of toners 2 fren Sen s Dees Comrise a Se Tove Bon Soe 2 ee oF ‘Nozzle Elevation and Orientation 732 Double Containment—Uaderground Systems 340, Paton Arengenens ze alec 7 Tower Piping 243 Underground Composite 34 Tove nen me iste = 1g ostrumentation {ype of Intranens 36 DU Gripe eck eveeg eer 352 ‘Esablishing Width, Bent Spacing, and ‘Miscellaneous ba Somes 2 Seng, ihe, name cans 29 : a mie S 15_ Process riquid storage Tanks_ Etec coat 27) Codes aad Ropsons 38 Oper Conetns am Temuniog 2 roca Fan joo Ping Ba “Types of Tans Soil Conainment Dike Acces Sng Tanks and Dies Tanke Deals “Tank Suppoas 16 suress anatysis Inzodueson ping Sess pe Sess Aas Wok Process Inpacs of Bx Pye Stes Gases of pe Ses Layout Solutions for Wh Sees 0 366 398 a 38 i 304 5 Lay Solon f Teel Los 38 ajo Solas fo Oe Sess ato 17 computer-Aided Design Bic CAD Aplications a5 Innegred Moselag Stes a9 Sens Engaering sn nsrient Design| 419 Hlecron Spool Stents oo (AD Benet Sura % Index o Foreword sn conned it provides an excellent 20 tenance the ecucaon of dial who aspire 1 such 3c. ‘er In addon, Ibeieve shoul tract widespread ‘ee aa teabook an reference mans be rener? td pewochemical companies, engineering and co Strudion companies, and technical schools and cot "commend te authors on thee remarable fixe sn aerating and develops daa an present {ng tin such a pracical aod commonsense manne sere LSet Piping Desi at Plant Laut Engineer and tana ‘whether ones enerag the employment rns she process indus forthe ft ime or is well ex. shed in the design See is imperative to nde sand. the uve nau’ of oday’s markeplace Compeiion former lied to cies, sates, prov toes OF county, mist mow be considered in the world markeplce A sustained level of succes can ‘only come about 3s rel of-merting oc exceeding” ‘dient requirements Invoducon of somted tech ology has added anater dimension to the alexdy ‘ynamic proces ndwery. Formal education of desi fs and engineers far Became 4 neces, Rapid Ganges in proces wehnology, environmental snd ‘Sly laws, along wit work exciton methodology, cea eoasian demas fer education in thisindaty “The iment ofthis book ito help ela, on an 6 celerued tai the yong engineers and techni ‘entering the eld of roses plan aout and piping Gesgn. I als updates equipment spacing require ‘ments and adress the les Teaure of electronic rules of thumb for pant yout and piping design Tluseatons thax mae up the hear of ths book are ls key asec, beens plane layout and piping design ' visual bp nau, rearing the designer to make in ‘sence the concep leap fom a two-dimensional proces flow dlgram, 10 tvee dimensional, pb ‘cal poss fy tha compeses exensive ntwoeks ‘oF process and pipingeoinment ‘This books been arranged ao 17 chapters. The first three dea wa oneal concepts and psi of lant ayou om bas technology and input require ‘ment to aml delivers Pant yout pecicatoss fave been included for ping, clearances, and fey requirements leading {© equipment artangement Preface ‘win the proces uni plot plan. Chapters 4 though 15 dea with specific plo process euipmens components ofa plant such 2 pera, stuctures, ‘underground piping, istrupentaion and theie most ‘ticient yout inthe cnr plane design config: Son. Chapter 16 dels with ates amass by sep 2. preach basic sues ans, whichis 2’ must for two, the way these designers lard tele ca a ‘anged deamatcaly. Hisorialy, secondary school swells woryear techie college graduates entered {he profession and spent many yess earning the Bs: ‘ess, Novices were tained though such mana cress. 3 revising cravings, drawing singe line ‘comets, and preparing. materia tao shee ‘rental they were gen an opportunity wo do si ple design work. Today's computers vas aker this fearing process. One designer at exmpure sap ‘es terminal can route ine and extra the singe fie Some, which inchdesa complet bil of materi ‘Ti information may thea be elecwonialytanem vedo shop oe Bald aber. Such apd changes in technology demand that in. dus adopt moce formal means of educate ‘esigers, becanse new traines today must lem i 3 few shor yeare what our ented predecessors spect lume learing by repeated taal exercise ‘hough the arable of te computer vay facts the design of process plans, the wool tel does aot confer the knowledge of fundamental peitcpes of lant layout an piping design that are the basis ay rediable efor at sich design work The compute ‘emai, at bes, a tool for leaning and excnstion ‘A plant layout designer is primary lle in the ‘evelopment of equipment arangemanss 2nd piping layous found in process plans. The position oes 2 si unique opporuniy to demonsrae technical ably eedereave lent wellascommossese appreach to problem solving. The weed economy toy de mands that the design and engineering of proces: plants be accomplished on exremaly sho schedules ‘hile optimizing operons, maintenance, sey, ‘quali, contrac, and economic, The demand Ing postion afer get evar or tase wiling tO -work to solve the countess cpl layout problems nuiledin each individual ob. Ad akhough the foots ‘we now use to achewe these goals have changed mn penal and paper to eamputer gris vermin, he Fesponsibilies and challenges ote plant yout de Signer remain the same. tis hoped hat, tough the ‘combined prackal experience of both aubers, tis book can Relp designers meet those challenges so cently an layout design pas an import pt in the de ‘Si and engineering paces of indo fcy ‘his aprerescussesthe ole and responses of the plant layout desir, provides aceon how to we projet daa, dene the timing of various at tes, fers an approach to 3 baste piping desi aout ands abbreviations and common terminology Sub sequent chapters cove plant yout species, Jor equipment kyouts common found in vch al ‘is, pipe rack layout underground design, ad snsrumenttion ‘THE PLANT LAYOUT DESIGNER ‘The pl layout designer i sled primacy ia the development of equipment arrangement 20 piping layouts for proces indusees The pston offers an opportuni « demortrae technic ality along ‘wth create lene mel common sense approach © ‘problem solving. Process facies must be desgned and englcered within extremely short schedules ‘le ahering t© mulrtnance,Sfcy, and quay anaes moreover, he design mus take const billy, economies, and operations ino account ‘hough the tools to aleve these gol ae changing fom pene and paper wo computer grapes tem als, he responsiblies ofthe plant yout design re ‘main the same. ‘he plane layout deigner must develop layout dec uments ducing the concep and study phases of a projec. The dlls noted include: + common sense andthe bly t reason, + Koowledge of ws puriculr plan i designe 0 oe + general undersaniag of bow process equsment ‘emalnained and opr, +The bly w gener a fe, comprehensive aout within a speded tine and wath consideration to ‘ward construly and cat effecveness CHAPTER The Basics of Plant Layout Design + crea + Sutficest experience to aid celnventing the ee. + Knowledge of the placipal toes of other design aun engineering groups andthe ably 0 ws inp from these her ascpines +The ailty 0 reso uncles or questionable data + Wilingness to compromise ka the bes interest of the projec ‘+ Theabiliy to generue clea and concise docuents, + The ability to defend designs when calenges ‘The Designer's Role Exhibie 1-1 shows the factors, depariments, and pee ‘sonnel win which the plan aout designer can x ect 1 work throughout the engineering phase of 4 projet. The principal aces ofthe plot plan dee ‘opment, equipment lye, and piping desig which ‘fen account fra sigue portion of project en neering east, become oral point for cents, projet ‘management, constrcio,englcering, and supp ng dscipines The desgner must realize a ne an are spent during engineering bel shorten con ssrucon schedules and thereby lower overall project, ‘oss The designer must be conscious of te cons bly of every layout Principal Functions ‘The prnapalfunesons ofthe plant yout designer oat the and preliminary development ‘of process uni pox plans, sometimes referred 10 3° equlpmen: arrangements; te roting of mur ahve and below-grade piping stems andthe know of ‘uipment and ts assocatedinratrucre Pot plans Stow the pastes of major uns and eauipmen ‘tin unis and ther associated ineastroctore, Crest Inga well designed Eli involves mocing ll ces Spelications anc local goverment codes an rep tons and adhering to design engineering races 2 \ 4 > mone eerie wath the planing plo plana a basis, the following funcions ar a standard pa ofthe plant layout de- signer's aes + Seting all equipment locions—This aaivty in dudes inp fom consrucion on erecion = ‘quences or on special problems sscited wih Se ting lage pices of equpment. Choosing eau ‘ment location inciudes ssi cooriates i 80 recions. and fnalzng equipment eleaions, ‘eter they are centlie tangent line. ce baton of baseplae + Designing al structures an postioning the aso: ‘aed stairways, ladders, ard plaforms in general, the designer makes provions w sty al oper tonal, maintenance and sey requirements for a0 (eso and dearance around equipment + Planing woobstuced ass for necesey sce! tenets oe srocures tht fie all plat ma tenance requirement. Tr Fi aati PLS Bilan \ QD. Ons, + ublishing ll equipment noze locations hat sats all proces, ity, and instrument eeque + Locang at sate aems (eg, fre nya, mont tor and safety shower stains). + Vocaing all miscellaneous ems (eg, ler, 5 encers ad analyae houses). ‘These scites must be closely coordinated ance all he plant design and contro patipant in ‘hred ine engineering and coasrcton phases of roe wo reduce costly rework and enable the plant layout designer to generate the optimum design on schedule PROJECT INPUT DATA ‘Although here i vast mount ofp dat thro fut the le of a projec, the dat Basil als xo nt me Inert Gener Fgacerig ba | ws ale Pe 4 “oft thee distinct egos ‘Project design dais supplied by the cen or project enginering + Vendor das—nertains to equipment and spel bulk tens. + Ieraly generuce engineering daa ‘These are dscussed in he folowing Sections Project design data ‘This ncudes the geographic lo ‘ation ofthe lant ts rons ood, and ‘terns lel code and regulations opogrpty. {nd cline condes. Te peje design dt a0 Species whether dhe projets win a exiting fc {yor is anew sue. Tus information is general © quired during the projects lor plan development phase Vendor datz ll purchased equipment and speiay bulk tems (eg. pumps, compressors ar cooler fu aces, contol and fey vas, level insrumens, xine, and silences) require preliminary vendor Aerwings fr the develope of piping yo Final cerfed cravings are Usually at required unl the deal pha Interaly generated engineering data Tis dia is ‘ypclly genered by the supporting, dsiplines ‘win the designe’s organtaton. An example of Such information i showm in Ebi 1-2. Ti nor ‘tion i erentaly superseded by ceed vendoe Arzwings buts of Sulicen qual and deftion 0 we daring the sy phase ofthe projec. ‘The Logic Diagram ‘The design of any processing plans usualy socom: plished nthree phases: conceptual, sty nd etl Coacepual designs ace made when sketchy oF mi ‘nal ilormation 1s wed f prpare an aba rangement of plo pln o an equipment nd piping layout Preliminary, or sudy phase, designe ae made ith unchecked or uncer! data to deste a iy fn slicer deal so thatthe documents proce can be used for del design, confirmation f pur chased equipment and he purchase bulk materials 1 he deal pas, all designs ae fazed. The de ‘signs use sich checked data a8 tel and concrete dtzwings,hyravlics and cerafed vendor desing for equlpmen, valves, nd instrument “The major activites ofthe plant ayo dese to schiewe an optimum plan coagueaion ake place Ti ae of Pat ont Dv uring he stay phase of a projec. The diagram shown in Exh 13 cuties dhe sequence of tse ces, loa wih the primal input reed an ‘output generated liogh projet schedules fen ‘te variations inthis approach icended wo be 2 osumum contion for te max effestive use of Sf time. The sy phase can male or break 3 po} fe: Working ut o sequences acceptable within re ‘on, butt overdone, a projec wl never recover
  • feeding with any of these mead Pipesupports These sce members ae ached oa PPPe to hod tin pace durigoperation Soppons are nallble in many shapes an sizes and range from ‘hose tht hoi line frm encugh o perm no mene ent to thve that allow monement in any cection, ‘Some ical pipe supports re shown ia Exhibit 116 and incide; 1 Pipe shoes These Insulated esate wsualy sp Parted on shoes fabric fom snarl shapes (eq, Tsectons or wide fenges). A sandcd shoe Pel ein (100 mm) ‘races Pt at ad Pipi Be Teamrr 1-16 {ype Pipe pps + sping supports —these lines move at the point of supports result of thermal expansion or entre: tion and aze generally supported by springs De signed for specie pipe loa nd mover they ‘mainainasippor under alin throughout sarge of movement + Trunnons and dummy legs—these syppons are used for many appliatons and are welded 10 the fuse of the pipe shout curing 3 hoe ito + Brackes—This ype of supp may be welded 10 structural member o cea piees of equipment lemay hve a eantlever design or knee bring for supporting heap loads, Lines maybe Uboked, {guide ot hung by od hangers rom the bracket oF tay rest ca shoes Ao ‘plan layout designs should ake every fort to ‘now and understand we pipe suppor requirements ofthe ara bing wore! oto an pum ay ‘ut from piping and pipe sport point of view can be developed Consretbilty Spenlingasonal ne and efor durlagde engineeinphate of projec safe Fed ft redes lal construction sal tne or de ress the poten for coy rework on piping a ‘us. Two examples of consruciblty ae show in xhbit 1-47 The suo piping of pump as arranged faxing wo fing and does noe alow the contraction conracer any may 0 make an adjustment 13 mis. aligamea: between the ceterine ofthe vessel nthe pump. Ahough the piping configuration is basicaly oer, it gnores the consrucity of the overall Inyo Adding pool pleco psy B pe iy sdjsiment hax construction may esque “The fiiagto iting arrangements the ai cooler Inlet header poses a'simlar problem Insalsion of large ar coolers oon makes it impose for 1 pre [Ecad piping configursin to be bolted to te rnozdes, unless 2 spool pece of reasonable length Included in the lafou Hest maybe applied 0 the roblemn branch lines 3 they can be recentered the mazes. The fingtofiting configuration doee ot permit this Reni to the constuction, Once gan de consratbiy toe should be considered is as of Pat Laos Dos Specfeaion, as used in industrial terminology means the coasts under which 3 component sould be esgned and manufacured. Almost everthing thats purchased, consol, or designed is gonerned by Speciieasons. Spcieions encourage unformy and improve quality thoughout all industries. Fr the lant aout designer, peciieaion is an event oo ffthe wade Ignorance of or flare comp with the fuielines sen the 2cojex specification could be ely and could fle de quality othe design Spec ‘aon set the reqirenens for plant equipment a. ‘agement, operation, maltennee, and sly inthe process plat tyout aed deal he secierents for mplane mth national codes and rgulstions ‘THE COMPONENTS OF SPECIFICATION ‘This chapter defines wits incuded in he speticn. tion. The pln: layout designer must be avae of all the section components ad how 1 work ee tel sh the speetenon Modifications ‘Any esos, exceptions or addenda othe speiicn tion shouldbe highligh inthe project document ‘on, Except for smal skdmouned unis all lear ances and acess for operation and mintnance 0a ‘equipment furished a2 regular par ofa proprietary package should be in accordance with te feque ‘ment ofthe specicxon ‘Terms Operator aces she Space equied beeen com: nets oF pis of component o pesmi walking, Sperating ves, wiewnginsroment, climbing I (ers or Sas, and safe eng the unt nan emer Beso Maintenance access the space required a service CHAPTER Plant Layout Specification equipment in place oto remove the unt equipment (oF portions of equipment or este cepa Eguipmentincluss evry component sswociated ‘withthe process plant (eg, pumps ower, het ex: ‘unger and compressor) Equipment Arrangement ‘General plan arrangement must be consset th prevaling amaspheric an ste condions wel as ‘wt local codes aed epulatons Equipment ust be srouped within commen proces areas 1 tine Pendent operon and sudown. Equipment within proces and offsite areas mu be aranged occ ‘ose operational and mainenance aces and 10 meet the safer requirement ted in Exib« 21 Un Tes eequied for conn operaor ose), equ ment isto be located in process vequencew minimize Jnterconnecing ping Process nis, bulldogs, and groups of ose areas (eg tank fers) are sence by aliay roads for maintenance and fie fing, Equipment locsion rs facta place manenance by mable eau ment Process equipment must beencesein sheers ‘nip when required hy exreme cime condos ‘dient pretences In gener, piping, power, and inseument cables se w be cried on oferead ppe ras in process ‘his ad uy pnt and in rade Sepers no te Equipment Elevations Equipment should generaly be elevated minimum high from grade #9 SU procs, operation, and ‘maintenance requirements Horizontal drums, shell nd ube exchangers and faraces mst be supported from grade by concrete piers Verial vesels (eB, towers and rectors with atached dls) and baseplate ‘equipment wth puns should be supped eade by eoacrete foundations B HEF ek et a : Sea eli beet ists fat feat tua fe facie cists ey bettie laa hat Fe [slesleoleel sieoleelurbebota pe a SEs “Tarver a no by cen geen ony (EEA tan 0 F300" nd er equpmeat n [pripstoctons wah pr pc per ta 9p Gaia "rte of nana eae peter Shoo pa Sagem) tar ced oy Sea race 2 English Measurement Lage vacuum or crude tewers with sagged bot ‘om secions and compeesom tat ae be elevated for operational needs mat 9 sipped from co crete ucts. Equipment fat most be eet fo praca, alr coolers shoul alo be supported from ‘roca Plt apa ig Das overhead pipe racks, Bgupmenteewatons mst be in accordance with Exhibit 22 Roads, Paving, and Railroads Process plans are 0 be sevice by rads adacet 10 process unis, uly plans, materalstandling ad TOMI 21 Egupmene pacing (Con) Pca te Ss | Se ae pS Ns BG eri ea ae Ea cae eee iE Hep eh Jes ae oe ee waaeens Bie Utlsrs PERE nvee! aba leading areas and groups of offste equipment that requ aces or mantenance andre Ring. An ‘adequate road newort and parking fy shouldbe rovded a adinstaion bing, the main pla feontol oom, firehowses, and warehouses, Aacess ‘rays secondary coals mus be ronded hin pro (as uns and uly plas othr equipment can be emored for off unt repair chemials and a Iss can be loaded :nd unloaded Roads must be ramped ver piping inersetions with gre level sleepers Pr within process uns and uly pans soul also enconpas al equipment, unt conta room a fe andthe aea benet the main pipe rac: Unless equred for maintence reasons, ving need not tend to aula sds. ‘Ofte area paving mus be provided groups of ‘equipment fe, pump shbs and metering sao) Dut ora ark ams, ese ed arse, under pipe ‘ad, or in areas alongside rads, except when fe {utred foe matrenance These unpaved arse ae not Suraced Unpaved aress within the batery he of regis unis and ay plants ust be graded ad Surfed with crushed stone o ie meri ep fr floes in corto and sige bul ll Indoor and outdoor paring must be ped for drain me. ‘Cubs and walls re tae use in process unis and wily plan © conan splls fom equipment ving, {id and other dangerous chemvalsEanten dikes eta 22. oe a cee oe ee em ee ee Se ee z = = Se rigging tiene ve a Faring werden maunigccumima ren —— fo sestamet — ees ceed ttre ho cheese eee = Tem spe = Ppa oe ee Boe 3 — opm -—. sss a Se ee ag on pst ree stoun (a) ah er Mg of ae must be bull in offste ares to retain spl from Storage tanks Dikes, cubs 2nd walls ved to conta ‘tank spis must be able 0 scommodate the volume ofthe largest ank in the area When calculating the Sz of enclosure, the dese mast consider the dis placement volume ofa cher nk (le. tothe elght tthe dike) aswell 25 an allowance freeboard ‘roca Panton ad Pipa Ds aoa stems that ae designed foe in pln op cation and that intersect o form prot main ne fs (0 conform seth sandarde and pracices of the ‘mainline eairad or appropriate authori. Rod ps Ings and ralroad dimensions and clearances oid be fn accordance withthe minimum dimensions shown in Exhie23 Discaten EMURT 2S a Deco com fow Pig and pie wath 7 fete em = Sp Seco pas wath ee tree ig ie na Samet cane deaipaennictese 1 Mes See ng mpc? Sn dee tom taker con re 200 Sige bewee quo steetsndpell Mam ‘hoe pon nl used pe cae bficerrangperewme ECHO Ye Soca ree —_—_____. Perms are tobe previ at al elevated equpeene ane at contol that a= beyond reach from grade for ‘manual operaion and maintenance Sairays must be povided to lead wo service eels fn srucures, bulding, compressor howe dct, and furnaces that require tequent access by plant oper ‘ion personnel. Storage aks lpr than 15 (4500 ‘m) In dlameser and higher than 20 R (6000 mm) 2s require sais for sees. Ladders must be po ded for vessel laos, secondary service level in FRrucures and fuses and t sorage ans wih the dmensions previous mentioned. Scape ladders ‘sao be prone fom src levels 0 ha 00 point on «pla i hrtomaly tore dan 75 (22500 mm) in walking distance fem 2 man ose ondary ext. Side ext Inder ae prefered Fare sacks nce only e poided with single coninuous Ladder orp inspecun and access 10 the op matte ance plaioem Hana should be installed on open Sides fal laos seas and stalrway Ladders he ‘een more than 20 (6000 mm) bore grade muse tave sale cages Selelsing gates at adder openings ‘on al plore are ako eure. ‘eric vessels (ep, towers or ceacors) should ‘generally have creua platforms supped by back 15 fom the side of he vessel. lator, ladder, and ‘Sirway dimensions and earances should bein ‘cordance with dace show in Exhibit 24 (Unless ‘rvise noted, dimensions shown are msi) tem Deseripden on ime eam yu SBE Taemtoneee Fe na rier een yom noms who on at inom Grace cfpcirmor 50 scm eg odes 20> Exemonasmatpadiem fa Demeecftewm topics Fon teenie nasol YF ‘crus veas oe ot ape le un scum cee ‘econ x stan Wan(ahotanofurege) 76 Nitanoaleoedgirroe 18530) Net eee o edo 7 a0 aerndees ye ae ape Spc 24. Maintenance Adequate clearance must be provided adjacent 0 oF round equipment and contol that equi nplace Serng or tat fequre removal fom the xed op ‘aol location foe rep TF eguipments located within sheer, suitable ces (eg, wlley beams e waveling canes) mst be pronded to lit and rlecae the hentes tens. Drop ares must exis within shelters da wse fed ‘handing aces. There srl alo be drop areas for seal equipment tha mux be lowered to grade "There mot be adequate ara a al shell and be ‘echanges for roddng or ube bundle removal ands Feces for cot emova. xb 25 highs some ofthe principal maimeranceacvases and handling Gdevces coated wih 2 conventional operating plant Plant Operation “There mu be aoe trade aod teva Plats ott open the pan on poset I and unetaced mares i hese ped ate nb rte or ‘vated walleways, i: a ‘Operating aes that crt conrently be Io coed ton cereine easton oF & 9 In 05) ‘in fom pace o plaerm mst have cha oper ton exon sensor me operators Exe ft taney mt aes ll nt lato aes mt be Toca at gage BD 2 highls heiiam ‘emer for operaoe ace cool -Above-Ground Piping. ‘Wit dhe excepson of pipeline pumping satons sewers and most cooling wneryseima piping gen tral run above grade in prones plants When locied below ground, proces piping that has prteave hea tng or that requires ingpecon and servicing shold Tae Pas oat ad Pi Dv be locates in trenches In presents and iy pls, ping 0 equp- rent nat un eves to mee operntor and mainte: tance cesrnces. Shor rans of pg (eg. pur ‘scons), ower, may ran a grade, where they do ot obsroct access 3. Piping in such offsite ares {tank fame mos ron apposite Bin 450 ee) tome grade rd st provide ae 2c 10 co trols and maintenance areas by wallow sls. fF $e pipe racks mus be looted adacen 0 storage nk hes Win died aes, piping must un by Ure most ‘ect route les limited by Meaty and ak se fleet Piping serving an or tanks fa 3 coon area mus not run trough adjoining dike areas "AL insulted ping a passes rough dies and lt piping passing under roads or roads mas be ‘nclosed in metal pipe sleeves, Uninsulated piping fasing through kes should be eased and wrapped fat not sleeved. ping stems must ft the r= moval of equipment witout emonng the asociated Piping sn cools ping stems ae 0 be arranged with suficent Aexbilty to reduce any excessive ese and, when possible, accommodate expansion whoo wing Fepanstn hewn Line sparing shouldbe based on Sat line movements under role pent, fendtons "Te top of tacks and continsously operating Yes that discharge hazardous rapors mist be postoned t Jess 10 (3000 mm) above ay pladorn win 2 horaonal acs of 70 (2,000 mun) fom the werk for sc, Inrmiter vents tat dcharge hazardous ‘spor into the mosphere are o be Weed a mi ‘num of 107 (3,000 mam) above ay plavor sthin a ‘horizontal rds of 35 f (10300 mm) from the vent. "Te verti distance may be reduced for vents ad sacs decarging Int the atcephere by te same distance ht platform i ouside the sey ads from the vent or sack, as luseaed in Exhibit 27. Nonhazarus vapors (eg air or steam) must be reed away from personnel osc ng neice 25 aetna: ween caaeeme ig ue alee ges cme enol hci) amen et rol er) Teer enh Bil ona ec rok tbe roa Piemonte) are compres Mr Ut omg em ‘sed — Sigh snk grt a es more ‘ao wwii) ‘ene 2019859) ed TBOUBIT 26 Opentor Accesso Cos eeepered Ye ‘Spleens te ne antes te ae, 3a ge we Teepennce ene te ib ot) or mae far) IBOUBET 27 Ameer Vons| Fiat on patton ‘The plo plans one othe key documents produced uring the engineering phase in any procesing fi tis used 0 locate equipment and supporting i Frasrocure and t esablsh the sequence of make ‘engineering and constuction ates Plot pans ae ‘se by almost every exinering group win 8 pro eta force rom esting and scheduling ough onsrcion. The plac plan is developed by the plat layou designer, usualy atthe proposal stage ofthe projec and remains th cesponsliy of the designer vouhoutconsructan,Simie paces ons en neered for eo lens may Took vas diferent for ‘anus reaians inciting avaiable real eae, sil 2nd climate rntons and cent philosophy on op fraon, maletenance, and safe. For these Feasons, ‘Sanden of proses uit plex plans dlc ‘Neverheles as mest cperaing lites use common ‘equipment (6, shel adtube heat exchangers, pes sure ressls pups and compressors, is passble ‘0 apply a fw bac ees tat sit most hens and roves apd that enable the plant layout deslgner © eproach the tsk of arangng the equipment ad supporting faites in an onverly manner ‘THE PLOT PLAN IN THE PROCESS UNIT “This chapter highligh the general requirements for Process uni plot plan arangerent It eates the Infomation equted 10 lace operating equlpment and seppsting fits to sok operator and maine ance access, conseacbliy, process Operon, ‘sey, and com elles design DEFINITION ‘The proess unit plot lan sa ateangemen deawing that highlights the equpment and supporting ces (g,pipe racks and buildings). These are ered for 2 ghvon prowess lneraed Win 2 common baery CHAPTER Plot Plans liiare, usually designed for tadependent operation and shutdown. The fal plot plan Identifies all he omponens by designated numbers and show, (0 ‘ae, the base shapes of the equipment aed supp Ing flies, locating dem in Bodh the vertical ans the hosaoral ples. Genel, the serangement hwn inthe plan with eleted ew urihd oy for cant (eg, in he verucaly seuced pan) Plot plas developed wi tre-dimensonal CAD model Ing have the advanage of producing mull plans, ‘levaons and omer ews with 0 anonal fort The pec lan used forthe fusions chewed tn the following sexions Piping design The plet plan & wed to produce cuipeentsrangement stad tht facia the I terconnoton of above and below-ground process sd uly ppg tens anda este piping mite sal quanti iit engineering The plot plan used to develop sarading and damage plans, holding ponds, dked a fs, foundation and strat designs anc all bulk ‘material etnates lect engineering The plot plan i sed to pro ce ates classicaion drawings, to locate switchgear nd the incoming sbstaion and mesor contol Sen ‘er torte cables, ado esate le materials Instrument engineering, The pot plan i use to lo- Ce anlyer hoe nt ale rays ait i the lo ‘on ofthe main cartel hose, and estimate bok tera Stems englcerig The plo plan used to il tease desig, ne sing sn tty lod Howe equierent. Scheduling The pot plan i used to schedule the ‘orderly completion of ennering aces. 7 ennui, sasuaee slits co cu 2 Pees Construction The plo plan's used o sche the erection sequence ofall plat equipment, which in dudes rigging stodies for lnge lif, consrucbilty feviews, marshaling, and laydown aes throughout the enue constrocion pase Estimating The plot plan & used wo estimate the ‘overl ecto pester polation nd ibation usualy the ‘onom ofthe elie. I can be held down more cexily becuse Hi located close 10 grade. Volune Dotles are aso used to reduce vibration. They are Toeted downstream ofthe dcharge pulsation da ‘ener and are smi esmibbers but donot have Such Inceals baffles or choke tes. CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS: NOZZLE ORIENTATIONS Horizontal Split-Case Compressors “The seestion of sng sage or multisagehotzota splvcase compressor may depend onthe design of the compeessor or preference ofthe nae location to sk particular layout a. grade mounted con pesto is plied, the side ortop orientation may be Seleced, whereas die bouom connections are gene ally wed for elevated compeesvors. Duda ae ace, the top haf he compressor cases removed Dy ling eral and avay fem de bono ase by, Th configuration i used for chemical pazo chemic ndusril ad proces ti, eigen, nd highvolume and loo medium presse ps sereice apliosions Exhibit G14 shows the varaions f 2 howzonal spicase compressor TBOUBIT 4-12 Compress Suction Dew/Raociou : | seems atl | Vertical Spi-Case Compressors adie 415 lunates howe hs applicsion a tayo preerence caste secon Remora of the vox seem eoigh the for end ote mpc, avy fo the deve fe compressor ‘ental te remevaldane ote pla ‘deg This designe focal reorn fq we comersion and sepesiing, process stot, eigen and ighpresre on soe tr igolune lw pressure pu erie ppm. More thn one onpasor ue msy be baked wp fine Gee Ese 39) ‘TYPES OF COMPRESSOR DRIVES eerie motor From 2 lajout sandpoin, elec ‘motors require the least amount of sformation 10 ‘eae 3 ALTEeN Ay ‘roca Plant layot ond Piping Be {BOUBIT 615 Veet prcne Compre [ERHBIT (6 Tandem Arongenone suppor a comprehensie design adequately fora tion s needed ezaaing the motors psa dimen sions, lrges component, weight tobe maintained, 2nd spec cooing requirements ny. Ex 17 ‘Shows a piel elecie moto. Steam tine There ate two Kinds of seam tu bins backpressure ad condensing Back pressure turbine are dete by iglepesoue can an requir surice condensers Condensing aries are ‘ull daven by lonpressue steam, Seam wrbines ae cutenly popular becuse they can conver age Smoures of eat nen into mechanical work very ‘tical. The propulin force f applied dre © {he rotting element nd ot though a series f has and cams The seam tubine ao has alow woraton evel and few monng pate that require mainenance ally, the urbine'sfage of sped very wide some vendor usines af rated from 10 100000, horsepomer. Noncondessng turbines are physically smaller thin comparabe condensing units because fever sages ae needed okt dow team that ie 3 lower heat dop. A mpi seam turbine sho a Exhibit 418, Gas turbine Selection of gas turbines lke any eter dee sje, is based on economics. The alu of gas In such remote areas 25 desers and ofstore plans makes is prime source of power fn these Toeaions. Gas turbines are used ia various apes tions inhding estamos, gud pump ‘ng, mas reigection, and proces compressors Af compressed inthe gs turbine by the centile Dresor andi charged ino a eeverse fom anole ombustr in which eli injected trough noes. ‘The wanton dct diectsthe hot asia ene storia, hich neuen dives the compresto. The hot ass docted ino a poe trie and discharged through an exhaust cifwer The exhaus gi, which generally ranges Between 800" and 1200" F 425" 0 (630°), sate used fo stexm generation an or hot fl stems Exhibit 419 shows» ype ga turbine LUBE O1L sysTEM ‘The primary function of the lube ol console bs 12 supply clean, col lubrienting ol the bearings oe ‘compressor ands deer. The console package of ‘ulpment, which s supplied by te compres ven doe and usualy inctudes an al reseevoi to pumps (a primary and a spare, tw fiers or er elements Ina duplevape arangemer, coolers and ssocited ‘contol A pial abe al cena shown in EXD 1420. then placing a lobe of console around com Dresor, the designer must acre to leuance re {ulrements for operation anc mastenane ofthe unit iy, here shouldbe suet room to remove the cooler tube bundle Secon, the space ceed to pull the filter elements mux be considered there fan be-no physical cbstucson orer the fer at ‘ss Pat apo ad Pig Da might res thee removal. Tir, when the wi wil be expaed to severely cold temperatures, a heaing coils placed below the cake tht requires mace tance and must be pulled leat ofthe tank xt {£21 shows 4 pial foe ol console piping and ln seramencaion dagram, and Beh 422 thse 3 type dala line routing fom te compresor to the Lube of resent SEAL OM SYSTEM The sea oil tm supplies clothe dau seals ‘ttre compressor wt are lost at te ote ds ofthe shat, ata constant temperature and pres ‘he ol escaping the low pres side of hese turns to the ese and ie eciralted Oi escaping through the highpressure side pases through sour fl aps to the Sele desing take ‘Thee are 0 pes of elo tems: gravity and pressuried The grav eed sel ol sysem resect is mounted above and in view ofthe compressor, ‘shose elton i set by the capresso vendor The Sour tps can beige wh the ube ol conse Skid or locted on a sepamte sd The presurieed seal oll stem i 3 pump around faley whore com ponents are Integral tothe lobe oil console sd ot ‘mounted on. 3 separate skid af components ae ‘mounted ona separate skid, placement mat seco modate seal ol console operation and maintenance, Taourr 422 eee ane oe le Yalpee Ror =a setae aN sie SL — eon 1 wih the lube oll consol On some compressor Sem a land onder eared soul be Ica closet the compres, tens engineering supplies information regaring the elwsion, and ‘her requirements of sell oop Selo cis, ae not required fr recpresting compresoe. Be ‘ese Panay and Pin Dn hibit 423 stows 2 salon oan, and Et {£24 shows a nner pine and instrumentation i ‘gam of seal ol console ‘SURFACE CONDENSERS AND ‘AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Surface condensers are used in conjuction with con Sensing steam trbines thar dave Lage cenefuga compressors. As depiced in shit 425 he exhasnt Seam enters the top of the condense and pases through the shel which sled with eabes. Cold ws ter is pumped through the tubes while het exaust Steam pases around the outside. Hot water, called condensate, ess and cols in the oe well the trom of the condenses. Exhibit 426 shows piping arrangement spill found around surface condensers, The condensate that cole inthe ht wel spared cut nd wed in the generation of seam elerhere inthe plant. Aleve ‘controller, which i mounted onthe sie of the hot. well, aces the conta valve dower of the ‘Pumps When the condensate eaches specter! in the hi well A'wet vapor vent sun fom the pup casing back wo the condenser sell tobe liquefied. line connected othe exhausts inlet is ented 0 ‘races Patapon and Piping Det ‘exer a6 ‘tary tupmet the atmosphere through a safer valve, Condensate is piped downstream ofthe valve and creates water Seal on the valve wo mina the vaca pressure it the stem Bees pul additonal wet vapor ren the ‘condenser, As steam i fd ino the endothe Seton, the low pressure wer vapor i set to the nee afer condenser, where adaonal iqueaclon takes place through convection wth cold water. When the seam trp filled with condense, pes and the higher pressuce onthe intester condense Sends the con ‘ens back ote ht mel nthe surf andense Equipment Location and Flevation hibit 427 lusateshow peimary poces consider. ‘tons govem the eleation ofthe suze condenser and some fis sui equipment. Because a pun ised to remene te condensate fom the bot wel, the purp nee postie ston head (NPSH) rust be ‘Stisied fo operate slsfactorty Vera pumps ae perl ie in ths aplicon because the NPSH fequirement i calevared from the bowom of the tomer impeller fr vented pumps, compared wah be centerline ofthe ine oszle fo horontal puns. Sein the elevrion eth interfer condense, ust sly losed othe side of the surface condenser, 0 bbe done with fewer etrctons. The boom ofthe ineeafe condeneer sel mst not be ocean 3 (Gon mm below he condensate return nozde an the ‘de ofthe hot wel The plant you designer is hen fre tos the elevation a gh 5 neces. (COMPRESSOR MAINTENANCE CCompresce istallatons and most ater equipment maybe Toate either in open res ofthe pant or In ‘Srctres that have ao only ea crap wall or are ‘omplecely enclosed For the plat layout designer, ‘lent preference and climate condoms ae the 9 ‘pmatyconsdertoes tht determine the tlsion ‘Sreompresr sheer The fc that machines maybe ‘iter elevated or grade mounted creates 3 varicy of ‘ranteance problers for the plat layout designe. Compressor Maintenance Versus Economies Akough operation ad fry re Import rd must be incorporated in he design of an fc sine ance a economic factors must abo be considered ‘then in compressor are plan. When dealing wih 2 Fovzonal splice centri compressr, he pla fesgner mast determine weir the compresoe Should be elensed or grade mound AlDough 2 {grasemeunted machine sts ona relatively aw con ‘rete pd ith Ibe ol console clove by, hs a rangement also fas ke price Suction and discharge piping enters and exts de compres case fom the {Op, which means tae pping must be femoved to ‘psocm general manerance on hotaontal piece machines When 3 condensing turbine suse 3 he Aker for uch machin, he exhaus ping. hich 5 tuo ran ewerhead, must be rem The ssppon Sel reqired for tp connected compressors et feral more exter, and t must be placed So Tat ‘haimennce ofthe machine inex hindered. Toran elevated compressor with condensing bine dite, the compressor suction and. dscharge (Guth Single sage or muisage) and he exaust ou Teton the bine eran In place during general ‘mstence akough an eleated srucrre segues 2 prester inal pal expenditure, the onsteam {une over the ie ofthe plan wl be preter because farses mantsnance around and shorter don Maintenance Impact on Shelter or ‘Structure Size Exh 428 lusts how compressor matenance Mes he sige of the sheer or suctuce AshougS ‘pentional aces ten determines Rooe space © (tenens, the height of compressor house 1 Stiaha faction of malenance. Coasoquad. he fine ofthe mainenance area mus permit he ispest ‘ole Hem to pase nbstraced fom ane end of te bulking ote her an should be seta ose othe ‘operning levels pssible The centerine elevation of the tok har allows all tems to passthrough the Imainenance aren most be sc. The hook eiaton, SE Zs plushe masimum ited determines the depth of the wolley Beam The lention ofthe buldings eave ‘shen set by allowing aicent space forthe teeing ‘rae to teaver the lng of te ulin mel foes route aiseranee Maintenance Considerations for No shelter when developing 2 compreor layout that doesnot secre a stuetre or seer, the designer mustallow dea room fr mobile handing equipent it nite, aise to clarallobsrectons ining re Ideas, monitors, andight pole) and back a 2 sing tt were canbe placed on another vehi Exhibit £29 iustrates 2 grademounted cess ompresior with no sicker. “This isalaton i sly the easiest © mais Deas all he coments may be removed with ‘mobile equipment I rose. the engineering con ‘paar 29 ite Compre tracoe should be tforned of the npe of motile equipment the client wl use, as wel as ing {apc cope epiman cnpresor byt ‘break Manges must be provided in the piping to slow: the remowa ofthe tp Fal ofthe compressor case ‘The inallion Ia Exhbt 40 & an open side surutre wah a oot Component moval maybe Complisad by mobile equipment ra eavelng cane [deste room must be planed for remoning the largest component both in the level 1 (gia ‘mounted and level 1! (elevated) instalasons The compresor arrangement in Exile 431 3 curain wall srucur wi our ses, open fom the ‘operating level to 2 height of 8 (2400 em) Tas rangement i often found in tempest climates Maintenance is accomplished wih a ravcing crane ‘The drop zane forthe equipment maybe win ‘ouside the ster f the drop zone i ouside the shel, emorable panes mst be rise and se ‘ed on the layout drawing, The arangement in Ecibit 432 Is an open ele- ‘ated instalation. Component semoval maybe accom plished with mobile equipment ora tveing gantry, Ihc ides oa two als ang exer side of the ma hie. Astructre mist be provided to carry the rails fot to the equipment drop zone ‘Traces a apt ad Pip Ds ‘So Contop Opened Sevcrre ‘The arrangement illaseated in Exhibit 428s for an sented mulcompeessor stucure: it can be equipped with curain wall o¢toly enclosed, & ‘lea rea ust be planed erin the layout age permit any machine tobe mainained witout iste Ing the ping or components ofthe other compres: sors. The maintenance sequence fora mueampres sor arrangement i$ town ia Exbit 433 and is Sealed 3 fllons + Te component fed bythe tavelingcrane ands passed tough the dene maintenance aren + Tes brought tthe crop zane above dhe operating far level 1 The kom is lowered 10 grade, where malatenance may be performed, oF Set of 2 Oabed tuck for ‘enor |The ces aren allows the mobile equipment ote ‘el and from the drop zone Ifthe chet prefers mami she component onthe Comprar 4. Trace Fa ont and Pg Den TBR 433 aeounceSopcace eco be mii ie a pe gh ce 1 ten roo ede ee 1 Repent ptr oe ee ‘hector (ee cme Pate mio a {ioe sabe egred acca 2 opertng deck lw, adept area ust be po ‘de! and the structural ener st be mie of the sie and weight othe gest ter thar wil be Maimenance of eecprocaing compressors for open and enclose sesllaion Is shen Ex {C54 Alou i commen to ase permanee han ding fates (eg trvelngcrnes) for enelned Stallions, another opin aval, we racuel ‘engineers provide removable pcs he rok ro Ine equipmene may be used 0 faite compan ‘Arete import exe regarding reciprocating conpeesor maintenance shown in Exe 435 0 ‘lea area must e provided i ise wih each com reson finder term eytinder rere dary the maimenance eye. The area berween wo ma chines must be common fr both hides. ‘COMPRESSOR ARRANGEMENT AND LOCATION No Shelter Becaase many acceptale arasons of 4 ceniugal compressor area are posible, te version presented In Exe 436 must be explained. Bee he area includes three ceiigal machines wal sparse Ibe oi consoles (ren by condensing seam tu bins), wo inercolers shee sucon drums, Sut ‘ace condenser, and two vertical condensate pumps eeae there are thee condensing steam trbies ‘pening a low sea pressre, minimizing the Teng of the exhale to the surface condenser should be one ofthe fist gal layout dese en Siders. The sure condenser is Hosted pnt 0 the South ofthe compressor operating platform The ube Ol console for compres 1s Iced 1 te wes of the sere condense, which perms the rewen ine to din to the i reer without cexracion Can Sequenty te area deat east of the suze con ‘panne 35 Finite einer ‘roses Panta and Pips Bat ‘paar 436 Sanaa ‘The vet condense pumps ae located js the south ofthe condenser and should sacle the ‘zeline of the hor well out nozzle. The disance barmeen the condense and he pumps i dictated by ‘pump operation and maintenance relrments 3 ‘wells piping xi ‘The fucion drum: for compresors 1 and 2 ae Jocaed along the equpment line jst othe west of {he operating parr Ofer, the outlet ln ofthe suction drom to the compressor suction nozzle re (gles alow meter wh sight run lengths opsteam 2d dowsueumn. This rangement perms ther ‘al conigsion of te linet sai the mer ow equemens The intercooler fer compreswr 1 is lore at trade below the plavorm, with clear acces othe sah fat the semeval The ibe ei come for com res 2 lcs jus to the eat fhe compeeson 3 ‘ae level below the operating plaform, I here Insuicient room to manain the console, removable fgrtng must be provided atthe operating plavorm level which pronbis any cher ws forthe ‘Compressor 3 hs a intercooler mounted dec) below the machin, which s supplied by the vendor ‘Aaa. ample axes mst be provided for tbe ce ‘oral. The ube of console for compressor 3 i lo ‘ted jou and clea ofthe aerating platform to the eas Asin, fee draining il eur new he ‘console most be proved. The suction drum fo on reso 3 I onthe equipaent fae wo the eas of the ‘pecating platform, ‘ecess othe operating platform sby ro salrays opposite es afte aa allowing emergency et Gompresors 78 ‘pausir 37 ecpocing Ecmpriece Toy ach machine has onto pane that placed log the noth edge ofthe opcrang pion. Boone there no shelter ovr this panel are, all mor maintenance is handled by aie equpmeny Enclosed Structure ‘The arrangement shown in Exhibit 437 consis of three electri: motor-dven reposting compres: Sors aswell a at loners, stom dene sok rs, conto panels, and one ne ol console Because the compresons are two difeent ses the elcrc Inaxorshavebeen lined upto permitthe power soppy anduit wo run seaight east nd west, regards of ‘whether ron dre below the operating por or below grade: {Compresor 1 has thee cinders wih 2 separate lube ol console dha located cet the north below he operating paorm. A emovable section of ‘he platoon should be provided for mainenance ove the unit This area must be kept clear of ay oston Compressors 2 and 3 ate ident four cylinder machines ta have integral ube ol consoles soured ety cox the compressor frame, Each compressor has acon panel located long the noth wall. ‘hn area along the north compressor wal is ce serve forthe valve sems, which ae located below the Noor and extend toa dsance of approximately 3 (000 mam) atove de paorm floor A sleeper tans exand west ouside the north wall forall compress Piping, whic vibrates great deal cause ftp fang compressor opration and therefore mus Be run a cose to grade as possible. Ifthe operating ‘aes are located ouside the building. + caval should be peowded toll access dur peration, ‘he sucion drums ind inercoolers we od sos from the sleeper area ‘Ina tral enclosing, al compressor main tenance i handled by eel crane, The operating Alor sons ane bay etre the et wal which allows fora dep zone for maintenance. Mobile equipment muse Brought no ti area from the south oe Rollap doors ate generally provided for his purpose ich of the dee cleare mexors requis fom {he ouside 6 coo the motors Elec ears Wii buuldings do at alas require dhs typeof cooking ‘Access to the operating are ofthis rare 3 complished by srwey and doors along the sor ‘allot tthe west erd and close tothe ent end and {he south wal ate wet end. An atonal ae ‘ay atthe nce pes pear oc maenance Under the operating for ELEVATIONS OF MACHINES ‘Tis secon dels wit the problems that must be _alresed when the eleatons a both cena and Fecprocaag compresors are set When. separate Tube of contoles are wed 3 ree-drsning line from the machine tothe le ol eserolr must be mai. tained Centrifugal Compressors ‘The ype of deve and ssocined equipment tems 36 well a the seg un requirements ofthe compres. Se le piping are the major Esta se the a lation ofthe machines Etibas (38 and 439 ls tex the following + Arangement A shows boom mounted azz, + Areangement 8 shows tp-ousued noses, + Actangement shows a sure condenser mounted Airey below te turbine, sich common when only one rhe is beng served + Arrangement D shows a top nozle that allows the ‘xhass steam ine to run to 8 surface condenses serving mulple turbines, shown in Exhibit 2 By seleing compress arrangement Ao 8 and placing tS mach ine again the turbine mache "rangement C or D, a designer can review the gor ering erie fr seirg machine elerations (se x Ibi #40) Inadaon,considersion must be given miscellaneous equipment (eg, as shown in arage teat A of Ext 438). Reciprocating Compressors Reciprocating machines ae located a close to grade ‘> penal becuse the Teme OTN he Ding sytem This minimum elevaion i eablshed by the folowing eps Dut deserve Exhibe 4. 1. Sleeper—Uataly stat 121018 (30010450 mm) shove grade 2. Header sue—Bsablshed onthe piping adn ‘mentation diagram, 3. Minimum distance required 10 ener the header ‘wth the lrgest linet and fom the compres. 4. The pulsuon dampener—Desgne br the com presar vendor 5 Minimum clearance required berween the damp. fener and for ste 6 Maimum depth of Door sel—Se bythe sr. ‘url engineee = "BORE «38 Setting Heats of (Cent Compecsons ‘roc Fant od Piping DO GRE mpi one ts URI Me Ba azzaneeueT i —_— Couper ome Heal "Baur 40 SSmpemcre__Avaptent_cavaal by a (er tng 53 Aewremaee Staged angen ae 7 Dimension from he ceneline ofthe dampen the face ofthe nazala Set by vender. 8. Bouem ofthe compreser baseplate 10 the ce tein of the compresioe Set by the vendor INTER: AND AFTER-COOLERS Imer-cooters Coolers ae primaly used wo cede the cperaing temperature nthin a compresor eit ‘a, which allows the use of taller machine with fewer cinders. These cooles may vay in sie and ‘ype ee, shall and ube, aiecolers and Ube) and ‘roses Plant apt and Piping Bs should be lots close tothe compressr as pa tia Insome reciprocating compress aeraigement, the coolers may he mounted onan recover te ompeesor by the vendor, bat they are usally lo ‘ed by the engineering cantar close to the ma chine or sige suction dram Exhibit 4-2 show 4 esta compressor wh ts intercooler and inter. onnectng piping between agen as sop by the ‘vendor. Eel 448 shows a reipocaton cones Sor wth ail components, including the inercooker, supped Separay by the contactor, Further refs lene o this can be seen in Bet 436, where the Imercooler to conpresso 1 mounted separa at _gade, pall to the compresor shat. The inter: ‘cooler fo compresar 31s mounted a grade, perpen ‘clr to the cmtecine of te shat, ad supped Dy te vendor ‘Afcrcoolers Mercoles are used 10 reduce the ‘operating temperature ofthe gas when leaves the fompeestor wees « connate Urovgh adden process equipment or enters a pipeline in whi i ‘us have aspeeiictenperature Ate coolers may be Toe ltr away fem ti compresior than som tn Exhibit 437 becuse the primary piping does aot return tothe cooler Biba 4-4 shows npc ser: cooler piping and insrumentaon diagram. HOUSING AND PLATFORM, REQUIREMENTS when a compressor covered partially oF tty cencosed bya sheer or sruture—snany elements Satemine how dhe lout mus be approached. The fasts to consider ace + Operon The plat operations personnel need room wo walk safely oud the machine. They mst ave acest vas, switche, and gages ad mst be able wo see all gauges, igh, and dal om the carl panels * Naitenance—Al principal components « be re ‘moved during major maintenance mt be abe belted bythe taeing crane, stung erally © the clear area (desiguated in Exh #33), and ee- ‘moved from the bling + Climate cndsions—Insalaion in temperate cl tes may require oa 2 ret that prondes limited Protection fom te ements In warmer cima 2 ‘uruin wal sucuremay be te right appieaon. A ‘urn wall as 3 complete rot and fou sides that ae open fom the opeaing level 03 height of ft (G00 mam). The sod blocks the sun for 0s af the [BKMBIT 442 Cena Compre wth Imen Cooter nd png Between ge ee ANTEZcoole2 (BC venpee) ay sil allowing cooler breezes to passthrough the score, This nsalltion may also be wed in eas with signet ranfall Tol enclosed se ‘tees ae usualy provid in severely cold cites + Safey—The housing msthave es cress though ‘out ample velation as prcecion from poten Gangerous gas lal, and sulcent umber of oors and rays nthe event ofan emerneny + Bcooomics—The are isi the building shouldbe large enough 10 sas all ther factors nd 90 larger unless specifically requested by a cen 10 sccommodate foure equipment within We stu Exuba 445 shows how 1 sea bullding, ea Jess of hse npc machine used the example or Cmpremom IBMBTT #3 A Reageoceng Compecsor wih AT (Componests rl at SS Kascwece a centifugal gas compresioe The elements tobe sized tre discussed inthe following eins Foor elevation The operang Noor elation i es lublshed by making all andar allowances around and above equipment and providing the asl head ‘oom below all horizontal piping rans and condi, 2 shown by Blodks F and Fand Exh 445, Dullding width ‘The with ofthe bung i esa shed by fst llowing space forte largest omnes sor tan. There must be adequate room meen the ‘team turbine, lube oll dai piping a ny micelle neous piping that maybe aranged slong the acer ‘all as shown by block Cia Exit 445, ete com Tes Fa Laut ad Ping ves TEOUBIT 444 Atcr Cooler Piping nd lcrancrenion Dae eth fase] a Pid ~——) resor end, there must be suet coom for the Speraors and any outine maintenance, a shown in block akthough the operate mus hae access tothe Front of the consol pal, may ako be neces 0 law acest he ea ofthe panel oe malnenance, Shon a8 ceuance Building eleration ‘The elevation ofthe bul i funheresablished by determining the sie fhe lee ‘maitenance area (shown as.X y ¥) This rea mus ‘commode the largest singe pice toe matained. 24 minimum eleven above all operating Noo re "yuiements, shown 3s cearance A The aemaie Iaenance area may be used ths area cleat throughout the lng ofthe bung, Fook centertine elation The lyout designe de termines the centerline elewaon ofthe honk. The ‘matimum lied lad mus be supplied to the seu tural engineer or bung contactor ta fish the coe traveling crane. The eae elevation f ten set fon the ass ofthe clearance ofthe crane sles? eo ‘LE N y xy GENERAL COMPRESSOR LAYOUT ‘This section highligh dona femres to consider sn te design of 2 courtugal or eeiprocaing com restor Layout There are many ways to develop 2 ompresor ino, but conan sspess ofthese mt hes dct how bes approach design tat pt ‘mies operon, maineance, and fey while adhe Ingo economic requrerents ‘Centrifugal Compcessors: Inlet Piping Wilh higher comprasor sooctee and rotating speeds, the plant Iya designer sust give preatet onsderaton wo the compressor inet ine The ASME Power text cote requ 2 minim of three dame ters of sigh run piping between the elbow and the Ink naz. Often, bower, such actos as velo ites, molec weight and temperate mat be ee sidered forthe epimum layout AN equipment ‘eer should be consued at the oust (0 develop 2 ‘se case layout reqlrement The prefered desig is ‘one in which te horizon run is parle othe com reson sha 35 shown in arrangement of Ehibe £456: (n dese examples, assumed that the com presor Ine size 12 tn and thatthe required Eimension for this paniculr at compressor ls fost Gdameters) The compressor elevation can be affected bythe vaous layouts. Acther .e that ould in ‘tee sight ran requirements the need to injec ‘wash water nt the pas steam © clean eompeesor ‘lads as shown io Exh 7. ‘Suction Line Strainers Compressor suction ines mast be eee of foreign Panis that could damage the Ineras ofthe ma Chine. Staines ae lsd in the sles Une berween, the block vate andthe compresior inlet nozle. Aer the unit bas been on stream fo ome time, the ea fare normaly remaves Should the ssies be the peomanent pe, # cleanout connection must be Sed 10 remove any rapped foreign mater during 2 Shusdown ofthe compeesor. Ee 4-48 lusvates to sich ppicaons Break-Out Flanges Al lines 0 compressor that must be cemoved for ‘maitenace af the compressor or sine removal ‘ust ive vet of fages in the ine in adon the Sec atthe compressor nome. Exh 449 shows one line wath 2 bliin extra set of anges a the sho valve and another line for which anges must be ‘ded esas there ae ao oer anges nes the compressor ase LNE @2E «(2b pwANON = ApCoAWET ED) mre ath Soletoer ey Vite otee Se es MS ue Pe Miscellaneous Piping Connections ‘The plan aout designer mus review both the eng neering contractor and the vendor piping and inst Imenution dagrams w enaue tht all connections ‘have ben piped up by one ote othe, Primary opeenting vive accessbibty All operat lng vales must be acessble to the operator from [rade othe opeatingplatorm sound the machine ‘ales that are pty out of reach may be made 7 ‘paneer 647 ‘Santtner jection sccesaible trough exenson stems or chain oper {oes Bah 450 shows some ofthese vriaons High-Pressure Steam Inlet Piping To streamline the high pressure, hightemperature steam inlet piping othe turbine, tbe plan layout de- Signe should review he compress ine drawing to locate the neural axis A tis pointe turbine Snchored to the se! frame. AS depicted in Exe ‘recess lt apt a ing Do 431, locating the line anchor coset thls poten les the designer to generate a layout with 3 min ‘mum amount of le, bce ssi the sree and Aenibiltyrequremenss i he parole system Straightening Vanes ‘When the saight ron onthe nk piping i ess han “snocth the fows and mprove the compressor pete. "nance. These vanes ms ein acoedance mith ASME fr American Gas Associaton sandavds Huse of vanes an be tolerated, the length fr any arangement (as lisrated in Exit 446) can be divided by four Reciprocating Compressor Piping Poorly designed reciprocating. compressor piping ‘ausespolstion that can edie machine copay and increas horseponer "requements Line” devgn sould be simple and ras 3 low to ride 3 posible wo fcltate support Once the compressor piping as been designed, the propored cig i su jected (0 an analg Study tat may Be done Behe veidoe ofan independent testing lboruory. Siw Ted by elecicl crus, ths analog study eis otetally damaging couse or pulsation problems Guring the design plase of the projec, eliminating ies eepue and eedesign coss ata ler de Line Branches All branches shoul elo set line suppor. ‘whenever possible Any sch connection should be "BUTT 455 Comper Sepp located on de top ofthe piping co minimize any po ‘ental quid carrpone. ARID 452 shows peal branch connections Compressor Pipe Supports Exubi 458 llaeras how to minimize the wan Sion of damaging wan by lating the line sup ons from aljacentcompresor or bulking founds Hons, perating foo see, or Bling Faring Drain Piping Ample dain piping mus be povided on sucion and ‘schuge piping to told inuid carport ino the pliner. On molisage mashines, care mutbe taken ‘the dan header system o wold piping up alow pressure drain into a highyeesure header: Doing so forceshe higher presse fide no the lower pes. sure cylinders. Compresos fave sll amounts of fi leatage atthe stufing en which usualy packed ‘pin the distance piece berveen the cylinder a the ankese,Gastght disance places are used for such Ihzardos ators 25 hoger. The piping and in “roca Pa Tat ad Pig Des stramentaion diagram should be caefly reviewed to ensire that all ens and deins are propery de signed “This chapter bas ate the plan aout designer a ‘arly of possible sotuons wo success develop 2 “comprehensive compressor layout. Maiizing et tieney while iniaing orginal apa expendhores nd ongoing maintenance costs 6 2 demaing ake The dose eooreaon aed cooperation ef euipment and astm engineers a9 understanding he dears eds and references, and designer ceatity ae all ‘ecesary elements wo ahleve ts geal General, drums ae insicl hollow scl veses ‘he in proves plans a remediate containers tha ‘ete quid fom dtl and condensing eau ‘ment Drom aio cole lid rom apoe ciecuts nd pump et ether process groups, disposal, ot produc storage Thay ae alo used for cerca and Sabet tong, sea peneraon, and deacon of bole feedwater. Tis haperhighligs the general ecuremens fo drum plan layout and proves in formion required t locke notes, fstranens, ping, and conos fo pladorming and operator and ‘TYPES OF DRUMS ‘Te drums cacused in ths chapter ze process wait drums that are use for refosng, sae, ucion nd {gneral itd colleaion. Drums in these series can eneraly be divided mo two categories: hoetzoally nd verealy mound. Drum internals ae fr less ‘ophisiated dan the components found inside the ‘llaion toner and ae limted to demster pds, Dales, wer restr, and detriuton piping Ex. Ib 51 shows pial fecal compresorsucon CHAPTER Drums leo, an Exhibit 5:2 shone ahorzontal refx drum ‘when specified, steam drums and deaeratrs are sully fuershed aa proprieary tem. Layout in tea confirmation of naz and supp losin 0 ‘ui piping and suctralcoaigueaions an plato Ing for operor and manuenance access Exit 53 slusuazes apical deserator arrange. RMR 5 ypc Vow comrenr Scion L_newsres £09 pare, }--O Sines au pee our $e ema ea neces even Y)-O Bina Lauip eur or [EXHIBIT 5:3 Typical Dears Anangemone [EKUDIT $4 Drm Locsin na Tower Rex Som LOCATION OF DRUMS Drums are located win a proces unit eter ad centto related equipment (ether dum) or a5 standalone operon (eg, 2 condensate collection frum) hen opersting win proce cequcnce of Felted tems (eg, pumps, condensers, and towers). ‘he drum shouldbe poston o facta an orderly and economic piping intereanection bewean self {and thote items "Within the conventional line proces unit, deans and their reted tems are generally locate on ether Side ofa cera pipe rack serviced by aus coads or maintenance sco. Incnain cas (e@. for Mash srs and deaeratos), drums can be lected above the plpe rac In chemi pln, drums are generally Toca all levels of enced or opensided sve tures. For example, Exit $4 shows the drum los tion ina tower rehux stem, EXhIDE $5 shows the ‘yp location of fed surge and compressor ston drums and Eahib56 shows the drum locaton an enclose chemical plane srucure ‘ros Pan yon and Piping Dp |BOMBIT $5 Locsin for Feed Supe and Composer Son Dems TB FReesTanee Z vemyggyoor" SLEVETION aCe Ze Blevation and Support Sima wo towers, drum elevations ae tte by the NWSH, a oar In Eibe 57, macunum clear ance, common platforming and maintenance nd op Ccator acces Win sructwres expectally chem ‘Holts, drums could be cewted above the min mum requirement of commode floor space sat "Bua 56 Enclosed Chen Pat abil. Drums for chemical collection stems are gen nl locate blo ground in concrete pts shown In Ethie 58 Mshods of sopport ae inluenced by the size anc location of he drum Simi to tomers lage verte rams are supponed by seine I ze peti, sal ‘ert! drums maybe supported by legs a showin xhbic $9, oF by gs eared within a structure, BGR 54 con Regen fr om osm Savana SOT By DERG SOND PENG 1 BADE 141/385 Ninna 7e Bapust 227/65 MaKiMuM Trea Plant aad Ping Ba QUBIE 542 rom Sevan Sch atta! ae fe shown in Exhibit 5.10 Hoeiontal drums ae usualy supported by sada from concrete pes or sec! eames if eleved within a suture, a lluseate in sib 5-1 Leg suppared drums shouldnt be ase inrecprocag compre cae stsep in drum lout sng te eight of the drum. To do tis, he plane layout designer se ‘ies the flloing formation + Dram dimensions + Type of heads + Support des, + NPS requirements of pum + Boxom ot sie + Minimum clearances + Veen, ‘The centerline elewaion of the drum, a illstated Inexhibi 512, was se sing the following lied ior. ‘maton (es recommeded tht a frechand atch be ‘efor this exercise) + Drum dimensions —#f (1220 um) diameter by 10- RG s0mn) leg Suppor deais—Saddls and concrete piers + NESH—9 8 2700 a). * Bota outer in, + Yocation—Freesanng * Minimum cearsice—7f (2100 mm). NOZZLE LOCATIONS ‘Drum dimensions nozae ses, and equted, er. ‘alae shown onthe process vessel seth finished by process enginerog and sncladed inthe proces 35 —_—— BABI 5:13 Typial roses Vout ech or Hoon Dm frie fF emauml TS Kee & hb ui Level, release package. Exhibit 5.13 shows a yplcal process vessel sketch fora hoxzontal drum, The flowing Information Is requited in order to poskion drum ozles + Process veel seh, + Insrument vessel sketch + Piping and insrumentacon agra, + Plant tnout specication. + None summary * Inslation requcemens + Plt pan. Exhibit 514 deplete prefered noe loans for orion duns ‘The prefered location fo lve instruments sana fiom she turbulence a the Hud user aczle A though th vessel i provided wit 2 vortex breaker ttruments should beset in the ult 2o0e ofthe ‘stel—for example, on te apposite side ofthe weit ‘orbal oe net the rapor outlet ec Proves nas should be lost a minimum from the ange lie Steamout connections should be lecued a the end ‘pposte the mairenane aces and vent in the bot 7 orm ten est ALTERMAN 6 pearesats 8, E22, wee 14 y Cs $-@ ‘e008 recite | gue our {BOUBIT 515 Typ Hla Nene ABD Nogate STANDOOT ‘ross lant apt ad Pig Ds tom secon ofthe dem. Pressure instrumenss sould be Toate ayaere i he vapor space, prefers thetop secon of the drum. Temperature istromens should Be loced anywhere in the lig space, pe. ‘connection shoul be loeted inthe op section othe rum athe end opposte the seam-out connection, ‘The dain should Be toate athe Bastm section of the drum To factte specif elention sequent for level nstrumens or posidoningstantenance aces nozzles maybe Ioeated ofthe main ave. These 02 es are generally referrod tots hile sales A ‘ppl hillside nowle i shown in Extbi $15. Tall vera drum nozes shouldbe elented and oleted sng the tomer subject a guide should be ote, however, that nozale Iocatons ace nt rested By legerral components, 2 the cate forthe detilation tower. More information on vera drums alae In chapter 10, Towers, ‘The nozles shown in Eshib 5.16 weve posmed Sn ‘panier 16 Septet [ 4 sanoies ng theguldinesdenssed in this chapter a ell as + Piping and Insrumeniaion Diggam (RSID) ‘thet infomation conained inthis book The ino: hb 528, ‘ation required cant lest 3 flloms: + Nome suosmary—Exubi 513 + Plant aout spectcation Chater 2 + Process vessel heel 513, + Insulason-—No requirements * Inseument vessel sheesh 5.29. + Mle plan 54, ALTERNATIVE Plame "Tor HEAD Pu Ba agen = I A : AUBIT S18 Pat Arargemen ors Ver a \ Ls = Beexer PLATFORM ARRANGEMENTS Ptfomns are required at dram fr access to ves, ‘nsrumens, binds, and mantenance aceses. Ex hii 517 tases plaoemsrangement ta ho zontal drum, and EshibE 58 csplays the arrange ‘ment fora eral drum ‘roc Pan aoa and Pg Do For tal veri drums, plaforms ae usually cru lar and supported by brackets tached wo the shel of the drum. Pats at horizontal rus ae usally rectangular and are supported by brackets tached 19 the concrete piers sopporting the drum or tunains tached othe shell othe drum. oy secret ‘Sze perms, use the ste Noo for ass en ‘wo Top head pans on hoiznal and veri instalauons are supported by trnnions stared to the vesel head. Generally, acess to feestanding rum plats is by ladder, Type rm por arrangements are shown in Exc 59. Paform eleraons foe duns are set by the kems tha equi operon and msintenance Onl ver ‘al and high elevated heetzontl deus, the porn leatios ae determined by + maxim lade 1 .0f 30 (9,150 mm). Exhibit 5.20 fuses horizon ‘drum platform and Inder elevation reqrement Piatiom floorspace requirements ae dated by op ceator access 10 controls, lnstumens, ad ane ance acess, Eu 5:21 and 5:22 show porn foe space fequiemens for horizontal and vertical 2 Lesuermerep reou /eupmeerto reo ‘couceere Piezs Pess | Teuwwons ‘surpoeree eam ‘eaane ‘. Mortzontal Drum Plsform Supports | == eee TH | | | “ceo (FOE seri @ . srucmre ioc Drum | | 4. Common Platorm 100. Neat, NereowensT, a6 & VALVE ReZeys ety Litt: ‘paar 20 arnt Dram ‘lwo Requirements “a5 gh oF couceere MAINTENANCE AecESS, VALVE, Bunp Egret Bese MTERMEOULTE Pareto Suir Mantas Enppe@ cams Insllations For ll vera drums aso dhol be ranged using the tower subj 3 guide tis covered in Chapter 10 Exhibit 528 depls a hodzotl drum platform ar rangeren that was designed using the pudelins 59 this chapter. Tis informatoncan be found a lows + Process veel ech Esti 5:13. + Drum elevaton— Exhibit $12, + Pls plan—Eahibe $4 + Type of suppor-—Saddles ind concrete pers PIPING ARRANGEMENTS pings drums should be ranged in conunecion swith aozle lorton, plan rangement nd he roc Pan out and Pg ev trume' ocaton to rated equipment ping oul be pstioned o faclat the iealaton of suppor, wih suficient Deity t0 absorb any extese stress daring operation png atl veri drums should be aranged in accordance wth the guidlines ‘ven in Chase 10 IF required, piping 2t horoatl freestanding rums shouldbe Supported fom the sell of the eum, the platoem steel. ofthe concrete piers sup: poring the drum. Piping asoited with Grams l- ‘ated within stucures should be support re she ssryural te. Exhibe $24 shows pial pipe sup pons at a heizontl drum, and Exit 525 shows 4 ‘pial pump soon arangemen Relieves that are open othe atmosphere cn low elevated horizontal ae vera drums should be ostloned allow the dscharze ping wo be outed ——_ PRepURE WsTeUMENT Hamu Lappeg Pee i insTeunents MANTENANCE RECESS alec, aS iM uP PLaTFogM, ree som Fae Sce ‘res Reqements surpoeT Rom couceeTe Ree sureoeTs PLOTRO@M BesceeT Traces Pt pot and Ping Dstt to a convenient, se location Closed tem reli ‘lve shoul be located as coavenient plaorm a ‘Cento te dum above the rb! vae hese Halt ‘ale ink piping more than 20 (6,100 mm) long should be checked by he sys engineering group {0 determine wheter the line size needs 19 be ‘essed for pressure dops. Ehibt 5:26 shows pia {rtangement for both sje “The piping arrangement shown in Exe 5.27 was exgoest using the ues inthis chapter. The re ‘aiements cn be fund s follows: + Process vessel sheteh—EXb 513, + Nore loatons—Eeibe 516 + Insument veel sonch—Exibit $29, + pep —exhibe 528 + Bqupmenrarangement—Rxtbi 54 + Pla arangemest—Eahbi 523, 103 ‘BIBI $26 Rec Vane ems ef oma Saar ' 4 + Nozze summary-—Exhbt $23, + Deum elewaion —Extibe 512, + Plane layout spccficaton —Chapter 2, ‘The sample piping and insrumentason diagram ds cused inthis haper lusrated in Exe 528 DRUM INSTRUMENTATION Level pressure andemperaure instrament ar wed to cont the operation of he Gram and shoul be laced i positon for opsimom operation and msn tenance Insrument requirements are usualy high lighted an instrument vessel sketch fishes by the incrument engineer assigned to the proect Ex Ibu 529 3 gpl insrumen esc! sketch level contr, stiches, and gauges ae ether loated inddualy oF grouped from a commen bridle or sande. The conrller mus be operable from grade ors platomy swiches, gauges and pes sure and temperrue conneions may be opeibe from 2 lade i no plaorm i zalube a the ee quired elevation “he instument arngement shown in Exhibit $30 was designed wing the guidelines inthis chapter as folows + Nore lostions Eat $16, + Insrument vesel skech—fahibe 529 + Mage arangement—Eahibit 523 + Piping arangemen—Eshbit $27 104. Troe Pant ont ad Pig Davin 105 Te nesnene ‘BRR 528 a Simple pg sae avout | De the suumemaoa Diagram ‘paar 529 [BUSI 531 Semple Horzowa Dram Dev Aranpenst ates! pumerag, ‘sare nce usualy furnished short rams CTT i i td Pi i Ze Texans Nozaine ¢etooles Sime oping Dram Te Oe Pusbeupesia To Tie nemnontal Puree ro be Hoerzouras ewer roid they shouldbe sranged in accordance wih ‘hose in En $31 Removal space shoud be provided above ums fucnthed wth miners Ifthe drum load within 2 ‘Hruaure, # emonble seaian of the floor above should be pended. Bdubu $32 dluseaes 2 drum ‘vata mice FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS. For vaious proces reson horton drums ofen tre hunted with wht appear oe asl eral ‘rum, led aboot aached 10 the underside of the ‘evel. Because te ben fs inaccessible to the ain frum plforming, special consideration must be savento the rangement of addtional pforming for {cess the nsamentaton onthe boot Ewhibt $33 Shows apple! drum boot layout Tn eerain cases, drums mus slope, 2 shown in hile $34 Ifthe nosis are ox perpendialar £0 the borional plane, all vec piping rus (rom these nozales must be called becte they wil be ‘eer oan ale “The dimensions, clearances, and guidelines high lighted ia tis chaper ae an example of wht can be ed for drum arrangement The plan layout designer Should be familar wh company and client sandra, however, before proceeding with dram Lao and should coordinate the fore with sich supporting groups as vesel, stems, proces and insrament en faneerng Heat exchangers ate sna to pump and ese kn that they ae widely wed in most process plans. The ‘onto of heat witha any fy an impor part ‘fplant operation, wher by dros pplication In furnace) of by beat nercharge (eg, ina shell and tube exchange). The principal epplison of a ‘ea exchanger ito maintain eat balance through the addition or remo of hea by exchange wih out side sources orbewoen streams of tw diferent ope. ing temperatures ‘This chapter highs the genera yout rogue: rents for eat exchangers fo nts he ifr CHAPTER Exchangers tion cequied bythe plat aout designer locate, tera, operate, and maintain the most common ex ‘anges and a postion he plping and coneob 380 ‘cated wa thee tems. The most common appl tions for heat exchangers, ilosraed ona process ow iagram in Bab 62, ae: + Cooler—Cons proces streams by transferring hes to cooling water, aunosphere, and ober media + Bxchanger—Bschanges heat fom a hott a cold proces seam + Reboller—Bols paces liquid in tomer booms us "ean tan pete iw . Air Cooler Exchanger Ing seam, hor ll, ora bt proces steam asthe SURES By evaporating refigerant heating medium, + Hemer—Heats a proces: steam by condensing EXCHANGER CONSTRUCTION gers used a proces sot 62 and ds teed inthe folowing sections. ‘races la Laptop Ds wu LD WauoaTat Veencae manos sree Spee at Bai S ‘Exchanger Passes, wee sice eueu sive Tamme toy how avy Tp eo Te che twee Veevical loa Seaxe Suries pe auger cuban oe HEAD’ en ie % )) Jrsuess = ee 1 Fuoatine eueLe Euoat inc feaw covex rues su Susu. 108 snep wee | gueroat | sven nozzte Beet Sappue shell and Tube Exchangers wed sea pie (rhe gris Tbe bundle Shell and tbe exchangers ace elongated sel iin dal esses contanng bundles of paral bes ig. tid pases through the inside ofthe shell one the feet side ofthe bes, th anaterIiguld passing teeough the ierior the tubes, crn the neces ‘ary inerchange of heat Berseen the wo gus The heads atthe ends ofthe exchanger ean be designed to ‘accommodate several pases onthe tbe side Mus ‘ple passes on the sel sie canbe achieved by instal fog bales pall the tubes, Bas may also be intaled inside the sel, perpenciula the mbes, ‘oar the igud ihe Sel agains the ubes. Mat ple pases sre wed tc ncese the fui velocity 0 © Improse the Now pat, causing increased eat recov 2, BahibE 63 shows an exchange wit wo FSse8 fon te tube side nd one onthe shell side “The shel of most eat exchanges are construe of seamless pipe for srall damecers and taped Sb ean ary from 8096 (20 emo 240 sn ameter ab fom 60 50. (1.30 rm 0 15000 en) In length The ends of the shell can be designed 12 secommodte welded, dished o ange sell covers ‘swells fanged or welded head oth the obese Sand the shell side of the exchangers have ine and {tls nozles postionedo provide the requied ow {heough the exchanger. The uit & supported 3 the shell by atached sads for horiontlinsalions fn by lgs for vera aangements. Tube bunds are made up of many smalllamete res dat ate expanded into tube sheers teach end ofthe bundle ‘One end i usualy fete ote allowed to fo (or expansion. For the more simplified Utube a. rangermeri onl ne ube sheet used which te frted withthe chanel head Ea 64 shows 3 9p Easel ata eahanger ing te ey ae ‘With many sel, shell covers, and head cavers m2 [BGUBET GS Typed Shel el Tube Exchanger anges be, Fixed Tube ‘Prec Plat apt ad Pig Del salable exchangers can be arranged in vious com: Dinations to pewie wide range of sere, The U. tube, fired ube, and fete srangement are is ‘ened ia Esha 65 Plate Exchangers Pe exchanges, shown in Exhibit 66, are generally tied in low presue,lowtemperatere spplicsions and are made up of end covers, crying tars net nd outer zz, plates, and gaskes. The exchanger plates fave spacing between them for lguid flow A iste, st Ino cannes on the ecphery of exch late, dec and conais the Lquia Dow dstibuton, ors forint and cult oft ead oe is te stinped In the comers of cach plate, When aligned, they form four ditruson header through the plate pace Dison of ht ad cold ig thernate plate ow channels is achieved by the past: Ing puter around each port When the liquid isn tended to Now trough othe net plate, he gasken Jef imac around the port. Alignment achieved by top and boom carrying bars ad ls ia each plate ‘when compleey assembled, the pla pack an gs kes ae compressed by bots brmeen the 0 covers. Suppor is prviged by me nied ena ever and ea sng bar. The plate exchanger requies ess ssalation and sencing space tan do shell and be range ‘ments of equalent suze Spiral Heat Exchangers Spiral heat exchangers are generally used in chemical Plants and ae of cela onstruction, consisting ofan assembly of wo lng sip of pue wrapped form 4 ul of concent spiral passages. Aernte edges of the pastages ae closed, tha qu flows teough continuous channels Removable covers ae Bed teach Side ofthe spiral assembly or access the spa lite As shorn in Exe 67. the inlet and et hozaes ae intel the ple housiag and the cov 85. The unt sipported by eps tached the plate ug ‘essen BOR, Taam 6 oe eee EE Osh EZ housing for horizontal insalsions and by hgs for vera installations Sina the pine exchange, the spiral exchange s compat and requites les in stllanon and servicing space an convention ex ‘anges of equvlen sure Double Pipe Exchangers The date. fin tbe, xanga i sed when Ge igo tar peer recance whet fw ta, sotto when te sure ae sal In Such isn te nao offers ot thereaanceto heat ow ofthe wo ins Sse In Eau 66, the double pipe exchange cris Pipe wipes bh pps ave ten bend Steen The inner pipetted wih ste ont fe asa he ttl Te sel re ae mnie + ‘etal rom the over pls and ete noses dre dey welded oe ce pipe eT cs | ivetek Ee fell upon hore by bac ug Sere Tue nase gue Ean eae Dale ig cane ee Tenpex Box ee oan MET Meza Teast 69 Mae ange |_wppse ‘ache to a foundation oF the side of eer equip ‘meat support Air Cooler Exchangers |e cooler uni are ently diferent fom the pres ‘ously meadoned arrangemenis in that the cooling gent sedi circulating at hstead of liquid As seen In Exhibit 69, an ai cooler unit consis of fneube ‘bundles wih header box mache to each end, 9 pone horionaly by a steal frame or seucure For {he siaglepas arangemen, the Inlet norales re mounted on the top ofthe header bom the out zal area the oppose end and mouned on the botom af the header box For the doubles ae rangement, the out nczalet ae oct tthe sae ‘eda the Inlet nozzles. Fer addonal sucice aea, tore pases can be added addonal unis can be Toes Pan Lyon and Fp Dg insalled and foe side by side “A's Geuze by multblade propelersype fans that prong forced or induced dats. Fans can be supplied with ee adjustable speed or arable pitch Dds, The fn blade ich ean Be changed to vary the inflow ae to compensate for sing ofl ait temperatures. Air coolers supplied with lip fans ‘nay be operated! wh some of the fans shut dow, Dampers. baffles, and bypasses can als be used 10 fuer consol guid outer tempers. Fr elevted inkallaons, piers ae generally farsi for 20 cesta header boxes and motors EXCHANGER LOCATION AND SUPPORT Heat exchangers are lcd within the conventional proces ai plot area, cose related equipeeat, 0 us Wieh Peesnvee ante ExciANGeies ta Beene, feplcsions Hemvzowtat = eecuee —— ee) i aoeuaees == 2 Eecumsioses gs Boney REMOVAL Tue Bump = AUXILIARY goap 22 MANTENENEE ' secees wer | | . 6. EEHIOT 612 apc Sled ed che 2 ia Ee BGUBIT 615 Parle and Soe changer Bao 4g nee ‘ia lat ant and Pig avn [BOUBIT 614 Sample Seucure Mowice changer suaey song suppor economic pipe runs, Nextily, process re uirements, and eperaor and maimenanee acces. Suppor ofthe equipment (eg for ai cookers or er ‘a reblen) can aso influence het exchanger oes ‘on Exhibi 6-10 depias 2 pel plot plan Wa So ra hea eachunger applica Hostal el and tube exchangers sould be postoned 0 thar the ‘hnvel end faces the aur oad oF aitenance css way for tube bundle remoral sah adegate Space provided atthe Font en ofthe exchanger foe Bonne moral. This exchanger orienation is shown ‘in Exhibe 11 Exchangers can be lated single tems, pis (hist the moet common tnsalion), or in larger [groupe when no intermediate contol required be. Tween the shell and tube seams. The single apd Pred isallaon is shown ia Evi 6-12 Paked ex ‘hangess may oper in seis, parlor dsl ‘services: grouped exchangers operate only insees Palle Ext 613 shows samples of pall and series exchanger installs. Pale or grouped exchanges shouldbe space to TBNUBTT 615. Ske! Exchanger naan {BAUBEE 626 “Types Horan Eechange Soporte coer ee gay as 2 uy allow a minimum of 18 in 450 mm) berseen the (use af adjacent chanel or bonnet anges 0c tae access 19 ange bois for maintenance Space Should be provided on eer ie fpr excag (es and at bth ends of groupe exchangers for con ‘wal and operaor access. Eeibit 614 irate 2 structure mounted installtion and ts required cess Horizontal exchangers may be sacked ta pe: ferred sim top shell centerline elation of 12 (G0 mem) om grade oe plaorm, 3 depiced Ia [Babi 615. Sacng of exchanger bore this eight ‘may requ platorming for acces: to chanel and bonnes anges and fixe handling devices "Horzotl shel and we exchangers may be lo ceed at grade or elevated in set oF conrete sve: ‘ces when process requirement or space avalalty iaate Suppor of horaontal exchangers, ar how in Exhibic 616, y saddles ached to encrete piers for grademounted insalalons and by saddles a. ‘ached to steel ames in elevated inslaions, When possible, supports shoud be line for common oun. ‘tion design If proces requirement perm, hela tube ex uae ca a be moved n'a Yeas poston, Supported by lige and tower ails ins towersopy poted insallzion (as shown in Exhibt 617), won ‘onarete or sel sucess shown in Eeibi 618), and by conerete pecs as shown ia Eu 619). The Same considerations foe maintenance, conto, nop ‘erator access should be gven for vert isallaions fre for horizontal nsalions. ‘An imporant Femur to remember when working th tomer supported vera bolts, ao sein springs higliged a habe 6:78 1 The Lou designer must set the real sup. por Ing elevation 1 In 025 above the plafoes Stel and ta the ste elevation, 2 Before maintenance, the 14.025 gap wll be summed thereby enabling the reboier loud to rs j e/as0 au ques Guoug ZEMeVAL ‘Bawa ce i feria inion cletfoo aa eusrroom -o'[ 9600 samen Wihlour PLATFORM Biol/Gc0 Manny 7997 be carrie bythe plore sel during maine ance wrnarcund 3. The noaie ant channel ange wl be unboled and the chanel secon remo 4. The wbe bande e then ready to be remo Spiral and plate exhanges cn operate in sexes o alle, but because of their configuration and min. fenenace requirement, i Is preferble to. postion them 2s single ene. Space provided at bo rangement foe control and opertor access, with ‘enough room alowed athe sil exchanger to sving the ever plates open, show n Exh 620 and a the plate exchange 1o remove he nda plates, at shorn Eat 62, ‘Ae coolers are lee adjacent othe enuipment tha they serve fr piping fenbliy and mainenance ‘They canbe supported rom grade, the top level of ssrctres, of above pipe ras, whichis the mos common iastallsion The tube bundle bank can be moron Be, ‘exer 619 TWEE Bune ‘een REMOVAL AZEA viouuune | J BboY 1200) \ i ololigoo ascidian I wolfe Maximo Werdowr PLaTrog 3-07 300 saimsnionh oreenToe Aecess omer 9 seep ovER PATE: ‘Swi AREA (0) Sence (ve) ‘races Fan oat and Pi Devon PLATE REMOVAL OPEekToR Kegs couTeou || sence (rye) Ages Lig 1 PE GAcK columns : Box Puarroem, wansrenauce PusTeomm pee chee ir Leppee guns tl Levees THAN 2010/9150 | popu RareoRt wa "Bonn eat ta Oper ‘rangement ‘paar ea Tyne Shan saponet Ae 122. Fosceo OaaeT TBE 625 Jp eg Spore ‘Aco hrangcnt 300 hannana supported by tel es from he a cooker vendor a bbyemending the pipe ack or stucure om tthe deride ofthe bank. Genel, the i cooler ven or furnishes header box and motor aces platforms Ladders are provided forex to grace to sh at ‘mum ladder uns and sae requirements Exhibits ($22 rough 625 show vacua ecole support ad pliform configurator, whic) inch column sup oned,legsuppored, fixed ladon, and tvelng Troe Pan ont ad Pig Dos laform arrangemenss ‘When designing te air cooler configuration, the plan yout designer must consider the source ofthe Supporing column. As seen in Exhibit 626, arrange ment A, developed by the coat, allows anges 1 plaeming aod pipe sappor loading ate a poy et without alectng the a cooler vendor’ scheduled elvery des wo the fb ste tn arangemen B ry such le changes would ese the alr oor vendor ee) — corre been eox tappee vo BLATEORM (rye) Gaave (VR) Mowe (rye) beh ay eweencx | vinrenuuce | [are-coovee eotuvus PLATFORM ‘SupeoeT Beau | s- BE RonceD OGAFT THAD 625 7 ‘peal Ne CooLeR “venga si Caer Rrangcent ster | suppose | Ae Leppee N easee | See ‘races Pat apt ad Pig Dl 'o redesign the suppon legs or pitforming, causing delays in delivery and ears costs NOZZLE ORIENTATION ‘Now cremation and lcaon can fect the piping configurations at mos exchanger arangements Ade felon by the pining designer 10 reloste the ex hanger nozzles can fen produce 4 neat and cos ‘efeve arrangement. Athough the piping deiner ‘does notte the frecom to independently selocate ‘exchanger nozles, sugested. alemate note loot tins can be made to te exchanger engine in the inert of mproving enema piping rangement foc example,akenae in END 6:27 highlights aa TBAT 626 (Conese Septios Sipporing Ceres Improved arrangement by eocating exchanger 90% 2ies Buble 628 shows allowable nol config ons. Elbow or gooseneck noms are especialy wef In eeducing the height of large stacked exchangers Exhibit 629 highlights tie eles fusing elbow no ales on sacked ‘ir cooler nozzle letions can also ae piping configurions A single-pass arrangement can ake the eum piping on an overhead condense very fang and ean alo increase the height ofthe aie coker Reocienung the ai eaoler or making the unt 3 do ble pass aangement an improve the piping config ‘tons. Exhibit 630 shows aerate nozzle conf Ftlon for al ook piping — ‘Bane G27 ete Songer ote - “tt ae ALTERNATIVE “A” ‘ALteenaTive ‘6” = dame ry == sos pneut-reee su Sa CH EE ANGLE SPLT-plowseL —_pouele eplit-plow ele SINGLE-pes SHELL poulen poe HELL Zz Attesmarive ‘A "extn 625 Alteewative ‘et (Baur 630 suourpss cuner cs herrea Coker Soar theSvios ast nota None Conarons Ss Dousue-pase ours ~{tewse EXCHANGER PIFING Exchanger piping must be routed in such a mannes that itmees economy Realy, supper. and oper i and maintenance access requirement. Rpg a Shell and ube exchangers postioned to allow ae quae space for remoal of channel heads a hell ‘overs The Ke spaeat the sie of hocaonal sels fn be used for placement of controls Piping le "ated a minimum distance from grade or pation 0 Provide operate hearoam clearances, 10 oer ese Sf suppom, and to mest desig pipe rack cess ons. Largedlameter o more expensive piping can ‘ot be seo accommodate snllr or les expensive Piping. Piping connected to channel Bead nozzles should be furnished wits break anges o atthe Femoral ofthe channel head ping a spl and pate exchangers alo po toned nllow the opening of avers andthe removal of ples, Controls athe spl exchanger ac located fn the ends ofthe unt cleat othe cover pate Swing ea, and at the froat 8d an one side fo the ple BB. ete ae See 7 ee a (AS al Vi 5 Asrsmwce ances re \ aa ey * Reco exchanger. Piping is elevated in chien sila to the shell and abe atrangements pig atached to the cover plate nozzles of the spral ui amd ‘th break anges. png at cokers i ox rovted Pros Pant ent nd Pi es coureots ‘over tube banks or fans and showld be kept clear of the desigaated space for motor malntnance Exhibis {31 ehough 6:4 show vars piping conigurtons For best exchanges ‘pana 635 Soin an Cones oe Sale Pins oN} cagpon sree. 12o anoy} \ cost-errctive ‘AEEANGEMENT [BUSEY 636 Piping Anaagemcn for Horan ‘Fis Fl aa and Pig Das PRovive same SuppoeT at center PD) EXCUANGE Cua ae a sake Iie AvterNaTive ‘A’ ALTeenative 8 scemurne ®gure L Locate PPmG GeveaT ‘Baa 39 uartoau fod Base Fring genet or oe scppoer ci ag i waTes mane cone oe saree esse ala eouTeot vuve MME. Removabie apie) convene vave Toc Pan out ad Pg [BOUBTT G42 Ae Cooler Pig Congestion ui (mn Hi z ASYMMETZICN. Bake semmereicke gave cteceoe moe Bt ; =a See, he coolse Cindy A Coker [co i th a“ = — oe seus =. 7) ALTe@uATWe Rout» 1 PPnG 1 FLERE ‘AND EAN SPR Disrce, WITROGT INTEsd we O1ATE Sopecet al FAS meme Aik Zootee cas Oe Positioned wir we O —_—. Muneroin CLEREMCE | epecatoe Tear oa Ines Ont png Pow i Cone pom cease D ‘Sag copies Porteous sree hl EXCHANGER MAINTENANCE Luke an axomobile ear, the intel of heat ex: changes require peradie cleaning and cepa. Imporanc for enctangers ad rele apes «0 be poston toate accesso thee internal pcs, or the shell ad ube eat exchangers theres and the interioe ofthe shel canbe cleaned in pace ‘wih highpresure seam or wate and roding de- ‘. he design ofthe exchanger perms, che be bunale can also be removed for epar or caning “ube bundles and bead and shell covers can be ee ‘moved by builtin fixed handling devies (eg av, hich pois, pulling poss), fixed srucures wih ley beams and eavelng gay cranes, or by male ‘swipmen (eg, crane and ideaule bundle extrac tor) Exhibits 645 tough 648 provide examples of tube bundle emoval equipment. Considerable sing faa be achiened if the plat Serced by male ssquipment "Ar cooler units re not furs wih fie! ban BUPROET cook ling dees for cemoval of tube bundles Mine te pars (eg ibe plugging) are usually accomplished ‘wah the air cooler In place; for major reps, ai cooler Seaions are removed by mobile cares, om in ab 64 er evga ple

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