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Rules and Expectations

Mr. Brantley, Mrs. Foster, Mr. Steltz

Chatham High School 2015-2016

Beverages are allowed in the hallways.
Responsible personal behavior is expected at all times in class and the locker
rooms. Please respect personal space.

Bleachers may be used when pulled out.

Locker Security a. Keep your locker combination in a safe place, you

shouldnt share it with others. LOCKS MUST STAY ON LOCKERS!
Security of possessions Leaving valuables out is risky. Always lock
them in the back of your locker or give them to one of the teachers to
hold during class.

Class procedures The first five minutes of class will be used to change into gym
clothes, use the bathroom and take attendance. Once outside we will remain
there until the end of class. Before beginning the activity we will run, stretch, and
then participate in the days activities which can include small games and skill
work, cool down and change back to school clothes in the last five minutes of
class. After you change, please return to the gym and stay there until
the bell rings.

Uniform for class Dress according to the weather. We will go outside right
through the month of October, so bring a sweatshirt and pants for cold days and
extra sneakers and socks if you have morning PE. Appropriate clothes include
short sleeve tee shirts, athletic shorts of an appropriate length, tied sneakers,
sweatshirts or sweatpants. Teachers have the final say in what is appropriate.

Only students with pre-signed passes from PE teachers will be

permitted into the gym during a class period that is not his/her own.


Activities We play a variety of games such as soccer, speedball, flag football,

volleyball, badminton, ping pong, floor hockey, fitness, bowling, basketball,
softball, and tennis. The use of the track is at the teachers discretion.

Class Make-ups

Missed classes are zeros until the class is made up. Class make ups must be done
after school. Please be responsible and contact your teacher to make up the class.
Each class period to be made up will be either a one mile jog on the track in under
10:00 minutes or a 2 mile walk. Papers are reserved for those on extended
medical excuse.
**Physical Education is an academic class. Your attendance in our
class is required.

You will be graded on a 10 point per day system.
On time to class
1 point
3 points
Attitude/sportsmanship 2 points
4 points
Appropriate clothing is necessary to safely engage in physical education.

You are allowed 3 absences per quarter. Anything over 3 will result in a zero for
the day, accompanied by contact home. Music lessons count as a missed class.

If you are excused from Physical Education by a doctor you will be required to
complete a written assignment designated by your teacher. One page per week
you are out will be required. See your teacher for the requirements. Please print
off the form from our PE website and bring it to your doctor to fill out to list the
activities if any that you can participate in.

There will be graded skills and fitness testing throughout the year. All are graded
out of 10 points.

There will be a written quiz at the end of every unit. The grade on the quiz will
count as an extra class period grade. There could be a written midterm and final.

Athletes need to change and participate in PE to participate in their sporting

event or practice that day.

Emphasis will be put on appropriate language, positive communication with

others, and the amount of participation put forth.

School Tool
Various codes are used in our School Tool grade books and are either exempt or have no
credit attached. If you have questions please see your teacher.
A-Absent (exempt)
A3-Absent more than 3 times (no credit)
M-Medical (exempt)
M0-Medical without the written assignment done (no credit)
L-Lesson (exempt)
G-Guidance (exempt)
C-Cut class (no credit)

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