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Personal Finance

November 23rd 27th

UNIT 4 Savings, Investing, and Retirement Planning (the money you keep)


Understand the role of risk management in

asset protection.

Discuss the purposes of insurance/risk


Define common insurance options and their

purposes, such as automobile, health, home
owner/renter, whole/term life, long-term
care and disability.

Define terms of a basic insurance policy,

such as contract, limits of coverage,
premium, deductible, grace period, and
lifetime limit.

Discuss insurance needs at different stages

of life.

Understand identification and designation

of beneficiaries.

Monday, November 23rd

Get Started: Risk Assessment
Protect Your Wealth
Everyday Risk of Living, Part 1
HOMEWORK: Finish Work Started in Class
Tuesday, November 24th
Get Started: Where is your money?
Everyday Risk of Living, Part 2
My Perfect Plan
HOMEWORK: Finish Work Started in Class
Wednesday, November 25th
Get Started: Where is your money?
Insurance Needs through Life
Insurance Matchmaker
HOMEWORK: Finish Work Started in Class
Thursday, November 26th
Thanksgiving Break No School
Friday, November 27th
Thanksgiving Break No School

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