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UTL 640E PBS Lesson Plan Deeper Reading

Skyla Sale & Sarah Smith

Lesson Objective: After reviewing Kelly Gallaghers strategies for
framing and focusing the reader, the UTL 640E cohort will work
individually and in pairs to apply the strategies of focus questions and
anticipation guides in preparation for reading and comprehending the
big ideas of Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway in order
to better understand how to implement reading strategies to create
meaningful reader experiences in their future classrooms.
Resources/Materials (for the lesson itself):
Copies of Hills Like White Elephants
Copies of Anticipation Guides
Scrap pieces of paper
PPT on projector (attached in email)
Steps in Lesson:
Engagement (5 minutes) (Skyla) will give an overview of Deeper
Reading by Kelly Gallagher to cover the guiding topics of the book.
Students will then free write in response to one or both of the two
focus questions.
If someone made a decision for you, what would your reaction
be? What if that person was someone you loved?
What are the differences between talking and truly
Active Learning
Explain (10 minutes): (Skyla) will present background
information on Ernest Hemingway and Hills Like White
Elephants to show students Gallaghers ideas of using
background knowledge to help students comprehend any
historical or author references needed to understand the story.
o (Sarah) will then present the anticipation guide and
students will work individually, in pairs and come together
as a class to discuss.
Apply (5 minutes): (~2 minutes) Students will complete their
anticipation guides individually, agreeing or disagreeing with
each statement on a scale of 1 to 10. (~3 minutes) Students will
get with a partner to discuss their degrees of agreement and
disagreement with each statement.
Evaluate (5 minutes): As a whole group, we will discuss the
students reactions to the anticipation guide statements and ask
for volunteers to share what their pair discussed and
agreed/disagreed on. (Sarah) will also review why Gallagher

recommends using anticipation guides and what purpose they

serve in reading.
Closure (5 minutes) We will ask the students Which statement
from your anticipation guide are you most looking forward to seeing
developed in the story when you read? and will also ask students
what they thought of these three strategies (focus questions,
background info and anticipation guides).
Evaluation Strategies:
Formal writing response to focus questions
Informal completion of anticipation guide and discussing in
Informal class discussion at end

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