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A Holy Womens Retreat

Kissed by God: St. Brigid of Ireland

by Shirley Cunningham, MA, MSW

The stories of St. Brigid have plenty to say to us, the women of today, even though she
lived in the fifth century. Whether you relate to her as the psychological archetype of a
feminine leader or as a Christian saint, doesnt matter. Since Im Irish, its easy for me to
think of her as an ancestor, a great-great-great grandmother, perhaps.
Im sure its no mistake that my Irish grandmother had a lot of Brigid in her! Full of spirit!
This inspiration for this retreat began with paintings Id done over the last few years,
including my version of St. Brigid. I painted her, without any particular goal in mind. I just
wanted to see who she was, wanted to eavesdrop on her, to magically bring her into my
life as a friend, a sister, and perhaps as a midwife to something new in my spirit.
Gradually, we became acquainted. As I painted, she strode into my awareness as a
persuasive, witty, courageous and cagey leader, so sure of Gods great love that she
spilled over with it every moment of her life.
Generous to a fault, they say, and a little pushy to get what she wanted!
Then I went on a Celtic spirituality pilgrimage to Ireland. She was everywhere. And
when I got home, she was still everywhere, all over me! That was when I knew I had to
start putting her story out into the world. So this entire project, Kissed by God: Holy
Women Create! came to me...and now I offer Brigids part in it to you.
Reading her stories as I prepared this retreat brought amazing depth to what I had
known about Brigid. Here was a woman who even as a child saw clearly that the poor
and powerless needed someone to speak up for them. Her stories reveal her, time and
again, approaching kings and chieftains on behalf of poor people in need. Dont we all
have to ask ourselves if its time for us to speak up on behalf of those whose needs are
known to us?
Brigid was undaunted and persistent, courageous in front of the powerful. But she was a
diplomat, too, and knew all about winning friends and influencing people. She convinced
one particularly hard-nosed king to give her land to house her growing number of
followers. In the process, he was so taken with her that later he even built her a
convent, and finally became Christian himself.
Did you know she founded monasteries all over Ireland? Prodigious worker that she
was, she needed a break now and then...and as modern women in these hectic times,
we can look to her example of self-care for us, too.
For a change of pace, Brigid loved to throw a party. In one of the earliest prayers
attributed to her, she plans to not just get a champagne fountain (how puny!) -- but a

whole lake of ale for God and her guests. And the entertainment? How about dancing
with the angels? That would relax any workaholic. I always thought my boss was Simon
Legree until I became my own boss and then I found out, I was the slave-driver.
Thinking about Brigids party helps me to remember to slow down and have some fun!
So, we modern women can learn a few things from her. For one thing, she started with
a small beginning... young, poor, in an environment where women were chattel. And
she found herself in the very sparse company of new Christians, a minority surrounded
by followers of the ancient Celtic religion. Yet, she became a mighty leader and is today
honored as a patron saint of Ireland.
We also can see she was keenly aware of her special call from God. Call it her identity,
her passion, as we might say. I call it being kissed by God. So, today, as we think
about her, we can catch the spirit of her single-mindedness, and follow our own unique,
individual paths to our true selves...and beyond to our deepest spiritual unfolding.
I invite all of you to consider Brigid and your own life. Brigid is a model for us today in
many ways...of a feminine manager, easily consulting with her male mentor and peer,
Patrick as well as with the male abbot who helped manage their double monastery. We
need to develop the respect she showed for the complexity and differences of a
changing society. She lived in tumultuous times, the fall of the Roman empire and the
beginnings of Christianity in Ireland, but kept open and connected to those times in a
diverse community.
So we learn from Brigid to pay attention and start with little things that are right in front
of us. We can recognize that everything on the path is part of Gods call.
One of her most endearing and meaningful stories occurs on a dark and stormy night. If
youve ever been to Ireland, you know how the rain can pour down in great floods
drenching everything, driven by powerful winds off the sea.
Now imagine it is dark and you are in a rickety open cart with wooden wheels pulled
over mud and rocks by a horse going top speed. Yes, this is Brigid on an errand of
mercy. She could hardly see but made it somehow to the Kings castle.
This king had a pet wolf that entertained his guests with its tricks. However, someone at
the castle had carelessly left a door open. The wolf wandered out and, alarmed, a
neighbor shot it. The king was enraged and thew the man into prison to await his
punishment, imminent death.
So Brigid raced to her cart...bounding over the rutted trail, she wondered if she would
capsize and fall to her death alone in the dark when suddenly, she felt a lurch. Out of
the grey mist leaping right onto the seat beside her was a wolf! She jumped with fright,
but instead of attacking the wet animal rested its paw on her knee. Well, by the time
they got to the castle, Brigid and the wolf were friends.

Once before the king, Brigid spoke, I heard of your lost wolf, my king, and have brought
you another.
The kings eyebrows shot up. Well, that is very kind of you, Sister, but Im afraid your
wild wolf cant replace the one who is lost. My pet wolf was trained by my fool to do
many amazing tricks.
With that, the wolf moved to the center of the room and began showing off antics far
beyond the imagination of everyone present, including the king.
Brigid, a bit surprised herself, laughed. My lord, Im sure your guests have been royally
entertained by your wolf, but I do believe that pet has been out-done here tonight. She
reached down to stroke the ear of the wolf now seated at her feet. So you see, my king,
you have indeed suffered no loss.
And that is how Brigid arrived with a wolf and left with a free man. So today when I see
the wolf in my painting, I ask Brigids help to stay as focused on my call in life as she
was on hers. And, I slip in a little request for the kind of aid that came to her through
unforeseen circumstances. Not that I want a wolf in my lap, but there might be
something to just starting out with trust on a dark and rainy night!
That story helps me buck up my courage to set out, to begin, even though
circumstances can be daunting...that though I may be in the dark and alone, I can trust
that God who has set me on my path. I can trust that everything on the path may well be
part of Gods call.
Let us pray for strength and eagerness to serve in our day as St. Brigid did in hers. May
she dance in us!
I learned much about each Holy Woman presented and gleaned insights into my own spiritual walk and
life purpose with God. I returned home refreshed and filled with new knowledge, inspiration and ample
creative resources for my continuing spiritual journey. Shirleys varied teaching modalities and loving
spirit blessed me. Heather Wiest.

But this is just a preview! Get the full St Brigid Workshop Below!

Kissed by God:
Holy Women Create Series: St Brigid of
by Shirley Cunningham
Join Shirley Cunningham for an online workshop that will enrich
your experience of Joy!

2 Hour Long audio classes

Heart-felt meditation
Companion E Book
Original Music by Sister Kathy Sherman

Learn about St Brigid, and glean insights into

your own spiritual walk and life purpose with
This is an amazing retreat style experience,
skillfully and lovingly facilitated by Shirley
In our first of a four part series, we are
featuring St Brigid of Ireland, as an informative,
experiential online workshop.
Shirleys varied teaching modalities and loving
spirit will bless you in your continuing spiritual
journey. This class will be available December
1, and once purchased you can access it again
and again, for healing and inspiration.

St Brigid by Shirley Cunningham

Purchase Class Here

Shirley Cunningham, MA, MSW is an artist, writer and spiritual director offering retreats and
workshops in many venues for over twenty years. Based on her visionary paintings of women
saints, the Kissed by God, Holy Women Create complete workshop series and book will be
available in 2016.
Get a preview in Part One of this inspirational workshop, St. Brigid of Ireland.
See Shirleys Online Products here

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