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Public Service Academy

Community Service Project

Part of being in the P.S.A. is about giving back to our community. For this project
you are required to complete 15 hours of community service.
A list of possible resources for finding a community service project can be found
on the academy website. You need not be confined to this list; however, you
must complete a service proposal form and get teacher approval before you
begin your hours. Always remember that the purpose of this project is to serve
your community (not yourself). If you are repeating some of your service at a
location visited in a prior year, we require that at least 5 hrs. be completed
somewhere new.
All arrangements for project completion need to be addressed by the student
(organization, supervisor contact, transportation, materials, etc.) You will be
required to keep a time log
(signed by a supervisor) and supplement this log with a minimum of five (5)
photographs of
you in the process of performing your service.
The culmination of this project will be a presentation of your project. You will
need to create a project board that illustrates your service through a
combination of pictures and writing.
Further directions for this requirement will be supplied at a later date. Your board
will then
be displayed at our annual "Community Service Showcase"- teachers,
parents, and other students will be among those to view your work at the
Point breakdown
Service Proposal

20 points

Time log and Supervisor Verification

Project Board & Showcase Presentation
Typed Service Essay

40 points
60 points
30 points
150 points possible

Important dates
Service Proposal Form Due Date: 10/1/15 (must be typed)
Time Logs (signed). Photographs and Captions, and Typed Summative
Due Date: 12/5/15

Put together Community Show Case boards during 3rd Period: 12/2/15
Community Showcase Date: 12/2/15
* Templates for the Service Proposal, Service Time Log and Summative
Reflection can be found on the PSA website. * You are expected to download
and type them.

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