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Year 10 Science Earth and Space Assessment

Weighting: 20% of Semester grade

Due Date: Monday 7th April, week 10
Human activities are responsible for most of the loss in
biodiversity throughout the world. Adverse human
impacts on biodiversity occur in very different ways, such
as: habitat-destruction; overharvesting; climatic change
eutrophication, acid rain). With an increasing population,
we are consuming more and more natural resources. We
do this by driving more, using more energy in our homes,
and buying many more products than we need.

You have been put in charge of an environmental impact campaign to educate the general
public about a current issue impacting on society. Your issue is a result of the effects of
human activity on the biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere.
You are to choose one of the following current issues:

Effects of CFCs on Ozone Layer

Ocean Garbage dump
Enhanced Greenhouse effect/Global Warming
Industrial pollution increasing Acid Rain
Deforestation leading to habitat loss, increased erosion/runoff and loss of carbon

In your campaign you must include:

- Explain what your current issue is
- The cause of the issue
- How it affects society/the environment
- What we can do to reduce/reverse the effects.
- Written Reflection on a separate page that describes your initial beliefs/ knowledge
about the chosen issue and how they may have changed now.
- References (Harvard style formatting)
How you present your campaign is up to you eg: poster, pamphlet, advertisement, website,
podcast, animation.
Submission: Submit electronically in drop box on schoology. If you have created a poster
etc hand it to you teacher plus submit a photo of the assignment in schoology.

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