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Lt Dawhed on Me Dialing, sp in the meraing ased ta bo my fewarite mamenl of the cy. Ypatohing the shy tirn fran pitch Hack te navy blue with Me stars slucely csgypoating, banished by tho day's Mee skies and Ge boaulefal crange sun an the hatfgan. adoring ton te birds tity clang with te rustlers of te light cwarme summery bregze to Ge bees, ST cal sreaks oud nyy woirde and be an the reaflep focing Uo cask, leaking ces te valley and mauntainleys, walthing Ue world cane back te bie, Tris miarring’s calre, guictress, peace anid yet Cacliness, aver the hills of tis grant big watld, were mesmerizing to Te G wauld dint back dawn, wall dese the stats pill, sa to nel wake anybady, and ga acrass te hall filed with fonats paintings, wale milters, an the walls; leaking much lite a gellery, Thon wall cur to te bilehon with wirateos all raund. cd ranks nagsel a ctrnamean Calle iil te ogfee mactine an the Athen island, (Thu F wauld gat nyy swoales and sbypers and dink muy coffee an He gargecus wll patch tal goes all aratunal Whe hese an the third floor averlaaking ta wally, and, faaing ally ule ta seilight. Brae anybady wakes yp, I toatdd pit on my flashy near change runners and head tnt the lush greene Prat fer a nics marning sr ataund the lake, abaut a hileneter fears Uo hase andl hikes backs an a nice allt tat trang te woah, slapping by Ue local marke an the way, back, Gree hame T wauld ge, inside by te entrance of the sauth ing of Uo mansion and be weleaned tn by the henverly smell of baccn ard ngs and tet obacalale tal, I wauld have far breakfast wilh say fanily i the light madein oper dining raan. Ris filled cetth att ap to contures eld a sparkling deanand chandelier and arcteat selplires in the carers, Lyf cas like a fetiylele. (Tats cohen IF twas fourteen years ald and sadly pegpl havo te grew yp. Fraley clsgypears and realty sbies lhe Ugltring / Tuake up ta darts lls roam wile benubd wrdage furuttirs a coger boaksheles and 0 small wander tale wilh o wandyfal baguet of flewers set an tt. G tea at my alarm clack an the techies table, Gs ta a'clack, leak aut Uo windetn, op ab Go shironetng stars and sen Ue mane with hs magieal siber raced as T ty te feige ng wees. Ling ~p ab ie Aanguit moan fille ro with equal sorrau and happiness, Gell Aas to slagy an cheams of ‘the gaad ald days" Tha nad diy, I wake ip twa ale ard charming ohalel, Gb Cakes me 10 feca terands ta roraenber where G an. The arsives is on vacation. Ifergel tat tadlay, ts my 16 bitiday, Ciflor Pam passed aay fam laukenia last spring, G wort inte a gression. Jiononber tee everyday, hasptlel vil, semelrmes woul avn fell aslegy Ute and slay evetnight and hw as the ays worl by and ttned inte weeks and inde mentls, sho gett ccoakes and T abreay ft lke Thad slatted losing hor. Copal Teononter making tat heartbreaking middle of the night pharo cull to my bralter tea. Th night she dead, as het eyes clased, my teat sank and G gat an undesoribabl sinking foaling tn my, anes at well and a chaking fedling in myy thecal, such thal cnutlet an, gel my teats aud. F caulde't scream ob move. The cadeeis cncight tgp tn mes ared was ending me ap fare the inside, Putt crurbled te my hrees haldng her penck-manicared hard. wes hauled and depeess, Pat ay bittdeyy Dad baught us a sing i, ag feerte goal. Fla hadet gallon me off tho cath alt samme and stardorg soteat was hard far me CUT dd was a Vell: marattan sley, cot Legis palele obips and samo delitaus (Swiss okecalels and then stot analler D loffcc maralter... Se Dad and ny aldos bralher, Deus, wore really happy, whon J agreed to ga an vacattan with tore and ilep "Vefllaing" Tats what they, called Glawed shing because thor I was desking aver te hills and Haugh the tees, J never et more free. T dldet have lo tind, of cagllng. Lisl glided past to amazing sey kiping ip otystel while claus of naw and leaking up at te porfedlly unique sna fling fa Ue shy ad fly lageing la meets Bat rau, tre wasnt a waking seoard T spent wtleat thinking fla. Day by day, to pain stl anby warsored fear 0 waite unde A slatted gelling bell As teow a year. Sere right, I sfc gael exing self ta slege Winking of her ard then dean sha's stl herewith es, Bal nat tonight. Gstead I walel the turar ecbpso abide, Tutt an a teunchais and luck al te gargeaus fleyy cdange mean (Wo clawiless night shy unl it stards raining radlant shaaling slats, which far me ate tigas of luce ! I tink of Dad ard Chis wha have maved an with this bees, anly somonbeting the grea big menaties of her tu tts hearts. T deaide to take my ted Pellight franc ny tight joan packel and tas a litte wall; wishing Gal Gl only tink of her sale and hor laving ayes, Ue happy, meomrios I haus of her and bdliaw thal she's walking aver ma Aaping tab ll cama tute for ma tea, Salt for about ar har araund aur labe tl F see a ritaculaus laminas green light tn the arange maanlit shy. The toy light land tn tho cslance. ‘Ts dat used ta ba my fevotile mame of tha day. Vue, ayy addniraban a love fer the night awaken bacncse of the filfling hapo tt tings akon, as teats of fay, ‘tall decan may checks lobe anadeyfall, T oaudle sevens J hens my namn's fanilias velvely waice tw the distarcy calling aut nyy name,

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