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Success Through Diversity

Fall 2015 November Edition


Our vision is to be recognized as the premier

diverse business organization at UC Berkeley
that successfully transitions its members into
corporate America and the Walter A. Haas
School of Business

Success Through Diversity

Fall 2015 November Edition


Staff Box
Alumni Spotlight
Good Things Come to Those Who
Go to Study Hall
Haas Undergraduates
Provide Applicants With
Words of Widom
LBSAs Guide to Good Brain Food
in the Local Neighbourhood
LBSA Members Share Their
Midterm Exams Experiences
Fall Board 2015

Staff Box
Manny Flores

Rodolfo Higa
Managing Editor

Randy Rivera
Gisselle Godinez
Publication Design Editor Copy Editor

Elvys Morales
Christine Castro
Co-Director of Media Co-Director of Media

Success Through Diversity

Fall 2015 November Edition

By Elvys Morales

While many students are anxious about life
after Cal, Daisy Esparza landed a job at one of
the top consulting firms soon after her time at
UC Berkeley ended.

Esparza graduated in Spring 2015 with a
bachelors of science in business administration, and she now works at Deloitte & LLP as a
consultant in the Life Sciences and Health Care

As an undergraduate, Esparza was strategic with her time.

When it came to extracurricular activities,
she chose quality over quantity. She focused on
only two.

(During) my sophomore year I was the IT
Operator for (LBSA)... and I was a part of the
YWCA Student Leadership Board for four years

Alumni Spotlight:

Deisy Esparza

and Coordinator my third year at Cal, Esparza


The alumna credits her success in corporate
America to LBSA. My first semester as an LBSA
member was the first time that I felt at home
during college, Esparza says It was the first time
I felt motivated by my peers.

Apart from providing her with a sense of
community, Daisy says that LBSA helped
her develop as a professional by providing her with
the opportunities and resources to develop her soft
skills and ability to network with other.

I would go to the workshops(where) I got
an opportunity to get to know the firms more and
get my foot in the door, Esparza says.

She went on to participate in two internships with Deloitte. The first of these experiences
includes the Deloitte Discovery Internship, where
she got an opportunity to explore different fields
within business. In the second internship, she
started in audit and moved on to advisoryher
current field.

Although Esparza is now experienced in
networking, she says that having the courage to go

up to business professionals did not come naturally to her. The alumna had to step out of her
comfort zone, and she advises undergraduates to
do the same. Nevertheless, she stresses the importance of networking.

My personal advice is for you to network,
network, network! Esparza says. Talking to your
peers, new and old LBSA members, recruiters, and
others from different organizations can impact
where you are one, two, and even five years from
now. You have the resources by being an LBSA
member so all you need to do is to show up, have a
positive attitude and ask many questions.

She also emphasizes the significance in
pursuing ones passions, as there are people in her
field who majored in different disciplines, such as
in STEM and social sciences.

My second piece of advice is to look for a
fulfilling career, Esparza says. This doesnt mean
that you have to find your dream job straight out
of should make decisions based on
what you want to learn now so that you have the
skills and background necessary for your longterm goals.

Success Through Diversity

Fall 2015 November Edition

Good Things Come To Those

By Randy Rivera

Every Sunday from 6-9 p.m., LBSA members have the opportunity to attend study hall.
This weekly event is one of LBSAs greatest resources, as it provides students with plenty of
academic and professional resources.

Study hall offers valuable materials, such
test books and scantrons. It also possesses a social
environment, where LBSA members can study
or receive professional feedback in a community
where improvement is promoted.

Cammie Hill, director of academic affairs,
explained that the purpose of study hall is to (encourage) students to focus on studying and completing tasks effectively. She advises all members
to attend if they are looking for a social place to
study. Hill facilitates study hall and also provides
students with green books, blue books and access
to LBSAs test bank.

She describes this as an opportunity for her
to cultivate relationships with fellow LBSA members while in a professional collaborative environ-

Test Bank Helps Lead

Students to Academic Success

By Katherine Nicochea Tinco

As Manny Garcia passed
through Sproul Plaza, he noticed
other students walking frantically to class. A sense of purpose
could be noticed through their
gestures. An urgent gait that implied that their time is limited.
Though he rarely gives a second
thought to the throngs of students who traverse Sproul Plaza
every day, that day he knew he
was not alone. The campus culture suddenly reflected an aura

of survival of the fittestmidterm season had kicked off once


As a continuing student
at Cal, Garcia has learned that
waiting to study until the week
before a midterm is not a wise
move. However, for some students it is inevitable because of
the many responsibilities that
prevent them from solely focusing on academics. But because
of the Latino Business Student
Association, stressful moments

of midterm season have been

significantly alleviated.

LBSA members can be
better prepared by utilizing LBSAs test bank. With more than
25 academic courses and 400
test materials available, LBSA
offers the opportunity to practice
and review before midterms, in
order for students to accomplish
academic goals.

The test bank has helped
several LBSA members, such as
the Finance Committees Vivian

Success Through Diversity

Fall 2015 November Edition

Who Attend Study Hall


Hills peer, Liliana Lopez, is a study hall
regular who attends study hall at least every other
week. She sees it as an opportunity to socialize
with other LBSA members while also having an
environment to study and complete assignments.
According to Lopez, study hall can be a great
place for students to meet people who are taking
the same classes as one another.

Study hall also provides help in a variety
of subjects, such as the Callisto workshop held
last month. In addition to this workshop, a Haas

Thach. The sophomore has experienced positive results in her

academics, after having utilized
the test bank.

The resource allowed
me to have insights and gain
understanding of what to expect
as well as how to be successful in
the class, Thach said.

Thachs fellow LBSA colleague, sophomore Lupita Gutierrez, joined the organization in
her freshman year, and she also
credits the test bank for academic success.

I always use it before a
test; it is a great resource to use
and it helped me a lot while taking UGBA 10, Gutierrez said.

application workshop was held this month for

applicants to receive feedback in their resumes,
essays, and overall applications. As one of Berkeleys biggest business clubs, it is important for
its members to be well-prepared to apply to the
Walter A. Haas School of Business.
Study hall is crucial in maintaining the proficiency of LBSAs professional and academic sectors.
In a way, study hall adds a new layer to the familia aspect of LBSA by allowing members to bond
in an environment where academic excellence is
promoted. Members can assist each other and
study together to ensure that they perform to the
best of their ability in both academic and professional settings.

Although both have not
submitted any exams, quizzes
or study guides to the test bank
yet, they plan to contribute to it
soon. Gutierrez and Thach want
the rest of their LBSA members
to benefit from having the latest
exams and quizzes at their disposal.

Nevertheless, the test
bank has helped several LBSA
members, and it will continue to
impact even more for many years
to come. It is LBSAs responsibility as a tight-knit community
to provide current and future
generations with the tools to
accomplish their goals.

According to a poll con-

ducted during the all-active

member meeting, approximately
95 percent of LBSAs members
have utilized the test bank, while
nearly 50 percent have contributed toward the growth of this
resource. To assist in the growth
of the LBSA familia, members
are encouraged to take at least
two minutes out of their day to
submit course material online.
This can be done through the academic link located in the LBSA
website or by directly sending
it to ucblbsa.academics@gmail.
com. LBSA members should not
forget that success can be best
achieved when they support one

Success Through Diversity

Fall 2015 November Edition

Provide Applicants With

Words of Wisdom
By Christine Castro

November is an amazing month.
The cold winter weather begins to settle in, delicious pumpkin spice lattes are
in season and Thanksgiving break gives
us a few days of much-needed rest. But
students applying to the Walter A. Haas
School of Businesss undergraduate program are probably not thinking about any
of this.

Their lives are consumed by the
overwhelming stress caused by the application process.

Although the Haas application may

look intimidating, LBSA offers several resources to help members stay level-headed during this time of uncertainty.

Earlier this month, LBSA hosted
two workshops regarding the Haas personal statements, where Professor PrezReyes assisted students and answered any
questions they had about the application.
Manuel Vieyra, a third-year Haas student, described the application as not
necessarily long, but [requiring] a lot of
time. Vieyra, however, warned that Haas
audits some of the applications to ensure
that they are truthfully completed, as
he explained how his was selected to be
audited and verified.

The junior said that the most
challenging portion of the application is
knowing how to say everything about
you in such little room. He suggested
that applicants should start early, so
that they can get their essays effectively
reviewed and edited. Vieyra also asserted that having too many people look
over your personal statements may
leave you with a Frankenstein type of
essay. The junior recommends to select
only few people who you know will give
you truthful feedback for guidance.

He also advised prospective Haas
students to build a strong relationship
with their LBSA mentor.

An LBSA mentor is a great place
to foster this type of relationship, and I
know for a fact I wouldnt be in Haas if
it wasnt for my LBSA mentors...LBSA

Confidence Without Attitude Beyond Yourself

Haas Undergraduates

Question the Status Quo

Students Always

Success Through Diversity

literally helped with everything,

Vieyra said.
Vieyras peer at Haas, Roxana Gonzalez Ruiz, described the application process as applying to college
all over again. Gonzalez said that
students should try to present their
several extracurricular activities
in order to stand out from other
applicants. More importantly, she
stressed that applicants should invest a great amount of time create a
strong application.

For Gonzalez, the personal
statements proved to be challenging.
She said that its important to have a
good balance of details, experiences,
takeaways, and relate it back to why
you want to have a business degree.

Although Gonzalez and
Vieyra both had different experiences during the application process,
both earned admission into the Haas
School of Business. Nevertheless,
Haas undergraduate hopefuls are
encouraged to take advantage of the
resources and available time.

Fall 2015 November Edition

Success Through Diversity

Fall 2015 November Edition

LBSAs guide to good

brain food in the local
By Gisselle Godinez

The end of the semester is rapidly approaching. The clock is ticking. Midterm season is nearing its end,
but finals are only a few weeks away. In the midst of cranking out those papers and catching up on an
insane amount of readings, you might be feeling the effects of your stressful, sleepless college days.
Well, thats Berkeley to you!
Nonetheless, in times like this, stocking up on brain-boosting foods will allow you to study more effectively and improve your mental alertness. Rather than binging on ramen and making late-night Asian
ghetto runs, ease off on the fast food and switch to foods that will truly nurture your brain and body
during these times of relentless academic stress. Here is a list of four healthy, affordable brain snacks to
nibble on while you study:

Whole Grains

Looking for brain fuel? Search no more.
Whole grains help improve the health of several
components in your body, such as the brain and
heart. Naturally low-fat, high in fiber and rich in a
variety of minerals and antioxidants, whole grains
provide a great source of carbohydrates. This glucose, found in foods such as instant oatmeal and
whole wheat bread, is fuel for the brain.

If your 8 a.m. classes keep you from eating
breakfast, simply grab a granola bar or an oatmeal
snack from the Golden Bear Cafe to keep you mentally alert throughout the day. Doing so will help
you take in your daily dose of whole grains, and it
will also gradually create the habit of eating a nutritious breakfast....


Going nuts for brain health? Adding a handful of nuts to your

diet is said to contribute to brain health. But it is also linked to

cardiovascular benefits, weight control and a lower cancer risk. Although they may be high in fat, nuts contain mostly healthy, unsaturated fats that pack your diet with protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

However, only certain types of nuts make the cut. If you want that brain power
boost, munch on walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts. The benefits are endless.

Success Through Diversity

Fall 2015 November Edition

Health = Success

Finding it difficult to concentrate during your
afternoon lecture? Stock up on a few berries blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, cherries to boost
your brain function as you start to prepare for those
final exams that have been haunting you since day

If you have the tendency to crave unhealthy vending machine snacks, whether they are a bag of Flamin
Hot Cheetos or a tempting chocolate bar, opt for berriesa healthier alternative to keep you from packing on the calories. Apart from improving learning
capabilities, one of the main benefits of berries is that
they help slow mental decline in memory and focus.
So if youre finding it difficult to memorize all of those
proofs and theorems from your Math 1A lecture,
munch on a few berries during your study sessions.

Greeen Vegetables

Its a universal fact: vegetables are good

for your health. From improving blood pressure
to reducing the risk of kidney stones, vegetables
are a must for an overall healthy diet. Dark green
leafy vegetables will keep your mental abilities
sharp. Opt for a salad the next time you eat at the
dining halls or simply add a few greens to your

No time to go grocery shopping? No worries! Grab a salad at the Golden Bear Cafe or
order a spinach wrap at Qualcomm Cafe during
your breaks between classes, in order to help slow
cognitive decline. If you want to ace those finals,
you should start packing your diet with green
leafy vegetables.

Success Through Diversity

Fall 2015 November Edition

LBSA Members Share Their

Midterm Exam Experiences
By Rodolfo Higa

I never really understood

the term midterm season. I
feel like weve been in it since
the third week. So can it really
be called a season if it spans
almost the entire semester?

Nevertheless, midterm
season is the bane of a Berkeleys
student life. In most classes,
three to four exams practically
determine the grade of an entire
course. As a result, one miscue
can prove fatal to ones grade.

LBSA members are no
stranger to this stress. Fortunately for Leslie Guerrero and
Aliyah Gandara, they didnt
succumb to the pressure, as they
instead aced their midterms
through special study strategies.

Guerrero was proud
of her midterm results. She
mostly earned As.

The way I studied
was making and doing study
guides, Guerrero said. For
the rest of my classes, I
put all my notes together
and jotted down the ones
I would need for the main
focus of the midterm. Most
of my midterms involved
essays, so making an outline
helped a lot.

Although she did
well, Guerrero laments that
she did not utilize some of
LBSAs academic resources
to mitigate her stress from
If I had gone to
study hall or gotten
tests from the test bank,
then Im sure I wouldnt
have felt overstressed,
Guerrero said.
Both of these resources
are exclusive LBSA benefits that help members
prepare themselves for
Gandara, on the other
hand, focused primarily
on constant review sessions and closely studied
with a few of her peers.
I mostly went over
materials with people
in class, went to review

sessions, reviewed readings and

also had some studying alone,
Gandara said.

Much like Guerrero, Gandar was also successful in her

Although everyone experiences midterm season
differently, following the aforementioned tips are a great way
to maximize success for exams.
LBSA offers multiple academic
and professional resources to
assist ones needs. Whether it is
resume critiques or a study buddy, LBSA provides the help for
those who need and look for it.

Success Through Diversity

Fall 2015 November Edition


Brenda Rocha

Bryan Majano
SVP of External Affairs

Liliana Lopez
SVP of Internal Affairs

Nazgol Adeli
VP of Finance

Rosy A. Garcia
VP of Alumni Relations

Mary Perez
VP of Professional Development

Xiu Ying Li Yu
Executive Administrator

Paven Dhanoa
Director of Operations

Amineh Beltran
Co-chair of Marketing

Julian Gamboa
Co-chair of Marketing

Cammie Hill
Director of Academics

Victor Espinoza
Director of Social Affairs

Alec Lepe
IT Operator

Manny Flores

Waki Gojo
Director of Community Affairs

Phi Nguyen
Director of National Affairs

Success Through Diversity

Fall 2015 November Edition

Thank you for all your contributions

and commitment to LBSA!

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