Essay One

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One Analysis of Education

For your first essay, you have several topics from which to choose, but feel free to
come up with your own idea from this first group of readings. Be sure that your
essay is focused, and by that I mean that you must have a thesis statement within
the essay. The goal of this essay is to analyze a certain element in the Education
texts. Be careful not to let your essay revert to summarybe sure to refer to the
texts (direct quotations and/or paraphrase) so as to strengthen your thesis.

1. Think about the concept of growth versus fixed mindset. Write an essay
explaining the importance of growth mindset. To support your thesis, use
examples from the reading to explain why educators should be focusing on it
and what outcomes could be achieved. (You should consider referencing
Briceno, Dweck, Duckworth, Mitra, and/or Robinson.)

2. Use Baker's essay (and other texts as you see fit) to help illustrate some of
the problems with the way that students are currently being taught in many
United States' schools. Explain the problems/drawbacks and what the focus
should be in order to make learning more meaningful. (Johnson, Plato,
Duckworth, Robinson, Mitra and others would be helpful.

3. School and education should constantly force us to push ourselves, which
makes education difficult. According to Angela Duckworth, one of the most
important traits in success is "grit." Write an essay explaining Duckworth's
thesis and then use other texts to help us understand the strength and/or
weakness of her claim.

References to the textseither quoting directly or referencing ideasmust be
cited using MLA style for documentation.
*You will need to cite the essays; see here for how to cite PDF files.

See Russell Bakers example below.

Baker, Russell. School vs. Education. 30 Aug. 2015. PDF file.

1. Your essay must adhere to MLA formatting. Click here to watch a helpful
2. Essay should be 3-5 full pages.

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