Indonesia Smoke Emergency By: Rima Yunike: Joko Widodo

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Indonesia Smoke Emergency

By: Rima Yunike

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

First of all, lets pray and thanks to our God, Allah SWT who has given us
mercies and blessings, so we can attend and gather in this place in good
condition. Sholawat and salam will given to our prophet Muhammad SAW, to
his dear friends, his family and also all of moeslems in the world that
following his guideline till the end of world. Secondly I would like to say thank
you very much for the jury that has given me chance to give my speech. And
in this good opportunity, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Rima
Yunike. You can call me Rima and Im fifth semester.
Today, I will deliver my speech with the title Indonesia smoke emergency
Ladies and gentlemen
Indonesia is the worlds largest producer of palm oil and fires are frequently
intentionally lit to clear the land with the resulting haze, but this year a
prolonged dry season and the impact have made situation far worse.
The fires have caused the air to turn a toxic sepia color in the worst hit areas
of Sumatra and Kalimantan, where levels of the Pollutant Standard Index
(PSI) have pushed toward 2.000, anything above 300 is considered
Ladies and gentlemen
Almost 27 million people are at serious risk for respiratory problems in
Sumatera because of the dense smoke that has blanketed the island for
days. The polluting haze is due to bush fires that cannot be easily
extinguished because of prolonged drought conditions.
President Joko Widodo has instructed government agencies to revoke the
permits of any palm oil companies involved in the burning of forests and
urged the arrest of those responsible. While Jokowi conceded in September
2015 that the recurrent haze was "not a problem that you can solve quickly",
he insisted that Indonesia had "gone to great lengths" to tackle the problem,
and declared: "You will see results soon and in three years we will have
solved this"
In addition, the existence of love the homeland should keep well. We can do
with the small everyday actions such as maintaining the cleanliness of the
environment around us.

As human being, I realized that I cant avoid the mistakes, so I apologized to

you all. And I dont forget to say thank you so much for your nice attention.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

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