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Nicole Verret


LEI 4724
Activity Portfolio 1

Bennett, J.L., Van Puymbroeck, M., Piatt, J.A., Rydell, R.J. (2014). Veterans Perceptions of
Benefits and Important Program Components of a Therapeutic Fly-Fishing Program.
Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 68(2), 169-187.
Equipment Needed: Basic fishing equipment for each participant a fishing rod, fishing line,
weights, bobbers, bait, hook. You will need one tackle box with extra fishing line, weights,
bobbers, hooks, needle nose plyers, first aid kid, towels, fishing net, wire cutters, bug spray (opt),
sun screen. Optional would be fishing waders for each participant.
Activity Description: The focus of this activity is to use adventure, exercise, and sensory
stimulation to stimulation personal discovery, explore challenges and face goals to work on
physical and psychological health through a fishing program. This activity can be broken down
into multiple sessions. One session can be spent learning the basics of fishing, such as fishing
safety, how to cast, how to attach a hook, local fishing laws, how to remove a fish safely. Also
the clients can be involved in picking fishing locations. This would be appropriate for individuals
as well as groups up to 6. Participants would be instructed upon arrival to prepare their
equipment, pick a location to fish from within a safe distance of other participants. At the close
of the group participants would be in charge of cleaning up their equipment, packing it away,
removing any trash created.
Leadership Considerations: This activity can be broken down into multiple sessions. One
session can be spent learning the basics of fishing, such as fishing safety, how to cast, how to
attach a hook, local fishing laws, how to remove a fish safely. Also the clients can be involved in
picking fishing locations. The instructor would need to be available to teach skills to the
individual or group, and to provide support and assistance as needed 1:1. The facilitator should
be able to see all participants and be within ear shot. If the participants are going into the river to
fish ideally the recreation therapist should also possess their lifeguard, first aid and CPR
certification. Important considerations would be any physical limitations of participants, the
weather, creek conditions (has it rained? Is there a risk of flash flooding?)
Adaptations: Person with a physical disability such as limited mobility (ambulation) or limited
dexterity, fishing could be done from somewhere wheelchair accessible such as a dock or boat.
For issues of manual dexterity, adaptive fishing poles or the use of instruments which are easier
to grasp would be beneficial. Hand over hand methods can be utilized, but it may be beneficial to
increase the ratio of staff to participants to be available to provide more 1:1 assistance.
person with mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety this activity could be adapted with
the use of mindfulness, centering on being in the moment, working on positive relaxation
techniques. It would be beneficial to have a strong, positive relationship with this client and to
explain clearly what will be happening. Encourage clients to be open with their communication
about any emotions they are experiencing in the moment, and be prepared to use the activity to
process their emotional state.

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