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Doc. #

Rev 1.0

B O -N D



01.07.201 1

: Candidate:
i Da te:
I Position Applied For: 1
I a) Which organization are you currently working wi th?

l Current

I b)
I c)

Bri efly describe abo ut your cun ent job responsi bilities?

What challenges you faced during your cunentiprevious job and how did you handi e it"

d) What aspects of your current/previousjob you find most rewarding"

, e) Piease state mai n reason for seek i ng n ev., _job'."


f) Are you involved in any Business Generation')

! g)

What is y our Stren gth? & What is your Weakness ?

I h) Describe your Educational Qualification & Exper i enc e

I i)

Describe about your computer Literacy with grading on the knowledge & experience.

/ j) Do you have valid UAE driving license?

s) Please provide your date of bi11h & nationality & current VIS A status (if you are alread y based in Middle E ast I GCC
An y of your re lati ve/ frien d i s work i ng i n Bond I nteriors ') If yes. plea se specif y the name.

i k) Current

Salary & Benefits

1) What is your notice period? If selected when can you stai1working?

Ca reer Aspi rations:

/ m ) What is your ideal role ? Which other posi tions woul d y ou cons i der ?

! n) What is your great career achievement so far')

o) What career goals do you want to achieve in next two years?

! p) What type of company would you like to work for') For exampl e. size. i ndustry. nature of
business etc.?

I q)

All -in salary packa ge are becomi ng more common . What is your bottom line total salary

package expectations (Including annual air ticket and medical insurance):1

Other I Important Information Required:

I r)

What is your availability for Interview and I or telephone interviews? How much notice
would you need to attend an interview ? ( Ifyou are selected for the next stage)

i u)

Where did you see our job advenised ?

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