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Journal week2

The second week of the teaching practice, at Fatema bent Mubarak School. It was a wonderful
week. My teaching practice in this week was starting on 6th of October, 2015. I went to school at
7:30. In this week I taught students 3 times. I thought grade 5 girls and grad 3 boys. My first class
of this week was for grade 5, I taught them about writing about myself. When I reflected on my
teaching, I found I should be more organize on the time also I should varity of the punishment. I
think I do well on my teaching is I make the activity by group because it will helps them to be
more cooperation. My second class was for grad 3 boys, about positions, when I reflected I
thought found another strategy to manage the class also I should do the flash card more bigger,
also I think I do well by using song for child about their lesson on the class because it give them
motivate and they have and giving them out from the teaching routine. My third class was for
grade 5 about past tense, I did jigsaw strategy which is move the students from group to group
to do activity. It was work well however in next time if I chose the same strategy I will improve it
to be more safety when they move. In this week I was helps my teacher on correct the exams.
Also I attend to the attending morning assembly.

That is morning assembly

Students was talking about them self

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