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KIN 3090 Field Placement 1

Hannah Winters (0810066)

Field Placement 1: Career Map Assignment

Hannah Winters
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

KIN 3090 Field Placement 1

Hannah Winters (0810066)


Amy Rosenboom, Registered Massage Therapist
February 25, 2015 @ 10:30am
Interesting points:

It was surprising to hear how much taxes are a concern when owning a business; Amy
made it clear how important budgeting is right from the beginning
Limitations in her practice as a personal trainer; she could stretch clients to help them but
couldnt assess so as a massage therapist she can do more

Question: With your experience, in your opinion, what is the biggest limitation/problem in the
corporate fitness/gym industry?
Dr. Tiffany Giecko, HBSc.DC, Chiropractor
March 3, 2015 @ 10:30am
Interesting points:

Despite her small stature, she is able to adjust and work on relatively large patients with
the use of techniques that give her a biomechanical advantage
I did not know that there were two types of chiropractors; it was surprising to learn about
them and how different and conflicting they are

Question: Are both streams of chiropractics, rationalist and vitalist, taught in the same school? So
do you have the opportunity to choose which direction youd like to take after learning a bit
about both?
Ninko Pangilinan, Owner of Nitro Fitness
March 11, 2015 @ 9am
Interesting points:

Started with no business experience to successfully running a multi-location business;

Ninko proved that you dont need to know everything about business to be successful,
more important is being able to offer a product that people see value in
Clinio partnership is a great he offers for people who cant afford personal training and
can use physio benefits

Question: What is the most difficult part of running your own business?

KIN 3090 Field Placement 1

Hannah Winters (0810066)

High school physical education teacher
Teaching students from grades 9-12 how to make physical activity a part of their life by
developing healthy habits. Also, to educate young adults about human health and development.
Skills and abilities: I have gained experience working with high school students through GuelphHumbers placement program. Having had the opportunity to return to my old high school, I was
able to take a leadership role in a classroom environment to promote healthy active living
through sports and team activities.
Working with EMT, emergency care assistants, etc. to provide emergency medical assistance to
patients in response to 911 calls and on the way to hospitals.
Skills and abilities: in the past three years, I have gained communication skills in communicating
with people of varying status appropriately in different situations. For example, I have practiced
communicating with people in an authoritative position (professors, professionals, etc.),
colleagues (classmates, peers), and clients. This would help me conduct myself appropriately as I
work with different people as a paramedic; when Im in a trainee position, peer-to-peer situation,
or when Im seen as a source of help to a person in need of emergency assistance.
Taking a holistic approach to improving the quality of life of clients. Physiotherapists help
manage acute and chronic conditions and rehabilitate injuries using therapeutic exercise and
other various modalities. They also work to promote optimal mobility, posture, physical activity,
and overall health.
Skills and abilities: In the past 3 years at Guelph-Humber, I have learned that not everyone
prioritizes physical health as much as I do and that some people are not motivated to change poor
lifestyle habits. Over the course of my time in post-secondary studies, I have learned how to help
motivated people and to set and achieve goals. In this profession, this is important for there are
many people at different stages of preparedness for change and for some people, they may need
to make some big changes in their lives to improve their health. With the skills Ive gained, I feel
more comfortable working with many different kinds of people.

KIN 3090 Field Placement 1

Hannah Winters (0810066)


Dominant Strengths:


High school physical education teacher:

As a high school teacher, I will sometimes have to be a mentor and a source of guidance for
students. Having empathy, I can be understanding of the students and help them find a voice for
their feelings. Having a developer trait, I can see the potential in others and I believe this would
help me bring out the strengths in my students. Id find ways to challenge them to help them
grow. One way I could do this is through developing their skills in sports. As an includer, I would
be able to help all students feel included in class and abolish judgment in the classroom.
As a paramedic, being restorative I can be able to push myself in difficult and complex problems.
Especially in a profession where there are a lot of unpredictable and different situations I can
find myself in, I can find a way to break out of a systematic way of doing things that I may have
learned in training and do what needs to be done in order to help others. I may be able to find
some shortcoming in the approach I am taught when facing emergency situations and with
experience, find what works for me. Empathy is a trait that would complement this profession
because I would be facing people in vulnerable and dangerous situations. With empathy, I can
understand how they may be feeling and speak to them appropriately to help them cope with the
situation. As an includer, I can gain the support of everyone on my team to work together. I can
make each member feel valued and as an important contribution to the team.
As a physiotherapist, being restorative would be an asset especially when working with clients
who are dealing with injuries and pain. I like solving problems and I would get great gratification
from being able to restore a client back to good health and helping them get rid of their pain.
Having empathy, I would be able to a see my clients situation from their perspective. Being able
to understand how theyre feeling, it would be easier for me to build a working relationship with
them. I can use my developer trait to keep building up my clients confidence and keeping them
motivated with small successes and progress.
I feel that physiotherapy is the most suitable career for me. I enjoy helping people and with the
extent to which back pain and injuries affect people, I know people would give almost anything

KIN 3090 Field Placement 1

Hannah Winters (0810066)

for pain relief and to get their old functionality and health back. I would like to one day open my
own private practice. I really like holistic healing and believe energy and exercise are great

JOB TITLE: Physiotherapy

- Assessing clients: testing and measuring for pain, functionality, disability, other health
- Diagnosing: finding clinical reasoning for results of assessment
- Planning & implementing interventions: considering clients goals, health, needs, and
assessment results to select and administer appropriate techniques to relieve pain,
improve/regain mobility and health. Interventions can include and are not limited to:
exercise programs, soft tissue & manual therapy, electrotherapy, and education.
- Communication with team members and clients
- Client consultation: give professional advice and guidance
- Lifelong learning & research: to keep up-to-date with current research and keeping
modern practices to keep developing skills to help clients.
I would have my clinic in a suburban area where there is a fitness centre
nearby or the clinic will be in the fitness centre. It would be under a 30
minute commute away. I would have a team with a chiropractor, a massage
therapist, a nutritionist, and a small group of kinesiologists. The gym would
have exercise equipment for the kinesiologists to use for exercise programs
with clients.
- 4-6 days/week, 5-8 hrs/day, able to take house calls
- Seeing progress at follow-up assessments so I can see positive results
from my interventions and programs
- Hearing positive reports from clients about how they are feeling as
their health improves
- Interacting with many different types of people and learning to bring
out their strengths to help them achieve their goals
- Trying to motivate clients who are not contemplating making lifestyle
changes, I would need to work hard to find ways to motivate them and
to realize the importance of their health

KIN 3090 Field Placement 1


Hannah Winters (0810066)

Dealing with the finances in owning a business, especially in the early

stages of business, Im sure it will be a challenge to budget for taxes
and such while trying to grow


- Starting out of University: $40 000
- 5 yrs experience: $50 000
- 10 yrs experience: $65 000+
- Malpractice insurance
- Bonus for weekends, evenings, and holidays
- Massage beds, electrotherapy machines, office supplies, building lease
Receptionist: Take phone calls, schedule appointments, greet clients, filing,
processing insurance claims
Kinesiologist: Can be considered an entry-level position. Following
physiotherapists and chiropractors prescription and guidelines for treatment
Massage Therapist: massage clients to facilitate the healing process, do
manual soft tissue therapy, and release tension
Physiotherapist: assess and suggest clinical diagnoses for clients for actual
or apparent functionality, mobility, and other health implications. Also,
implement and apply therapeutic modalities and exercise programs to
rehabilitate clients.
Chiropractor: diagnose physical contraindications and injuries, make
adjustments, and work together with the rest of the team to regain clients
functionality and mobility.
- Complete high school with English, math, and biology
- Have valid first aid and CPR certificate
- Join College of Kinesiologists of Ontario to start out as a Kinesiologist
- Masters degree in Physiotherapy
- Write the Physiotherapy Competency Examination (PCE)
- Join College of Physiotherapists of Ontario
Ontario Physiotherapy Association:
Search terms: Physiotherapist, Ontario
Search terms: Physiotherapy, Ontario
Career Services at University of Guelph-Humber: Jamie Kunkel

KIN 3090 Field Placement 1

Hannah Winters (0810066)

KIN 3090 Field Placement 1

Hannah Winters (0810066)

EXTRAS: (4 Marks)

KIN 3090 Field Placement 1


Hannah Winters (0810066)

Attend physiotherapy and health workshops

Get volunteer experience in different environments (clinic, hospital,
school, office, etc.)
Gain other skills and qualifications: acupuncture, massage therapy


Queens University; Master of Science in Physical Therapy MSc(PT)

Admission requirements: 4 year baccalaureate, 70%+
1 intro Psychology course
Undergraduate level statistics, human anatomy, and physiology
Volunteer work, community service, personal experience
Complete Queen's Physical Therapy Personal Submission questions
2 letters of reference
Show strong interest in the profession of physiotherapy, knowledge of
the profession and desire to work with people of all ages and
Immunization records up to date


Sofia Shaikh: Physiotherapist at PhysioMed Mississauga, I volunteered

at her clinic one summer, contact through email in beginning of 2016
Darryl Reid: Physiotherapist at Synergy Sports Medicine, guest speaker
at UoGuelph-Humber, contact through email in beginning of 2016
Glen Slekirk: Professor at UoGuelph-Humber, can help with research in
4th year, contact through email in 7th semester
Student Experience Fund: contact Alice Aiken for funding application

Taking time off after my undergraduate studies to travel- I may forget
some things I learned in my time off. My grades in my last semester
may not be good enough;
To resolve this, I would organize my time better, discipline myself more
when it comes to studies, and get more assistance when I need it. If I
travel, I will try to at least stay on top of the latest research.
- Not gaining enough experience for graduate studies: I may need to
take extra time after I graduate from the Kin program to get some
more field experience.
To resolve this, Id spend my summer gaining as many volunteer hours as
I can.

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