Test - 5th Grade Ecosystems Unit Test - Quizlet

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“Test Sth gage scence chapter scott foresman | Quizet. Quizlet MAE 9 sgh pt rsinr i Wetland a these are made from nitrogen in the air by lightning, 2 This biome covers much of Canada _—_soill bacteria, and some plants and Russia in places that are cold and fairly dry and also its very cold so is the tundra its like the taiga b_ Taiga Biomes © 3 the population will get smaller, this land is partly covered with water or is flooded at some ofits members might move away to Jeast{partofeach year find other food or they will die d__ consist all the populations in an area 4. Nitrogen Compounds @ Niche place in which an organism lives 5. Habitat g Limited Factors 6 is water, space, mates, and food h 7 isthe role (job) an organism has in What will happen if a population's needs are not met? that habitat i What are some things that plants and animals may 8 Community ccinpeter 8. includes the amount of food, space, water, and mates “Test Sth gage scence chapter scott foresman | Quizet. «. a group of organisms of one species 4, organisms that eat waste and dead matter 3, aconsumer that eats both plants and animals a. What isa consumer? b. What isa omnivore ¢. What is a carnivore? d. What is a herbivore? 4, where rivers flow into oceans a. Wetland b. River c. Estuary d. Host 5. What is a habitat made up of? a. is water, space, mates, and food b. soil, air, water, and as well as the plants of the area ¢. consist all the populations in an area 4, this gas makes up about 2/10 of the air 6. Biomes a. soil, air, water, and as well as the plants of the area b. isthe role (job) an organism has in that habitat c. this happens when organisms compete for things they need 4. world is divided into large climate/ organism region: blomes together make biosphere 7. land partly covered with water or partly flooded a. Wetland 8 og Fe pt rime “Test Sth gage scence chapter scott foresman | Quizet. 1. an illustration that shows how animals are connected in their search for food within an ecosystem — What is a food web? True False 2. organisms that eat waste and dead matter ~ What is a carnivore? True False 3. Abiome that is covered with many types of grasses and few trees ~- Grassland Biomes True False 4, Population ~ a group of organisms of one species True False 5. an area of allliving and nonliving things ~ Ecosystem True False 6. Parasite ~ an organism that feeds off another organism True False 7. this gas enters the atmosphere through cellular respiration and combustion ~ Limited Factors True False 8. Deciduous Forest Biomes ~- these biomes are found on all continents except Europe and it has alot of, water True False

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