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Blogging for the 21st Century Educator

By: Tina Moses

NETS Addressed: NETS-T -1.A, 2.A

Focus Questions:
How can blogging enhance your classroom?

Related Questions:
How can teachers incorporate blogging in the classroom?
How to create effective blogs?
Do teachers understand blogging?

Resources Needed:
A computer with high speed internet, and Microsoft PowerPoint

The participants will view a PowerPoint defining blogs and ways blogs can be integrated in
classrooms. The participants will view a video entitled What is a blog?
The participants will answer the questions regarding their experience with blogging.
The participants will view websites of examples of effective blogs and create blogs to be
evaluated by other groups.

Extension Ideas:
Encourage Teachers to use blogs in their classroom.

Teaching Tips:
Realize some teachers simply do not have the confidence to use technology in their classroom.
Serve as a resource for teachers as they implement blogging in the classroom.
Encourage collaboration among teachers.

Teachers will use to complete a survey.

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