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Lesson Plan: Teacher Technology Tools

Teacher name
Grade Level
Time duration

Lizzie Leighton
Physical Science
8th Grade
45 minutes

Materials needed

Promethean Board
ActivInspire flipchart
Cornell Notes

Lesson Objective

SOL PS.3 The student will investigate and understand the

modern and historical models of atomic structure. Key
concepts include:
a) The contributions of Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford,
and Bohr in understanding the atom; and
b) The modern model of atomic structure.

Purpose of the

The student will be able to:

1. Understand the different parts that make up an
a. Proton, neutron, electrons, atomic mass,
atomic number
2. Create a representation of where protons, neutrons,
and electrons are in an element using Bohrs atomic
3. Identify and explain vital scientific discoveries on
atoms and their corresponding scientist.


1. Teacher will open with the short funny video The Atoms
2. Cornell note sheets are passed out to each student, with
extras placed in the back of the room for students to take
as needed.
3. The teacher will open with a question on atoms to see
what students already know. After taking some answers,
an ActivInspire presentation is loaded onto the


Promethean Board.
4. Students will take notes on important scientists and their
atomic discoveries. Bohrs atomic model, Daltons atomic
theory, Thomsons discovery of the electron and its
negative charge, and Rutherfords discovery of a charged
nucleus will be discussed. Questions on the scientists and
their discoveries will be asked to students to have them
reiterate the new material for memorization.
5. Teacher introduces the atomic parts: protons, neutrons,
6. Notes are taken on protons, neutrons, electrons, how to
find an atoms atomic mass or number, and how to
organize atoms in Bohrs model
7. A quick video on the atomic model and atoms parts is
8. Students will come to the board to create examples of
Bohrs model by using elements from the periodic table
9. Teacher will ask students where they are on the
information by showing hand signals: thumbs up/down, or
an in between thumb.
10.Students will be asked questions and called on to answer
on material that was just taught.
11.Students will keep their class notes out on their desk,
and remove everything else on their desk except a pen
or a pencil. A worksheet and lab activity on atoms will be
distributed to the students for the next activity.
The students will be able to demonstrate absorption of
todays lesson by answering a 5-question exit ticket. The
exit ticket will require students to draw Bohrs atomic model,
label an elements atomic mass and number, identity the
leading physics and their findings, and differentiate between
protons, neutrons, and electrons. This will be collected,
graded, and returned to students the next class meeting.

The ISTE Standards were created to help teachers organize, plan, assess, and
carryout lessons that are technology enriched with educational purposes.
Technology standards called TSIPs were created to regulate teachers use of
technology for educational purposes. This lesson allows the teacher to promote and
model digital aged skill by showing knowledge and expertise on how to work the

technology for students to see, as well as how to be a good digital citizen by sitting
the video sources. The teacher also encourages and motivates student learning
and creativity by inviting students to come up to the board to answer questions.
Creativity is sparked through watching The Atoms Family video, because it shows
students that taking a well-known song tune and changing the words to help you
remember material can be fun and easy. Simply in the creation of the flipchart for
the students, the teacher also shows creativity in creating the ActivInspire lesson.
Using ActivInspire as an educational tool allows the teacher to improve their digital
tool skills and show effective technology procedures. In developing the flipchart,
the teacher is designing and evaluating how the student will be able to effectively
learn the material from the digital tool created. The ActivInspire lesson supports the
TSIPs by demonstrating knowledge of effective technology use, ethical and legal
use, and the application of access and exchanging information through the videos
and information gathered, as well as the use of proper citations. Using the
Promethean Board and ActivInspire to present the lesson demonstrates effective
use of computer software, and application of technological tools to access and
exchange information. Finally, the teachers lesson confirms the capability of using,
locating, and assessing instructional hardware and software for a successful
educational student experience.

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